«Travelling. What for?» (9 класс)

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 9 класс
Тип Конспекты
Формат docx
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School №4

25.01. - 208.01.2016 ж. уақыты

аралығында өткізілген «Педагогикалық үдерісті

ұйымдастырудағы инновациялық тәсілдер»

атты жас мамандар үшін ұйымдастырылған

мектепішілік семинары

An open lesson

The theme: Travelling. What for…?

«Travelling. What for?» (9 класс)

Prepared by: Nurekeshova Zhadyra

Form 9th E

2015 - 2016

Date: 27.01.2016.

Level: 9th Е grade

Theme: «Travelling. What for?»

The aims:

Learning to use words about Island life. To develop students' critical thinking, their abilities to work in groups, self-assessment.

to develop their knowledge according for the theme "Travelling".

- to develop pupils' reading, speaking and writing skills;

- to teach them how to use the word phrases in making up dialogues, to develop their listening habits in order to discuss and tell their own thoughts in speech;

- to stimulate their habits of speaking in English, to broaden their minds, to bring them up for good manners.

Parts of the lesson



Teacher's action of management

Cognitive action of students

Visual aids, resources


2 мин

І part

1. Organization moment: greeting the students.

2.Dividing the class into groups.

3. Checking-up homework.

T: Good afternoon, boys and girls! Glad to see you! How are you today?

T: Who is on duty today? Who is absent today? What is the date today? What is the day of the week? What is the season now? Do you like winter? What is the weather like today?

T: Today we are going to discuss about the travelling. You will read and listen to different people's opinions. Then you will share your ideas about the ideal holiday.

P:I am fine (good, excellent, great, OK, all right, so-so) thanks.

P: I am on duty today. All are present. Today is …. Today is …. It is winter. Yes I do. No I do not. Today is (frosty, cold, snowy, windy, sunny, dark…)

Group: 1 and 2

talk about their ideal holidays


Presentation of the lesson

3 мин

ІІ part.


T - Have a look at the thoughts of famous people and repeat after me :

" Travelling is one way of lengthening life"

( Benjamin Frankling)

" He who travels far, knows much"

( John Clarke)

" The world is a book, and those who do not

travel, read only a page"

(St. Augustine)

T - And now, my dear friends, do you agree with these statements?

T - Right you are. I like this one : «If you look like your passport picture, you probably need the trip.»

Ps - Yes, of cause.

P - It is very interesting to think it over and find the truth. I'm totally agree.

P - « Tourism influences on the modern life-style»

An interactive board

Main part

2 мин

ІІІ part

Different kinds of holidays, trips & excursions


T - The main part of our trip is learning a new voc-ry and revise the previous. Look at the screen, I have smth for you : Different kinds of holidays, trips & excursions:

Ps will repeat after the teacher


7 мин

ІV part

"What is ideal place for travelling for you?"

V. Discussion:

T: 1) Travelling is really the best way of having a rest, visiting other countries, meeting new people. And now tell me, please, what is ideal place for travelling for you?

2) Nowadays travelling is one of the most popular hobbies. What makes people travel? Why do they want to visit new places?

3) What ways of travelling do you know?

4) What ways of travelling do you prefer? Why?

They will answer and give their own opinions

3 мин

V part

Text "Travelling"

T: Listen to the text. Be ready answer the questions

Read the text.

Mark the new information.




5 мин

VІ part

Group work

The tasks for the groups:

For the 1st group: Put the words from the list into the four categories :

For the 2nd group:

What is more pros or cons going abroad? Divide expressions into two groups.

Ps will do tasks in groups

Papers and posters

3 мин

Comparative forms of adjectives

Writing. (3м)

T - Look at the words. Tell me, please, which of the forms of transport is, in your opinion

Ps will write their own examples using the comparative of adjectives.


6 мин

"My dream vocation"

Using these questions write an essay for the theme "My dream vocation".

Each group can choose one of their essays then will read.

Home assignment

5 мин

VІІ part

Project work

"Where to travel?"

Explains homework.

Write on a diary.


Reflection of the lesson

2 мин

VІІІ part


I like ……………
It seems ……………

During a lesson ……
My mood was ………
Methods of the lesson....................


2 мин


«Travelling. What for?» (9 класс)

The theme: «Travelling. What for?»

The aims: to develop their knowledge according for the theme "Travelling".

- to develop pupils' reading, speaking and writing skills;

- to teach them how to use the word phrases in making up dialogues, to develop their listening habits in order to discuss and tell their own thoughts in speech;

- to stimulate their habits of speaking in English, to broaden their minds, to bring them up for good manners.

