План-конспект урока по английскому языку в 4 классе «Home, sweet home»

Данный урок разработан к учебнику И.Н. Верещагиной -4 класс с учётом требований ФГОС и современных технологий, тренирует учащихся выполнять задания, включённые в ГИА. (Например, в плане словообразования, просит учащихся образовать антонимы, используя префиксы. В разделе аудирования предлагает задание, типа true-false, а при поисковом чтении детям необходимо доказать свою точку зрения). Завершается урок выполнением мини- проекта и его защитой, что очень оживляет урок. Урок рассчитан на сильного ...
Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 4 класс
Тип Конспекты
Формат doc
Изображения Нет
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ЗАДАЧИ: 1) образовательные: 1) активизация изученных ЛЕ по теме «Дом»

2)закрепление употребления конструкций There is/ are

3)использование предлогов местоположения в речи

2) развивающие : 1) развитие навыков говорения, аудирования, чтения

развитие коммуникативных навыков

3) воспитательные: 1) воспитание эстетического вкуса

2) умения слушать собеседника

ОБОРУДОВАНИЕ: 1) куклы или рисунки Малыша и Карлсона

2) аудиоматериалы, магнитофон

3) раздаточный материал (таблицы для аудирования, тексты для чтения)

4) картинки с героями некоторых мультфильмов




1. Оргмомент. Сообщение темы и целей урока. Разминка.

3-5 мин

2. Работа над чтением.

Расстановка предложений в логическом порядке.

4-5 м

3. Работа над лексикой

(подбор антонимов)

2 мин

4. Аудирование

6-7 мин

(первичное прослушиание)

(вторичное прослушивание)

5. физминутка

2 мин

6. Работа над текстом. Чтение с извлечением основной информации

3-5 мин

7. Речевая зарядка


8.Диалоги детей

(работа в парах)

4-5 мин.

9 Монологическое неподготовленное высказывание детей

9. Творческая работа детей.


3-5 мин

10.Неподготовленная монологическая речь учащихся

6-7 мин

11. Подведение итогов урока

12. Задавание дом.задания

Good morning, boys and girls! Glad to see you.

The subject of our today's lesson is 'Home, sweet home'. We are going to meet some cartoon characters and help them.

By the way, what cartoon characters do you know?

P: (Winnie-the Pooh, Leo Cat...)

That's right. And today our guests are..... Malysh and Karlson.

Do you know them? What can you tell us about Karlson? Where does he live? What relatives does he have? What things does he like to do? What things doesn't he like?

P: He lives on the roof of a house. He has got only granny. He likes to eat jam, cakes and chocolate. He's got a sweet tooth. He likes to play funny tricks. He can fly, because he has got a propeller on his back.

T:Look! Karlson is crying. What's the matter with you?

K: You see, I don't want to live in my old house any longer. And I wrote a letter to Malysh about my house, but the mice ate some parts of the letter and I have only a few sentences.

Can you help me?

T: Of course, pupils of 4A can help you to restore your story.

1. I live in a small house, which is on the roof.

2. My house is small, but lovely.

3,There are two little rooms and a kitchen in my house.

4. There isn't much furniture in it.

5. In my bedroom there is only a bed and a carpet,

6. Nobody knows about my house.

Let's check what you've got.

Now, let's test your memory. Look at the story for a moment, then close it with your hand. What was the story ? Who remembers?

Well done.

Karlson, why don't you like this house? What's wrong with it?

K: 1. It is very s m a l l.

It is u n c o m f o r t a b l e.

It is u g l y .

It is c o l d.

It is d ir t y.

It is u n c o s y.

It is unattractive.

So, I understand, Karlson wants to have not small, but a large house. What house would Karlson like to have?







Did you get an idea what kind of house does Karlson want to have?

By the way, I know who can help him to find such a house. I have a real estate agent, who can find the right house for Karlson.

Listen to the agent's story and say which house (the first or the second) is for sale and which is for rent (he can only live in this house for some time).






Children' room


















Read, what rooms there are in the 1st house.

Read, which rooms the second house has.

Children, which house would you like to live in?

(Children's personal answers)

Karlson, what about you? Which house do you like more?

