Конспект уроку по темі: Спорт у Великій Британії

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Розробка уроку по темі: «Спорт у Великій Британії». ( 7 клас )

Розробила учитель англійської мови:

Молокова Тетяна Миколаївна

с. Яблунівка

2015 рік

Тема «Спорт у Великій Британії»

Підтема: Спорт.

Мета: Повторити й активізувати лексичні одиниці теми.

Навчати спілкування за темою.

Продовжувати формувати навички аудіювання.

Розвивати культуру мовлення й письма.

Удосконалювати техніку читання.

Розвивати ерудицію учнів.

Прищеплювати усвідомлення важливості занять спортом.

Обладнання: підручник, робочий зошит, картки для індивідуальної роботи, картки по темі «Спорт», кросворд, плакат - лист «Дружба України і Великої Британії».

Хід уроку

І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.

(слайд №1)

1. Greeting.

- Today at our lesson we have got guests. We are very glad to see them. Please turn round and let's greet our guest's together.

- Good morning. We hope you are very well.

Children: Good morning. We hope you are very well.

-Thank you children take your sits.

ІІ. Оголошення теми та мети уроку.

(слайд №2)

  1. Лексична розминка.

Today we'll speak about. Sport in Great Britain.You know, there are a lot of different kinds of sport in our world.(Let's watch a film about sport).

Look at these pictures and name them

(слайд №3-№13)

  1. - Ch:… athletics, skating, boxing, figure-skating, gymnastics, jumping, wresting, running, swimming, tennis, volley-ball, football, basket-ball, hockey.

  2. Name winter, summer kinds of sport? (indoor, outdoor).

  3. - What kind if sport do you like?

As for me I like skiing best of all and you?

I like… (на дошці), (запитую 2-3 учня).

(слайд №14)

2. Розв'язування кросворду.

- I see you are fond if sport. It is very nice. Look here. Say the names if sports you see in the pictures (Презентація кросворду з малюнками на мультимедійній дошці).

(слайд №15)






3. Vocabulary Practice. (слайд №16)

- It is interesting if you are fond of reading. Look at the blackboard. Correct the mistakes (на дошці речення, слова поміняні місцями, поставити правильно).

1. I go in for football.

2. Do you go skiing?

3. We had the competitions in table tennis.

4. I like figure - skating best of all.

5. We want to become as strong as our trainer.

- Please read!

ІІІ. Основна частина уроку.

  1. Poems.

- Can you recite any poems about sport? Any volanteers? (Діти розповідають вірші).

(слайд №17)


Tennis ball racked back and forth,

Rackets miss to pass a score

Tennis players back and forth,

Until one player miss a score.

(слайд №18)


Big long stick and a tiny puck,

One swings, the other slides,

Among fierce play, fights break out

Men swing and slide on ice.

(слайд №19)

Horse Riding

Blam! The starting gun is shot

Horses race around the track.

Hired jockeys on the mounts,

Guide their horse around the track.

(слайд №20)


Wrestling shows the youthful skill.

Young men still in school,

Wrestling on the TV tube,

Stunt men on the screen.

(слайд №21)


From the mound baseball tossed,

The batter's fat swung,

Smack! Sky flies, baseball high!

Tans cheer with yells, applause.

-You have recited your poems very well.

2. Reading.

a) Етап підготовки до читання. (слайд №22)

Презентація «Лист з Великої Британії». Now, let's work in groups. The matter is we've got a letter from Great Britain but its parts are in wrong order. Try to put all paragraphs in correct order. You have 1 minute to finish the task.

б) Етап читання.

You time is up. Let's check out tack.

Dear friends.

Group Number 1. Read the first paragraph, please.

My name is Tom. I am thirteen. I live in London. I want to tell you about Cricket.

Group Number 2. Go on.

People often ask «What is Britain's national sport? Is it cricket or football or tennis?» The answer is football and cricket. Thank you.

Group Number 1. - We listen to you.

The British play football in winter and cricket in summer. They began to play cricket about two hundred years ago. A game of cricket lasts from a few hours to two or three days and the public always watches it with great interest. Many people play cricket in Britain. Children begin to play cricket at school.

And Group Number 2.

Lord's is a very popular cricket ground where 30.000 people can watch cricket. Some people say that cricket is a part of English life. Write me about favorite kinds of sport. Your friend Tom.

Thank you. Well done.

в) Етап перевірки розуміння змісту тексту. (слайд №23)

- I have got some questions to you.

1) What is Britain's national sport?

2) When do the British play football and when do they play cricket?

3) When did the British begin in to play cricket?

4) How long does the game of cricket last?

5) What is a popular cricket ground?

- I see you have understood the text very well and learnt new facts about cricket.


(слайд №24)

(На дошці постер з малюнком олімпійських кілець) (Додаток)

- I think Tom doesn't know much about popular Ukrainian kinds of sport. Let's make a poster for him, about our favorite kinds of sport.

Take your paper hands - our symbols of friendship and write down the names of sport you like. When you are ready come to the blackboard and stick them on our poster.

(Поки діти пишуть, звучить мелодія).

- Our poster is ready to send it to London. May all children be healthy!

ІV. Заключна частина уроку.

- Thank you very much for your work. We shall continue it at the next lesson. Now stand up, please turn to our guests and say - Good Bye.

You are free


Конспект уроку по темі:Спорт у Великій Британії

Конспект уроку по темі:Спорт у Великій Британії

Конспект уроку по темі:Спорт у Великій Британії

Конспект уроку по темі:Спорт у Великій Британії

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