If I were a millionaire

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Тип Другие методич. материалы
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Theme: If I were a millionaire

The aim: 1. Develop pupils' speaking, writing and listening skills.

2. To enlarge pupil's vocabulary.

3. To teach the using of Conditional sentences.

The procedure of the lesson
Org. moment: Good morning children! How are you?
Who is on duty today? Who is absent?
What date is it today? What day is it today?
Warm up: Now, I have a phonetic drill. At first I 'll read this poem then you'll repeat after me! Do you understand me?
Checking-up h/w: let's check up your homework. What was your homework for today? Who is ready?
The main part: Today we are continue to talk about "If you were a millionaire". Also we have a grammar rules.

Conditionals express
1. reality 2. unreality 3. regret
Іске асатын іс әрекет Іске аспаған іс әрекет өкініш

І. Conditional reality
If + present tenses will + V
If I study hard I will know English well.
Егер мен жақсы оқысам, ағылшын тілін жақсы білетін боламын.
II. Conditional unreality
If + past tenses would + V
If knew English well I would travel around the world.
Егер мен ағылшын тілін жақсы білсем, дүниеи жүзілік саяхат жасаған болатын едім
III. Conditional regret
If + past perfect would + have + V
I couldn't get a well - paid job. If I had known English well I well I would have got that job.
Мені жақсы төленетін жұмысқа алмады. Егер мен ағылшын тілін жақсы білгенде, ол жұмысқа алатын еді.
Ex 2 Match the two halves of these sentences
They'll come and visit us we'll stay at home
If the weather is nice, if I am not busy.
I'll go to the cinema we'll go out for a walk
If it rains if we invite them.
Ex 3 Jennifer is going to have a holiday next week. What will she do? Make sentences
Example: if she goes abroad, she'll spend a lot of money
if she stays at home, she'll be bored
Ex 5 Read about Bolat how he describes his life and dream.
I live in a small flat with my parents a sister. My father is a teacher. He doesn't earn much. My mother is a housewife. She can't find a job. I have a granny who looks after us. My sister and I go to ordinary school. We usually get there by bus. At school we wear uniform. At home we have a small cat "Blacky". My life is boring.

His dream
If my father were a millionaire we would live in a house. My father would earn much money. My mother would have an interesting job. My sister and I wouldn't go to an ordinary school. We would go to a private school, where we wouldn't wear a uniform. We would wear fashionable clothes. My granny would travel all over the world. We would have "gold fish" at home. My life would be interesting.

Ex. 7. Look at the picture on page 117. What are Bolat's other dreams?
Ex. 8. Talk to your partner
How would your life change if your father became a millionaire?
If my father became a millionaire we …
Ex. 9. Talk to your partner.
If you had a chance to study you go?
a. Which country would you go?
b. What subjects would you study?
c. What things would you have to do before you leave?
d. What things would you need to take with you?
e. What kind of things would you have to buy?

H/w: Ex. 10 p.69. Put the verbs in brackets in the right form.

Reflection. Let's review the main points of the lesson. Have you understood the task? Do you have any questions?

Marks. The lesson is over! You were very active today. The marks are … Good-bye!

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