Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему «A Trip to London» (4 класс)

 Урок по английскому языку «ATriptoLondon» является обобщающим по теме «TownLife. London» в 4 классе по учебнику Верещагиной. На уроке были поставлены цели расширить и закрепить знания учащихся о культуре и истории страны изучаемого языка, закрепить знание лексики и грамматики по разделу.  Начинается урок с фонетической зарядки, в которой отражена и грамматическая тема Present Perfect. Далее дети повторяют слова по теме и названия достопримечательностей. Основная часть урока построена как путеш...
Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 4 класс
Тип Конспекты
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Открытый урок по английскому языку в 4 классе по теме «A Trip to London». Учитель Теребенина Е.В.

Тип урока: обобщения и систематизации

Целевая установка: ориентация на формирование развития навыков и умений англоязычной речевой деятельности.

Цели урока:


  • Обобщение изученного страноведческого материала по теме «Town Life. London»;

  • Развитие навыков монологической речи и речевых умений вести диалог;

  • Активизация лексики по теме.

  • Обучение общению на английском языке.


  • развивать умение сравнивать и обобщать изучаемый материал;

  • развивать умение высказать свое мнение на английском языке;

  • расширять кругозор учащихся.


  • совершенствование навыков работы в коллективе.

  • привитие учащимся ответственности и инициативы в организации урока.

  • воспитывать уважительное отношение к культуре и истории другой страны;

  • воспитание цивилизованной личности, культуры общения, чувств и поведения.


  • расширять знания детей о культуре и истории страны изучаемого языка.

Форма урока: урок - путешествие.

Оснащение: Презентация в программе Power Point: « A Trip to London», раздаточные карточки (кроссворд по теме « Лондон» для самоконтроля), компьютер, проектор, экран, доска, учебник

Структура урока:

1. Организационный момент 13 минут

a) мотивация учебной деятельности

b) Постановка целей и задач урока

c) Фонетическая и речевая зарядка

d) Проверка знаний

2. Актуализация, систематизация опорных знаний. 20 минуты

a) Просмотр видеофильма и определение основных целей урока

b) Физминутка

c) Выполнение заданий по группам

d) Рассказ о путешествии

3. Заключительный этап 7 минут

a) Рефлексия

b) Итоги урока

c) Домашнее задание

Lesson Plan



Деятельность учителя

Деятельность ученика

Формы работы






Фонетическая зарядка

Определение цели урока

Проверка домашнего задания

Актуализация и систематизация опорных знаний


Выполнение заданий

Заключительный этап


Итоги урока

Домашнее задание

Создание благоприятной атмосферы на уроке

Создание англоязычной атмосферы

Практическая отработка произношения и употребления времени

Проверить выполнение заданий

Сосредоточить внимание учащихся на теме, определение основной цели урока

Снятие напряжения

Активизация полученных знаний о достопримечательностях Лондона

Сопоставление намеченных целей и их выполнение на уроке

Good afternoon, children! Good afternoon, dear guests! I am glad to see you. I hope you are fine.

What date is today? What is weather like today?

What do we need for the good and successful work?

From little luck begins large success!

For this let's divide into 2 groups and you'll receive bonus for the right answers. Let's start.

1) Look at the screen, please. Listen and repeat after me.

I've done, I've done, I've done,
I've done my work today.
I've done my work today.
And now it's time to play.

2)Answer the questions:

What tense is used here?

How do you understand?

What will you do this lesson?

a) Your home task was to review the irregular verbs.

Now, look at the black board.

You should match these forms of the verbs

b) Look at the screen, please. Pay attention to this example. (with a ball)

T: open the door

P1: I have opened the door.

P2: I have not opened the door.

P3: Have I opened the door?

  • lock the door wash the floor

  • cook dinner water the flowers

  • clean the room visit your friends

What do we use Present Perfect for?

Now you'll watch the video and you should say

What the main items of our lesson are.

You read some texts and learnt a lot of words.

Today you'll use your knowledge because without them you can't speak and understand English in London.

  1. Scrambled letters

  2. Match the parts and read them aloud

We have unusual lesson today - «A Trip to London».

