Открытый урок Внешний вид и характер человека

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«Внешний вид и характер человека».

Match these characteristics with the correсt definitions.

1) talkative a) likes to give orders

2) bossy b) has good manners

3) shy c) talks a lot

4) selfish d) shares things with friends

5) lazy e) is interested only in himself

6) sociable f) does not like working

7) polite g) does not say much in front of other people

8) honest h) likes to be around people

Compare people characteristics with animals traits. Can you find these similes. Match, рlease!

funny a rabbit

clever a shark

As scary as a dolphin

blind a wolf

careful a monkey

dangerous a penguin

hungry a mole

When we speak about somebody's figure, face, hands, feet we mean his or her appearance. A person may be tall, middle-sized or short, thin or plump. A face may be round, oval or square. In summer some people may have freckles on their faces. Old people have wrinkled faces.

People's hair may be long or short, thin or thick, good or bad, straight or curly. If it is long it is often plaited. Its colour may be black or fair, chestnut or red. Old people have grey hair. Women usually have their hair done at the hairdresser's.

Eyes may be large or small. They may be of different colour, grey, green, black, or hazel (brown).

Cheeks may be rosy or pale (if a person is ill), plump or hollow (if a person is very ill). Some people have dimples in their cheeks when they smile.

The manner of walking is called the walk (gait). One's step maybe: light, heavy, firm. Old people often shuffle their feet, have a shuffling gait.

talkative [ˈtɔːkətɪv] -разговорчивый horrible ['hɔrəbl] - ужасное

Bossy [ˈbɔsɪ] -властный thoughtful-задумчивый

shy /ʃaɪ/ - застенчивый, робкий

selfish /ˈselfɪʃ/-эгоистичный

lazy /ˈleɪzɪ/ -ленивый

sociable /ˈsəʊʃəbl/ - общительный

polite /pəˈlaɪt/-вежливый

honest /ˈɒnɪst/ -честный

funny /ˈfʌnɪ/-забавный, смешной, веселый

clever /ˈklevəʳ/ -умный

scary /ˈskɛərɪ/ -страшный, жуткий

careful /ˈkɛəfʊl/-осторожный

dangerous /ˈdeɪndʒrəs/ -опасный

hungry /ˈhʌŋgrɪ/-голодный

sad-грустный, печальный

A Figure - ['fɪgə] ['фигэ] - Фигура

slim [slim] - стройная

little, small - [lɪtl], [smo:l] [литл], [смол] - маленькая

thin, skinny [θɪn], ['skɪnɪ]- худая

stout [staut] - коренастый

fat [fæt]/ stout - тучный, толстый, упитанный тоже можно использовать, менее корректнo

large, big [lɑːʤ], [big] - большая

freckles - веснушки.

wrinkles - морщины.

brown hair - шатен

brunette - брюнет .

blond(e) блондин

beautiful ['bjuːtəful]- красивое (о женщине)

handsome ['hænsəm] - красивое (о мужчине)

ruddy ['rʌdɪ]['ради] - румяное

pale [peil] - бледное

gloomy ['glu:mi] - мрачное

pretty, nice ['prɪtɪ], [nais] - приятное, симпатичное

plain [pleɪn] - некрасивое

ugly ['ʌglɪ- уродливое

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