K: I don't like the first house because it is very expensive and there are too many rooms in it. Who will clean all these rooms? I don't have a wife and I don't have any cleaner.

I don't like the second house because it's too expensive and I don't have enough money.

What shall I do?

M: I know what to do. We would help Karlson. First we must be very strong and do some exercises, and then try to find the way out.

Stand up. Repeat after me and do what I do:

On-over-under-to the right-to the left-in the middle-in front of me-behind me-next to me-opposite me-across

(3 times)

Sit down.

M: Now I have an idea. Meet my friends. They live in different houses: in a teepee, in a light house and in a caravan. Perhaps you will choose one of these houses for Karlson and recommend it to him.

And you, children, read the texts to yourselves and be ready to help Karlson choose the right house and to explain your choice.

Your time is up. What would your group recommend? Listen carefully and say which house Karlon would choose. Why do you think so? But before answering the question repeat after me:

P1: We would recommend... to choose a ….because...

P2: We would recommend...

What would you recommend, Jane? Why? Give your arguments.

And you, Sasha?

(3-4 children are asked)

And would you personally like to live in one of these houses?

T: So, Karlson, do you like any of these houses?

K: No, I don't want to live in them.

I want a comfortable ,cosy, clean, warm room with a nice carpet and beautiful furniture.

M: Oh, Karlson, I know the way out. We can buy an empty house and furnish it for you.

Some of you know what your living-room I know what your living-room is going to look like, but others don't. Find this out.

You, children, will work in pairs. One of you will get a picture of a furnished living-room and the other will get an empty room and some pieces of furniture. The second person will ask the first one where this furniture is situated and draw it in the right place. What questions can you ask each other?

P.1: Where is the sofa?

P.2. Where are the curtains?

Work in pairs. I think I can give you 3 minutes.

Show us your pictures, please.

Now, let's see whose picture is very close to the original?

(Отмечаю лучшие работы)

They are lovely.

Now, describe this room so that Karlson would like to live in it.

К: Thank you, children. Now I know that my living-room is very nice and I would like to live there. But I understand what my problem is. I want to live in a comfortable house, not in a room. Can you help me to draw my house?

P1: Of course, we can.

T: Think about the house that you would recommend Karlson to have and draw a picture of it.

Look! This is a picture that Malysh drew for him.

Now, let's see what house have we got for Karlson.

Whose house is it? Say, why Karlson will like it.

Now let's ask Karlson, whose house he liked best.

K. I don't really know. I like all the houses. I think, that I'm going to live in all houses. I'll live in Mary's house in winter, as it is very warm. I'll live in Sasha's house in summer, because it is very attractive with a nice garden... etc.

T: Our lesson is coming to an end. Tell me, what did we do today at the lesson?

P1: We helped Karlson to find a house.

T: Why did he want to have a house?

Why is it so important for people to have a house?

(What proverbs do you know about home?)

P1: There is no place like home.

P2: East or West - home is best.

P3: An Englishman's home is his castle.

P4: Home, sweet home.

The marks for the lesson.......

Your home-assignment: draw your home for Karlon and describe it.

The lesson is over. Good-bye.

Вывешиваю на доску картинки некоторых из них

Показываю детям куклы,

чтоб они назвали персонажей.

Раздаю детям в конвертиках разрозненные предложения

зачитывают по предложению.

дети воспроизводят по предложению то, что у них получилось (открываю доску, они сверяют свои ответы

По мере того, как Карлсон говорит, прикрепляю на доску прилагательные

дети составляют свои предложения про дом, используя антонимы.

Перевожу словосочетание

спрашиваю детей

Перед прослушиванием раздаю таблицу для заполнения

Проверка заполнения


Делю детей на3группы и

раздаю детям 3разных текста

Один учащийся из каждой группы (другие при желании добавляют)

Раздаю детям рисунки с комнатой и мебелью. У одного-обставленная комната, у другого-пустая с названиями предметов

Дети поднимают на вытянутых руках картинки и смотрят, что получилось у друг друга.

Дети описывают комнату, используя прилагательные

Раздаю детям чистые листы А3 и прошу дорисовать дом

Вывешиваю на доску ватман с наклеенной на нём гостиной. Прикрепляю магнитами нарисованные детьми дома.

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