Сабақтың барысы:

  1. Warm up

  2. T: Good afternoon, boys and girls! Glad to see you! How are you today?

P: I am fine (good, excellent, great, OK, all right, so-so) thanks.

T: Who is on duty today? Who is absent today? What is the date today? What is the day of the week? What is the season now? Do you like winter? What is the weather like today?

P: I am on duty today. All are present. Today is …. Today is …. It is winter. Yes I do. No I do not. Today is (frosty, cold, snowy, windy, sunny, dark…)

T: Today we are going to discuss about the travelling. You will read and listen to different people's opinions. Then you will share your ideas about the ideal holiday.

II. Phonetic Drill. T - Have a look at the thoughts of famous people and repeat after me :

" Travelling is one way of lengthening life"

( Benjamin Frankling)

" He who travels far, knows much"

( John Clarke)

" The world is a book, and those who do not

travel, read only a page"

(St. Augustine)

T - And now, my dear friends, do you agree with these statements?

Ps - Yes, of cause.

P - It is very interesting to think it over and find the truth. I'm totally agree.

T - I'm happy with your reasoning and want you to give me one more your own thought according to our topic.

P - « Tourism influences on the modern life-style»

T - Right you are. I like this one :

«If you look like your passport picture, you probably need the trip.»

III. Vocabulary practice

T - The main part of our trip is learning a new voc-ry and revise the previous. Look at the screen, I have smth for you :

Different kinds of holidays, trips & excursions:

-activity holiday

-coach station



-round-the-world trip

-business trip


-holiday resort


-to cross the border

-tourist attractions

IV. Watching video.

V. Discussion: (мүмкін жауаптар)

T: 1) Travelling is really the best way of having a rest, visiting other countries, meeting new people. And now tell me, please, what is ideal place for travelling for you?

P: I am sure that London is ideal place for travelling, because you can improve your knowledge of English and enjoy his sights.

P: I think St.Peterburg is ideal place for travelling, because it is very beautiful city with lots of interesting places, which connected with our history, beside I want to see "white nights".

P: To my mind ideal place for travelling is the South of Russia, because you can swim on the Black Sea and hiking snow-capped mountains at the same time.

P: I'd like to take rucksacks and walk in the countryside. It is ideal place for travelling, because you can breathe fresh air, enjoy nature.

P: Turkey, I think, is ideal place for travelling, because the clime is hot. And you can take sunbath and swim on the sea all days.

2) Nowadays travelling is one of the most popular hobbies. What makes people travel? Why do they want to visit new places?

P: People travel to see other countries and continents, modern cities and the ruins of ancient towns. They want to meet different people and make friends with them, to try local food, to listen to different musical rhythms.

P:It is very interesting and exciting to travel and to discover new things, different ways of life. We can visit different places of interest and see ancient palaces and churches, wonderful castles and famous monuments.

P: In my opinion, travelling broadens the mind. While travelling we can see and learn a lot of interesting things that we can never learn staying at home and watching TV or reading books.

P: From my point of view, some people travel to explore nature, to enjoy picturesque places or just for a change of scene.

P: I think that travelling is a good way to practice foreign languages. If you are fond of travelling abroad, it is necessary to know English. In this case it is easier for you to communicate, to understand people and to be understood. English will help you to learn more about new customs and traditions, to understand the culture of a foreign country better.

3) What ways of travelling do you know?

P: People can travel by plane, by train, by sea, by car or on foot. Nowadays some young people spend their holidays hiking as it helps them to become strong and healthy. It also teaches them how to survive.

4) What ways of travelling do you prefer ? Why?

P: As for me, I prefer travelling by plane because it is the quickest way of travelling and I don't want to waste my time on holiday.

P: I enjoy travelling by car because you don't have to buy tickets and carry your heavy luggage. You can stop at any place you like, enjoy the beauty of nature and take pictures.

You see that "Tastes differ ". But I'm sure everybody likes to travel because it is an amazing experience. But different people spend their time on holiday in different ways. And now let's talk about different types of holiday activities.

VI. Making up a dialogue after the watching video. (Working in paris)

VII. T: Listen to the text. Be ready answer the questions.

People like travelling. They travel on business or for pleasure. If you want to go to Britain you can do it in different ways. You can travel by train, by plane or by car. People have to cross the channel between England and France. Tourists usually go by plane. It is more comfortable and fast. There are two major airports in England: Heathrow and Gatwick. They welcome passengers from different countries overseas.

Right or Wrong?

