Урок английского языка на тему Олимпийское движение

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Урок английскому языку для студентов 1 курса

«Олимпийское движение»


Формирование коммуникативных умений устной монологической и диалогической речи

Задачи урока:


• Актуализировать знания по теме «Спорт», ввести новые знания по теме «Олимпийские игры»

• Учить понимать на слух текст на знакомом материале

• тренировать студентов в говорении, аудировании, чтении, письме;


· Развивать речевые способности, внимание, мышление, память

· Формирование мотивации у студентов к изучению иностранного языка

· развивать у учащихся умение использовать на уроке информационно-коммуникативные технологии.


• Воспитывать уважительное отношение к окружающим, умение работать в парах.

Учебное пособие: Безкоровайная Г.Т., Соколова Н.И., Койранская, Лаврик Г.В. - 2-е изд. стер. - PlanetofEnglish. Учебник английского языка для учреждений НПО и СПО. - М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2013. - 256 с.

Организационный этап. Взаимное приветствие. Рапорт дежурного.

T: Good morning, students!

S: Good morning, teacher!

T: What date is it today?

P: Today is the 11-th of November.

T: Who is absent?

S: …is absent.

Вводно-мотивационный этап. Вступительное слово учителя.

T: Today we are having an unusual start of the lesson. I want you to guess the theme of the lesson yourselves. But of course I'll give you some prompts in help. Let's listen to some pieces of music and then give some suggestions about the subject of the lesson.

You should find this word combination


Ss: We think the theme of our lesson is… Высказывают разные предложения

T: How do you think what we are going to do at the lesson, what our main goals and tasks are?

Студенты высказывают предположения о видах работы. Например:

S1: I think we will read and translate.

S2: In my view, we are going to listen to the teacher and speak English.

T: Of course, we will do many interesting things and solve many tasks.

T: As you know, Olympics are a great sports event.

What do you know about the Olympic Movement

(Mind Map)

I am sure you like sport but I'd like to check how well you know some things about sport.

The first task 1 p.184 (Put these words under three headings: Individual Sports, Sports for Two, Team Sports) Use verbs play, go, do, and make up sentences with these words.

The second task 2 p. 185 (Match the left and right columns)

The third task is to complete the table, give the right words for sportsmen and places for doing sports.










T: The next task for you is to guess a particular sport by its description. Don't forget to mention the right key words or phrases after listening. Студенты слушают загадки и предлагают ответы, подтверждая догадки ключевыми словами и фразами.

Guess what sports and games are described:

  1. the sport of fighting with fists;

  2. the sport of riding in a small boat with sails;

  3. the sport of one who swims;

  4. the sport of playing a type of football with an oval ball;

  5. a game for two people who use rackets, a small soft ball and a low net;

  6. the sport of moving through the water in a boat without sails;

  7. the sport of going on horseback;

  8. a game played by two teams of 6 players each that is played on an ice field

  9. an outdoor game, popular in Britain played in summer with a small ball by two teams of 11 players each, usually dressed in white.

  10. a game in which two teams of five players each try to score goals by throwing a large ball through a net fixed to a metal ring at each end of the court.

T: Last task is to open textbooks p 190 there are many words. This is equipment for sports. Give the name of the sport and equipment for each of it.

  1. badminton

  2. basketball

  3. boxing

  4. volleyball

  5. golf

  6. skating

  7. rowing

  8. table tennis/ a racket and a ball

9. ice hockey

10. tennis

11. football

12. throwing

Stick - клюшка (хоккей)

Canoe - каноэ

Mat - мат

Rings - кольца

Ball - мяч

Dumbbell - гантеля

Bow - лук

Puck - шайба

Racket - ракетка

Flippers - плавники

Helmet - шлем

Club - клюшка (гольф)

Skates - коньки

Boots - бутсы

Barbell - штанга

Gloves - перчатки

Net - сеть

Basket - корзина

Sledge - сани

Pole - бассейн

Parallel bars - параллельные брусья

Gate - ворота

Goggles - защитные очки

Air rifle - пневматическая винтовка

Arrow - стрела

Paddle - весло

Javelin - копье

Основной этап:

What do you know about the Olympic Movement

We will read the text The Olympic Games (190-191)

(найти предложения с новыми словами, найти слова, к спорту, найти личные местоимения, прилагательные в степенях сравнения)

(выражения: первый рекорд, метание дисков, современная Олимпиада, каждые четыре года, зимние игры, Олимпийское движение, на трех континентах, Олимпийская сборная, спортсмены, золотых медалей) (упр. 9 стр. 191)

Дополните карту мыслей The Olympic Movement


Choose the most suitable answer

Olympic Games Quiz

1. How often are the Olympic Games held?

Every year

Every two years

Every four years

2. How many rings are there in the Olympic Games symbol?




3. What do they represent?

Countries of the world

Continents of the world

Cities of the world

4. Where will the next Summer Olympics be held?



Rio de Janeiro

5. When will the next Winter Olympics be held?




6. Where were the first modern Olympics played?




7. Who was the 'inventor' of the modern Olympic Games?

Pierre de Coubertin

Juan Antonio Samaranch

Jacques Rogge

8. What do the sportsmen who come first, second and third win in the Olympics?




9. Where are The International Olympic Committee based?




10. How many people play in a Football team?




Home task: упр. 3 стр. 185, подготовиться к тесту

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