Итоговая контрольная работа по специальности «Ремонт и обслуживание автомобильного транспорта»

Контрольная работа предназначена для итогового контроля по английскому языку для студентов СПО, обучающихся по специальности «Ремонт и обслуживание автомобильного транспорта»     Контрольная работа состоит из двух вариантов, каждый из которых содержит 11 пунктов.     Задания содержат грамматический материал по теме «Причастия «, обширный материал по профессиональной лексике, послетекстовые задания, переводы с английского на руссский, и с русского на английский, тест по специальности со специальн...
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Итоговая контрольная работа по специальности «Ремонт и обслуживание автомобильного транспорта»АТ- 401 В-1

1. Translate into Russian , paying attention to the terms.

1. After graduating from the college I shall become a technician.


2. I shall deal with manufacturing cars.


3.The production of the automobile comprises five phases, such as: designing, working out the technology of manufacturing processes, laboratory tests, road tests, mass production. _____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

4. The automobile of today must have high efficiency, long service life, driving safety, ease of maintenance and be stable on the road.__________________________________


5. The automobile must meet up-to-date demands, that is, it must have rapid acceleration, smooth-acting clutch, silent gearbox, dependable braking and steering systems, dependable ignition system._________________________________________________


6. Before the car is put into mass-production it must be subjected to laboratory and road tests. ___________________________________________________________________


7. Technicians should know the technology of manufacturing processes.


2. Read and translate international words.

Specialist -……………… , automobile - ……………….,industry - …………………., production - …………….., phase - ……………., technology - ……………, process - ………….., test -………………, mass - …………….., fact - …………, service - …………., comfortable -………………….., ecological - …………………., method - …………, type - …………….., corrosion - …………………, material - ………………, optimal - ……………….., problem - ………………, mechanism - ………………, control - ………………., system - ……………….

3.Translate words, paying attention to the meaning of the suffix

Industry - industrial;____________________________________________________

to produce - production - producer;


to design - designer; _____________________________________________________

technology - technological - technologically;


to require - requirement;__________________________________________________

efficient - efficiency - efficiently;


safe - safely - safety;


to maintain - maintenance; ________________________________________________

comfort - comfortable; ___________________________________________________

ecology - ecological; _____________________________________________________

to resist - resistance - resistant;


to operate - operation - operational;


to accelerate - acceleration;________________________________________________

to construct - construction ________________________________________________

4.Read and translate the text.

Automobile Production

I study at the college, at the automobile-construction department. When I graduate from the college I shall become a technician. All specialists in automobile industry dealing with manufacturing automobiles (cars or trucks) must know that the production of the automobile comprises the following phases:

  1. -designing;

  2. -working out the technology of manufacturing processes;

  3. -laboratory tests;

  4. -road tests;

  5. -mass manufacturing (production).

Why is it necessary to know all these facts? It is important to know them, as before the automobile is put into mass production it should be properly designed and the car must meet up-to-date requirements. What are these requirements?

The automobile must have high efficiency, long service life, driving safety, ease of handling and maintenance, pleasant apperance. Also it must be comfortable and ecological. In order to obtain these qualities the specialists should develop up-to-date methods of designing cars using new types of resistant to corrosion light materials. Also it is important to know computer sciences because computers offer quick and optimal solutions of the problems. Besides they are used for better operation of mechanisms in cars.

Before the car is put into mass production the units of the car are subjected to tests in the Works laboratory and then the car undergoes a rigid quality control in road tests. Why are these tests required? What qualities are required of the automobile? They are needed because the modern automobile must be rapid in acceleration, have smooth acting clutch, silent gearbox, dependable braking and steering systems, dependable ignition system, low fuel consumption and be stable on the road.