1. People like travelling.

2. People travel on business.

3. People go to Britain by plane.

4. Planes are not fast and comfortable.

5. There are two major airports in the UK.

1 - yes, 2 - yes, 3 - yes, 4 - no, 5 - no

VIII. Group work:

The tasks for the groups:

1. Put the words from the list into the four categories :

ferry, coach, plane, sleeping car, motorbike, yacht, dining car, flight, harbour, platform, motorway, terminal, cruise, compartment, runway, traffic jam, voyage

Road Sea Rail Air

Travel Travel Travel Travel

……………….. …………….. ……………. ……………..

………………. …………….. ……………. ……………..

………………. …………….. ……………. ……………..

……………….. …………….. ……………. …………….

2. What is more pros or cons going abroad? Divide expressions into two groups.

  • discover new places,

  • miss your friends,

  • help to become more educated person,

  • improve knowledge of foreign language,

  • wait at airports,

  • depend on the weather,

  • have to think about accommodation and food,

  • broaden your mind,

  • many places are polluted,

  • teach people about art and culture,

  • the beauty of many places has disappeared,

  • help to relax,

  • beaches are always overcrowded,

  • the most fantastic place is home,

  • meet interesting people,

  • see world wonders

IX. Writing.

T - Look at the words. Tell me, please, which of the forms of transport is, in your opinion :

  • the cheapest?

  • the most comfortable?

  • the most expensive?

  • your personally favourite? Why?


Bus or coach





T - Thank you for your explanations.

X. Summing up: Using these questions write an essay for the theme "My dream vocation".

XI. Project work: "Where to go to have a holiday"

XII. Tasks for your home-work : __________________________________

XІІІ. Putting marks …. your mark is …..

Сабаққа өзіндік талдау

Сабақтың тақырыбы: «Саяхат. Не үшін...?»

Мақсаты: Жаңа тақырыпты меңгерту. Оқушылардың ағылшын тілінде сөйлеу, оқу, жазу, тыңдау нашықтарын дамыту.

Әдіс - тәсілдері: Тақырып бойынша сөздік жұмыс, грамматикалық жаттығулар орындау, жұппен және топпен жасайтын жұмыс түрлерін қолдану, видео роликтерді қолдану арқылы оқушылардың ауызша яғни диалог құру жұмыс түрлерін жандандыру.

Күтілетін нәтиже: Оқушылардың жұптық және топтық өзара әрекеттесуі арқылы тиімді жұмыс жасай білуі. Ағылшын тілінде тақырып бойынша мұғалім ұсынған барлық мүмкіндіктерді қолдана отырып білімді меңгеруі.

Оқушыларға алдымен сабақтың тақырыбы мен мақсатын түсіндіріп бердім. Осы тақырыпта ағылшын тілінде мақал - мәтелдерді оқуға ұсындым. Оқушылар мақал - мәтелдерді қазақ және орыс тілдеріне аударып берді.

Содан соң оқушыларға саяхат түрлерінің әр - түрлі жолдарымен таныстырдым. Видеороликті тамашалауға ұсындым. Оқушылардан келесі сұрақтарды қоя отырып «Сен болашақта қандай елге саяхатқа шыққың келеді? Не үшін? Не мақсатпен? Кіммен бірге барғың келеді? Қандай торанспорт түрін қолданған қолайлы?» деген сияқты яғни оңай сұрақтан күрделі сұрақтарға жауап берулерін талап еттім. Бұл тапсырмада оқушылар өз ойларын анық жеткізе білді.

Содан соң келесі видео роликті көруге ұсысыныс жасадым. Оның мақсаты оқушыларды диалог құрастыруға көмек әрі үлгі ретінде болды. Оқушылар жұптасып бұл тапсырманы да өте жақсы деңгейде орындады.

Оқушыларды топқа бөліп әр топқа түрлі тапсырмалар бердім. Сабақ барысында оқу, жазу, тыңдау және ауызша дамыту тапсырмалары кезекпен жүзеге асырылып отырды. Мәтінмен жұмыс жасалды. Семантикалық картаны толтыру арқылы оқушылар алған білімдерін анықтай алды. Сабақ қорытындыланып, үйге тапсырма берілді. Оқушылар сабақтың басында үлестірілген өзін - өзі бағалау кестесімен бағаланды. Сабаққа қатысқан жас ұстаздар өздерінің жылы лебіздерін білдіртті.

«Travelling. What for?» (9 класс)

«Travelling. What for?» (9 класс)

«Travelling. What for?» (9 класс)

«Travelling. What for?» (9 класс)

«Travelling. What for?» (9 класс)

«Travelling. What for?» (9 класс)

«Travelling. What for?» (9 класс)

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