Сабақ жоспары Ауаның ластануы

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 11 класс
Тип Другие методич. материалы
Формат docx
Изображения Нет
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Theme: Pollution


  1. to teach pupils to get main information from reading, from the Internet, from other subjects while preparing

project works on the theme, to apprehend the problems of ecology and to think of the ways to help to solve them.

  1. To develop oral speech, to improve pronunciation, to train thematic vocabulary, to summarize grammar on Conditionals.(first, second),to develop reading skills.

  2. To develop memory and attention.

Interaction: Geography

Түрі: аралас сабақ mixed

The type of the lesson: revision

Methods: explanation, question-answer, a game.

Visual aids: an interactive board, a picture, cards

Inter subject connection: Kazakh, Geography,Russian

The procedure of the lesson.





Organization moment

-Good morning, my friends!

Let's begin our lesson.

-Who is on duty today?

-Who is absent?

-What date is it today?

It was to collect information about Ecology.

1 min


Checking homework

  • Well, my friends your hometask was to collect information on your project work.

  • Please, share your information with us.

Students's project works.

10 min


  • Warm-up

  • The world is a very beautiful place. There are beautiful mountains, wonderful rivers and large forest. But some people are destroying the environment

  • First look at the screen

So tell me please

What is the theme of our lesson?

So, today we are going to speak about pollution.

We 'll revise grammar

First and second conditionals.

  • We are going to discuss the problem of environment protection.




-So tell me please, what environmental problems do we have?

The water is polluted

The air is polluted

Trees are cut down

People kill animals

Soil is polluted

Plants die from pollution.

Food is not healthy.


Work with the text

Open your books on p.80 ex 6

New words

10 min


Revision of the Ist and IInd Conditionals:

  • Type I -the Present Tense in the if clause refers to a possible future action

  • Болуы мүмкін шартты және оның келер шақтағы нәтижесін білдіреді.

  • Type II- The Past Tense refers to something unreal, imaginary.

  • Шындыққа келмейтін және оның мүмкін болатын нәтижесін білдіреді.Бұл шарттың орындалуы екіталай және ол шындыққа қарама-қарсы іс-әрекетті білдіреді.



- Look at the blackboard. This is a tree without leaves. Try to answer and do some tasks,for each correct answer it will grow.

-Әрбір дұрыс жауаптың арқасында бұл ағаш жапырақтармен көркееді.

Сондықтан белсенділік танытайық!




Қарташамен жұмыс

So let's do exercise.

I'll give you these cards

1. If we( protect)the Earth we (keep) it for our generations.

2. I'm not a Minister of Ecology and Environment protection. If I (be) a Minister, I( control) that there were not any litterbags.

3. If pollution (increase), nature (die).

4. If we(pollute) the water, fish will die.

4 min


Сергіту сәті

Сергіту әдісі пантонима ойыны

Let's play a game " pantomime"

I'll give you this card, You should show this word and you'll guess it.

Пантонима ойынын ойнау үшін сіздерді ортаға шақырамын Сіздер сөздерді ( ишара)мимика арқылы түсіндіресіздер.

2 min


Полиглот ойыны

1) _________ жағалағанның өзегі талмас,
Өзен - река - river
2) Туған ___________ тұғырың.
Жер - земля - earth
3) Сайрағанның бәрі ___________ емес.
Құс - птица - bird
4) Жел болмаса ___________ басы қозғалмайды.
Шөп - трава - grass
5) ___________ сұрауы бар.
Су - вода - water
6) Бірінші байлық - ________
Денсаулық - здоровье - health
7) ________ оттан да ыстық.
Отан - Родина - Motherland

3 min


Қарташамен жұмыс

Guess the meanings and translate them into Russian and Kazakh.

1. It is the earth with all people, animals and plants. (world - мир- әлем)

2. It means to make air, water, soil dirty or dangerously impure. (to pollute-загрязнять-ластау)

3. It means the action of pollute. (pollution-загрязнение-ластану)

4. It means to kill, to ruin completely. (to destroy - уничтожить-жою)

5. It is the ground that covers the earth in which the plants grow. (soil-почва-топырақ)

6. It means all the surroundings conditions; the natural conditions such as air, water, land, in which man lives. (environment-окружающая среда-қоршаған орта)

7. It means to protect the nature or keep safe from harm. (to save-сохранить - сақтау)

5 min


Now, pupils let's make the code of ecological rules for all people.

  • Don't break trees

  • Don't leave litter

  • Keep the country tidy

  • Put litter away

  • -Grow trees and flowers

  • Don't burn trees

  • Don't cut wild flowers


Үй жұмысы

Ex.6 p 80 to retell the text

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