5. Key vocabulary /expressions

technician - техник

deal with manufacturing cars - иметь дело с производством автомобилей

work out the technology of manufacturing processes - разрабатывать технологию производственных процессов

put into mass production - запустить в массовое производство

subject to tests - подвергать испытаниям

dependable brakes - надежные тормоза

driving safety - безопасность управления автомобилем

long service life - долгий срок службы

rapid acceleration - приемистость

ease of maintenance - простота техобслуживания

meet up-to-date demands (requirements) - отвечать современным требованиям

be stable on the road - быть устойчивым на дороге

ignition system - система зажигания

fuel consumption - расход топлива

car - легковой автомобиль

truck - грузовой автомобиль

6. Find in the text answers to questions:

1. What department do you study at?

2. What will you become after graduating from the college?

3. What should automobile specialists know?

4. What phases does the production of the automobile comprise?

5. What requirements must modern automobiles meet?

6. Why are automobile units and mechanisms subjected to laboratory and road tests?

7. What qualities are required of the automobile?

8. Why are computers used in cars?

7. Fill in the blanks prepositions and translate the sentences into Russian.

1. After graduating ... the college I shall deal ... manufacturing cars.________________

2. The production ... the automobile comprises five phases. _______________________

3. Specialists ... automobile industry should develop up-to-date methods... designing cars.


4. In producing automobiles new types ... resistant... corrosion light materials should be used.___________________________________________________________________

5. All cars undergo a rigid quality control... tests.________________________________

6. The car is put... mass production after laboratory and road tests.__________________

7. Technicians must know the technology... manufacturing processes... cars.___________

8. Complete the sentence by choosing the appropriate variant.

1. An automobile specialist deals with ....

a. working out technological processes;

b. constructing and manufacturing cars;

c. producing new resistant to corrosion light materials.

2. The production of the automobile comprises ....

a. designing and mass production;

b. manufacturing and tests;

c. designing and working out technological processes, laboratory and road tests and mass production.

3.The cars are subjected to tests in order....

a. to work out new technological processes;

b. to meet up-to-date requirements;

c. to shorten the time between designing and manufacturing.

4.The qualities required of the automobile are ....

a. high efficiency, long service life, driving safety and pleasant appearance;

b. smooth acting clutch, silent gearbox, dependable braking and steering systems;

c. new types of resistant to corrosion materials.

5. The car must have the following units:....

a. high efficiency, long service life, driving safety and pleasant appearance;

b. smooth-acting clutch, silent gearbox, dependable braking and steering systems;

c. new types of resistant to corrosion materials.

