Ағылшын тілінен сабақ жоспары Where is our car?

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс -
Тип Конспекты
Формат docx
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The theme of the lesson: Adventure in the jungle. Where's our car?

The aims of the lesson:1) Educational: Presentation of the lesson "Adventure in the jungle. Where's our car?", to train new words (camera, frog, jungle, snake, track, spider).

2) Developing: To develop the pupils habits of the oral speech , to develop pupils creative and logical abilities, understanding, reading and writing, grammar and lexical skills.

3) Bringing-up: to bring up love and interest to the subject, to respect each other, to create an English atmosphere in the classroom.

Inter-subject connection: Kazakh, English

The type of the lesson: presentation, integrative

Methods of teaching: training, explanation, demonstration, interaction

The equipment of the lesson: pictures, CD.

The procedure of the lesson

Organization moment


-Good afternoon, children?

- Good afternoon, teacher!

Phonetic drills

  • Today we have a new poem. At first I'll read it, then you must repeat after me.

Bring back, bring back,

My Bonnie to me.

Check up the home task

- What was your home task for today?

- Our home task was exercise 3 from activity book (draw the picture)

The Presentation of the new theme

- Today's our new theme is " Adventure in the jungle. Where's our car?"

New words

- Ok, pupils. Today we have new words. At first I'll read, then you must repeat after me.

camera -

frog -

jungle -

snake -

track -

spider -

-What's the Kazakh/English for...?

- Repeat after/with me.

Doing exercise

Open your Pupil's book at page 10, exercise 1. Listen and follow

There's a telephone in the Adventure Car. Su and Leo answer it.

Leo, look! You can see the people. They're near a river in the jungle.

In the jungle. Hello! Hello! Su, be careful. Dangerous animals live here. Snakes, spider, tigers, frogs ...

Hello! We're over here. Hello! We can take you home. We've got a car here.

Thanks! My name's Paula's. The monkeys have got Jim's map. And they've got Paula's camera.

Well, you're safe now. Our car! Where's our car? Leo, look. There are tracks!

Exercise 2, p 11. Find the things in the pictures in Exercise 1. Ask your friend

Whose pencil is this? It's Su's.

Whose ruler is this? It's Kanat's

Whose pen is this? It's Asel's

Exercise 4. Sing a song.

One little monkey is in my house

He's always here with me

He's got a friend,

They want to play.

Now two little monkeys are in my house.

Two little monkeys are in my house

He's always here with me

He's got a friend,

They want to play.

Now three little monkeys are in my house

Open your Activity books at page 8, exercise 1. Look at the picture. Whose things are these? Write about them.

1)This is Paula's pen

2) This is Leo's book

3) This is Su's bottle

4) This is Jim's bag

5) This is Su's telescope

6) This is Leo's sandwich

Exercise 2, at page 9. Can you find the way ? Colour the correct way.

You can read it: book

You can eat it: a sandwich

You can kick it: a ball

You can drink it: milk

You can find your way with it: a map

You can see with it: a telescope

Control of understanding

- Well, pupils, answer my questions. What is the Kazakh for ' jungle' ? What is the English for 'жылан' ?

Home task

- For home task exercise 3 from activity book, p 9. Think. Write a sentences for the groups of animals.


I'll put you marks. Your mark is excellent, good, sat.


  • Have you understood the lesson?

  • Yes.

  • Ok. Everybody stand up, the lesson is over Good - bye.

  • Good - bye, teacher.


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