And now say good luck and let's start. But before our trip let's have a rest

Up, down, up, down

(Поднимаем и опускаем руки)

Which is the way to London Town?

(Шагаем на месте)

Where? Where? (Повороты в стороны)

Up in the air (Смотрим вверх)

Close your еyes ( Закрываем глаза руками)

And you are there. (Разводим руки в стороны)

Welcome to London!

Let's start with a sightseeing tour on a double - Decker bus. Make yourself comfortable, please.

What sight we begin with?

London is a land of traditions and a very deep history. We want to show you a very short scene from the life of Tower of London "The key ceremony."

Put the words and read the right sentences

1) The Tower of London

2)St. Paul's cathedral

3) Trafalgar square

4) The Houses of Parliament

5) Hide Park

Our bus tour has finished.

Boys and girls!

Let's do a crossword puzzle about London and check how much we know about it

Put in the missing words and tell about London

What items had we at the beginning of our lesson?

Did we reach them?

Was it interesting?

What did you like more?

What was the most difficult task for you?

Where can you use your knowledge?

OK. You worked hard today.

We have spoken much about London.

We remembered interesting facts about its places of interest, you practiced asking questions, and you refreshed the words and did the crossword and the quiz.

Thank you for your work. I hope you liked our today's lesson. You can see smiles on the desks.

If you understand everything, take this green.

If you understand something, take this blue.

If you understand nothing, take this yellow.

You have done a good job! But we continue.

Now let us sum up what we have.

Your marks are…

I'll put them into your diaries in a minute later.

Your home task will be: выучить 2 столбика глаголов

Thank you for your work. The lesson is over, I wish you good luck!

Answers to the questions


Present Perfect, verb HAVE, the 3rd form of the verbs.

Review the irregular verbs and Present Perfect

Do the task

To tell about past action, that has already done.

Watch the video.

The main items of our lesson are to tell about London and its sights.

Do the task

Changes the answers and check them.

Have a rest


The dialogue

- "Halt!" "Who comes there?"

- "The Keys"

- "Who's Keys?"
- "Queen Elizabeth's Keys".
- "Pass Queen Elizabeth's Keys - All's well".

- God preserve Queen Elizabeth.

- Amen.

Do the task

Do the task, check them

We have seen the places of interest in London;

We have learnt new words;

We have spoken about the capital of Great Britain.

Count the cards

Write their task into the diaries.

Good bye.

Whole class


Whole class

Individual work

Groups work

Individual work

Whole class

Groups work

Whole class

Individual work

Groups work

Groups work

Individual work




Приложение к уроку:

  1. Do the crossword.

Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему «A Trip to London» (4 класс)


  • London is the … of Great Britain. It is a very … city. It was founded about two thousand … ago. London is one of the most … and interesting … in Europe. There are ... … to visit in London. There are a lot of …, art …, cinemas, theatres and … parks in London.

  • cities, capital, places, museums, years, old, many, galleries, beautiful, important


  • London is the … of Great Britain. It is a very … city. It was founded about two thousand … ago. London is one of the most … and interesting … in Europe. There are ... … to visit in London. There are a lot of …, art …, cinemas, theatres and … parks in London.

  • cities, capital, places, museums, years, old, many, galleries, beautiful, important


  • London is the … of Great Britain. It is a very … city. It was founded about two thousand … ago. London is one of the most … and interesting … in Europe. There are ... … to visit in London. There are a lot of …, art …, cinemas, theatres and … parks in London.

  • cities, capital, places, museums, years, old, many, galleries, beautiful, important


  • London is the … of Great Britain. It is a very … city. It was founded about two thousand … ago. London is one of the most … and interesting … in Europe. There are ... … to visit in London. There are a lot of …, art …, cinemas, theatres and … parks in London.

  • cities, capital, places, museums, years, old, many, galleries, beautiful, important


  • London is the … of Great Britain. It is a very … city. It was founded about two thousand … ago. London is one of the most … and interesting … in Europe. There are ... … to visit in London. There are a lot of …, art …, cinemas, theatres and … parks in London.

  • cities, capital, places, museums, years, old, many, galleries, beautiful, important

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