9. Remove from the right column of Russian words and phrases appropriate the English from the left column.

1. automobile construction college a. долгий срок службы

  1. 2.to graduate from the college b. простое техобслуживание

3.low fuel consumption c. запустить в массовое производство

  1. 4.to deal with d. подвергать испытаниям

5. designing cars e. плавное сцепление

  1. 6. mass production f. отвечать современным требованиям

  2. 7.long service life g. иметь дело

  3. 8.driving safety h. надежные тормоза

9.to work out i. учебная программа

10.ease of maintenance j. разрабатывать

11.the technology of manufacturing processes l. безопасность вождения

  1. 12.to put into mass production m. автомобилестроительный колледж

  2. 13.to subject to tests n. жесткий контроль качества

  3. 14.a rigid quality control o. бесшумная коробка передач

  4. 15.to meet up-to-date demands (requirements) p. конструирование автомобилей

16.rapid acceleration q. окончить колледж

  1. 17.smooth-acting clutch r. технология производственных процессов

  2. 18. silent gearbox s. специалисты

19.dependable brakes t. массовое производство

20.steering system t. массовое производство

21.an academic program u. система рулевого управления

22.experts v. малый расход топлива

23.ignition system w.приёмистость

10. Translate into Russian language sentences containing forms of Participle I, Participle II:

1. They were spending their holidays in Moscow.


2. The money was spent on computer games.


3. They were choosing the books in the library the whole morning yesterday.


4. The books were chosen by them. 5. I like the singing birds.


6. I like the birds singing in the trees.


7. The spoken language was difficult to understand.


8. The article written by this journalist was unusual.


9. Writing a composition he was making some mistakes.


10. Having written a composition he went out.


11.Translate into Russian

1. The supper was being cooked by the mother at that moment.


2. TV was being watched by them.


3. A letter is being written by the boy at 6 o'clock.


4. A beautiful girl is being described by him.


5. A heavy box is being carried by the workers.


6. The classes are being attended by the students all the term.


7. The exams were being passed by him at the end of the term.


8. The Don river is being nicknamed by rostovites "Father Don".


9. At that moment the customhouse was being replaced by the fortress.


10. The test was being written by them the whole morning yesterday.

АТ-401 В-2

1. Translate into Russian , paying attention to the terms.

wheels and springs - колеса с рессорами

hood - капот

fenders - крылья

heater - отопитель

windshield wiper - стеклоочиститель

include - включать в себя

consist of - состоять из

as well - также

in turn - в свою очередь

source of power - источник энергии

fuel - топливо

cooling - охлаждение

lubricating - смазка

2.Read and translate the text.

Components of the Automobile

The automobile is made up of three basic parts: the power plant, or the engine, the chassis and the body.

The engine is the source of power that makes the wheels rotate and the car move. It includes fuel, cooling, lubricating and electric systems. Most automobile engines have six or eight cylinders

The chassis includes a power train (power transmission), a running gear, steering and braking systems as well.

The power train carries the power from the engine to the car wheels.

The power transmission, in turn, contains the clutch, gearbox, cardan shaft, final drive, differential, rear axle and axle shafts. The running gear consists of a frame with axles, wheels and springs.

The body has a hood, fenders and accessories: the heater, stereo tape recorder, windshield wipers, conditioner, speedometer and so on.

3.Key vocabulary /expressions

power plant -силовая установка

engine - двигатель

chassis - шасси

body - кузов

wheels - колеса

rotate - вращаться

source of power - источник энергии

fuel -топливо

cooling systems - охлаждающая система

lubricating systems - система смазки

electric systems - электрическая система

automobile engines - автомобильный двигатель

power train - силовой агрегат

power transmission - силовая передача

running gear - рулевое управление

steering -

braking systems - система торможения

carry - осуществлять, нести, проводить

clutch - сцепления,

gearbox - коробки передач,

cardan shaft - карданный вал

final drive - главная передача

differential - дифференциал

rear axle - задний мост

axle shafts - полуоси

springs - подвески

4. Find in the text answers to questions:

1. What main parts is the automobile made up of?

2. What is the function of the engine?

3. What systems does the engine include?

4. What does the chassis consist of?

5. What units does the power transmission comprise?

6. What assemblies does the running gear consist of?

7. What has the body?

5. Find in the text English equivalents of sentences and write them down.

1.Автомобиль состоит из трех основных частей: двигателя, шасси и кузова.


2.Двигатель - это источник энергии.


3.Двигатель включает в себя топливную, охлаждающую, смазывающую и электрическую системы.__________________________________________________


4.Шасси включает в себя силовую передачу, ходовую часть, рулевую и тормозную системы._______________________________________________________________


5.Силовая передача (трансмиссия), в свою очередь, состоит из сцепления, коробки передач, карданного вала, главной передачи, дифференциала, заднего моста и полуосей._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

6.Ходовая часть включает в себя раму с осями, колеса и рессоры._______________


7.Кузов включает в себя капот, крылья и вспомогательные аксессуары: отопитель, стеклоочистители, магнитолу, кондиционер и т.п.____________________________



6. Select and write the corresponding description mechanism.

1.Mechanism which is used to stop the car.

a) clutch; b) brakes; c) gearbox; d) steering system.

2.Mechanism which is used to guide the car.

a) clutch; b) brakes; c) gearbox; d) steering system.

