Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс -
Тип Тесты
Формат docx
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EXERCISE 1Замените местоимение I на местоимения he или she по образцу

Образец : I go to the office every day. - He goes to the office every day.

1. I write many letters every day.

2.1 go to school every day.

3.1 clean my teeth in the morning.

4.1 usually work in the main office.

5.1 speak ttngli.sh very well.

EXURCISE 2. Cделайте данные предложения отрицательными, используя don't или doesn't.

1. Mary takes the dog for a walk in the evening.

2. Peter buys vegetables every week.

3.I come home in the afternoon.

4. The children like chocolate.

  1. Tom plays the piano very well.

  2. My aunts live in London.

EXERCISE 3 .Заполните пропуски, используя do, does

  1. .... you want sugar in your coffee?

  2. ... the children go to bed very early?

  3. ...that girl come from America?

  4. ... Miss Stewart, drink coffee or tea?

  5. ... the man watch TV in the evening?

  6. ... the women read books every day ?

EXERCISE 4. Допишите окончание глаголов( s/-es) там, где нужно

1.I usually eat... porridge' for breakfast.

  1. My sister wash... her face and hands in the morning.

  2. Jane do... her English exercises after school.

  3. My brother and I like... to drink juice.

  4. My father get... up at 7 o'clock.

  5. Sally go... for a walk with her dog.

EXERCISE 5. Составьте вопросы к предложениям

1.They work on a farm. (Where? )

  1. He drinks a glass of milk for supper. (What? )

  2. She does her homework after school. ( When'? )
    4. The engineer lives in Moscow. (Who?)

5. We help our mother every day. (Why?)

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