Урок из курса по английской литературе. Lewis Carroll “Alice in Wonderland”

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 9 класс
Тип Конспекты
Формат docx
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Lesson Plan

Date: 21.02.2012

Theme: Lewis Carroll "Alice in Wonderland"

Subject: English- Home Reading

Class: 9 G

Level: Intermediate

Teacher: Yelena Vladimirovna Bozhko


  1. Smart board

  2. Video fragment "Alice in Wonderland"

  3. Flip chart for matching a character with the picture

  4. Costumes for dramatizing

  5. A toy hare

  6. Quiz slide show

  7. Cookies for dramatizing


  1. Speak the biographical facts of Lewis Carroll

  2. Identify Lewis Carroll's literary genres

  3. Analyze the extract from a chapter

  4. Express their point of view about the characters

  5. Use speaking skills in dramatizing of a small skit based on "Alice in Wonderland" by Lewis Carroll

  6. Watch a video fragment and answer the questions


T: Hi, students! The 7-th lesson came and I only hope that you aren't so tired. I'll try to improve your mood. W-U-A-L-Y-A ! And you're in the Wonderland with Alice and her author Lewis Carroll. It's a magic tour and by the end of the lesson you WBAT:

Slide 1

Slide 2

Warm Up:

T: To get to this wonderful country you should do this quiz, telling True/ False .

Quiz Questions:

  1. Name two novels written by Lewis Carroll

Alice through the Looking Glass, The Hunting in the Snark

  1. True/False? The main character is named Cheshire Cat

a. False, The main character is named Alice

  1. True/False? Lewis Carroll was born in Darisbury, England

a. True

  1. True/False? His pseudonym is Charles Lutwidge Dodgson

    1. False, it's his real name

  2. True/False ? Lewis Carroll travelled to Russia.

    1. True. He was in Moscow and St. Petersburg

  3. True/False? He graduated in Mathematics at Oxford

    1. True.

7.True/False? He had 2 sisters and 5 brothers

    1. False .9 sisters and 2 brothers

  1. Name other characters in "Alice in Wonderland"

    1. White Rabbit, Hatter, King of Hearts, Dormouse, Queen of Hearts

  2. His main genre is literary nonsense


Slide 3

Practice 1: Reviewing Practice.

  1. Interesting Facts

T: Explain me what these words, numbers or expressions mean because from my point of view they justify that Lewis Carroll wasn't an ordinary person and writer

b)Literary Genres

T: Some critics considered that he wasn't a professional writer and the Alice books were created casually , just in order to entertain the three little children who loved listening to tales. But if we look at genres, we can say he was a well-established writer of fiction and essays who wrote more than 2 books

T: Lewis Carroll loved playing with words and ideas. In one section of the novel the Mock Turtle is telling Alice what he studied at school

  1. The questions from the international intellectual game "Zolotoe Runo"

Slide 4

Slide 5

Slide 6


Practice 2: Matching the pictures with the characters

T: Can you name any characters of this book? I want you to match your hero with a picture. There may be 2 or 3 heroes in one picture.

T: Who left? There is no person for this character. Don't worry, you'll see him while watching a video fragment from a new version of the film "Alice in Wonderland"

Slide 7

Flip chart


Pre-watching T: Before watching I'd like to pay your attention to some vocabulary which may be unknown for you: bandage, evaporating skills, purify, scratch.

After- watching Answer the questions:

1.Where was she?

2. Whom did she meet?

3.What was their conversation about?

4.How did the Cheshire Cat help her?

Production: Dramatization

T:It's time to use your speaking skills in a small skits based on "Alice in Wonderland''

Practice 3: Reading Comprehension

Students do the tasks in their books and then answer the question:

If you were Alice, what would you see in your dreams?

Slide 8

Video fragment

Slide 9

Slide 10

p. 112-113


Congratulate the students on completing all the tasks, thank them for the lesson, ask if they learnt anything new or unknown for them , put their marks and share with cookies.

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