3.Mechanism which engages or disengages the engine and the car wheels.

a) clutch; b) brakes; c) gearbox; d) steering system.

4.Mechanism which is used to change the speed of the car.

a) clutch; b) brakes; c) gearbox; d) accelerator.

5.Mechanism which is used to guide the car in one or the other directions.

a) clutch; b) brakes; c) gearbox; d) steering system.

6.Device which is designed to measure the speed of the car.

a) heater; b) windscreen; c) speedometer; d) tachometer.

7. Complete the sentence by choosing the appropriate variant .

1. The automobile is made up of...

A. a power transmission, running gear, steering and braking systems.

2. The engine is ...

B. the clutch, gearbox, propeller shaft, final drive, differential and axle shafts.

3. The engine includes ...

C. a hood, fenders and accessories.

4. The chassis consists of...

D. the engine, the chassis and the body.

5. The power transmission comprises ...

E. a frame with axles, wheels and springs.

6. The running gear consists of.. .

F. the source of power.

7. The body has ...

G. fuel, cooling, electric and lubricating systems.

8. Complete the sentences using the appropriate words or phrases listed below.

A:What parts does the automobile ... ?_______________________________________

B:It is made up of... ______________________________________________________

A: What is...?____________________________________________________________

В: The source of power is the ...______________________________________________

A: What systems does the engine ...?__________________________________________

В.:It includes ...___________________________________________________________

A: What does the chassis ... ?________________________________________________

В.:The chassis ...._________________________________________________________

A: What does the power train include?

B: The power train includes ..._______________________________________________

A: What units does the body comprise?________________________________________

B: It comprises ... and accessories such as ...____________________________________

A.: Thank you for your ....__________________________________________________

Engine, chassis, body, power train, running gear, steering system, brakes, clutch, gearbox, propeller shaft, final drive, differential, rear axle, axle shafts, hood and fenders, heater, windshield wipers, information, conditioner, consist(s) of, the source of power, include, fuel, cooling, lubricating, electric systems.

9. Remove from the right column of Russian words and phrases appropriate the English from the left column.


power plant






силовая передача




главная передача


power train




running gear


система рулевого управления


steering system










ходовая часть




топливная система


propeller shaft




final drive


коробка передач


rear axle


система смазки


axle shafts


силовая установка








в свою очередь














windshield wipers




fuel system


карданный вал

10. Translate into Russian language sentences containing forms of Participle I, Participle II:

1. Being well prepared he passed his exams successfully.


2. If studied the English language will display many words of Latin origin.

3. Having opened the door he went into the room.


4. Having introduced my new friends to my parents I began to play computer games.


5. The written article was published in this journal.


6. Being cooked by my mother the supper was very nice.


7. Visiting the museum he met her there.


8. The enlarged embankment is very beautiful.


9. Our city destroyed by the fascists was rapidly restored.


10. The new built Musical Theatre is in B. Sadovaya Street.


11.Translate into Russian

  1. 1. The teacher is speaking English now.

  2. ________________________________________________________________________

  3. 2. The pupils are reading the book at the moment.

  4. ________________________________________________________________________

  5. 3. He was writing this exercise from 5 till 6 o'clock yesterday.

  6. ________________________________________________________________________

  7. 4. At the moment the man is waiting for her.

  8. ________________________________________________________________________

  9. 5. The woman is listening to the radio now.

  10. ________________________________________________________________________

  11. 6. The family is watching TV at this moment.

  12. ________________________________________________________________________

  13. 7. They will be eating some fruit all summer next year.

  14. ________________________________________________________________________

  15. 8. He will be visiting this museum the whole morning tomorrow.

  16. ________________________________________________________________________

  17. 9. We will be sitting on the grass the whole day tomorrow.

  18. ________________________________________________________________________

  19. 10. The boy will be playing football from 5 till 7 o'clock next day.

  20. ________________________________________________________________________


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