Урок английского языка в 5 классе

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 5 класс
Тип Конспекты
Формат doc
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Тема: «At the Doctor's»

Цели урока: активизация в речи лексических единиц по теме "Health"

- употребление в речи модальных глаголов

-формирование навыков здорового образа жизни.

План урока:

Stages of the lesson

Teacher's activity

Pupil's activity

  1. Organization moment

(2 min)

2. Warm-up


3.Cross word "Parts of

the body"


4. Complete the table


5. Work with the text

"Treating a patient"

1) Pre-reading

2) teacher's reading

3) pupil's reading


6. Work with the dialogue


7.Work with the picture


8. Making a dialogue


9. Giving advice


10. Home task


11. Evaluation


Good morning boys and girls. I'm glad to meet you. How are you?

How did you spend your holiday?

Today at the lesson we shall speak about your health, about the ways of treating different diseases.

Let us do Ex.1

Now complete the crossword.

Please, divide these words into three groups: Professions, Medicine, Diseases.

A bad headache, pills, a doctor, tonsillitis, a dentist, a chemist, tablets, mixture, a toothache, stomachache.

Listen to the words and repeat after me.

Height temperature, strip to the waist, felt pulse, listened to the lungs, tested his blood pressure.

Listen to the text now.

The teacher reads the text

Read the dialogue Ex.7.P.103

Look at the pictures. What's wrong with the children?

Make dialogues using the pictures in Ex.9 p. 103

Here are some ways that a doctor might give advice.

Read the word combinations and make up sentences Ex.11.

Write down you home task for the next lesson

  1. ex. 2 from Workbook

  2. Write about your visit to the doctor.

The lesson is over. Good bye. Have a nice time.

Your marks:

Good morning. We are fine. How are you?

I spent my holiday very well. Thank you

Pupils are reading Ex.1

a)go to the dentist;

b)drink warm milk with honey;

c)call a doctor;

d)go to bed early and rest;

e)take some aspirin;

f)don't drink coffee or tea.

Pupils are solving the crosswords

Pupils read the words and put them into three columns.

Pupils listen to the words and repeat after the teacher.

The pupils listen to the text and find in the text the sentences how the doctor examined Tom.

Ex. 6 p. 103.

Tom: Hello, Miss White

Miss: Hello, Tom. You weren't at school last week. Were you ill?

Tom: Yes, Miss. I was in bed for four days.

Miss: Oh. Dear. What was the matter?

Tom: I had flu.

Miss: Are you better now?

Tom: Yes. Thank you. Here's a letter from my mum.

  1. She's got a cold.

  2. He has a stomach ach.

  3. She twisted her knee.

  4. He has a sore throat.

  5. He has a tooth ach.

  6. She has a head ach.

  1. Why were you absent yesterday?

b) I had a head ach.

a) Are you all right now?

  1. Yes. I am. Thank you.

You should get more exercises.

You must get more fresh air.

You'll have to stay in bed.

You shouldn't stay off school for a week.

You mustn't go outdoors until you are better.


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