Разработка урока по патриотическому воспитанию на уроке английского языка к 70-летию Великой Победы

Theme: We mustn’t forget those terrible years of war. Aims: 1) To learn and use N.L.U., use them in speech. Introduce the students the main events of the World War II. To learn about some heroes. Discuss the problem of war, peace, friendship. To learn to use Grammar: Present Simple, Past Simple, Past Perfect.             2) Conversational skills, develop reading, writing, speaking. Practice using short dialogues, monologues. Ro learn to participate in discussions the world’s problems. Practice u...
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Разработка урока по патриотическому воспитанию на уроке английского языка к 70-летию Великой Победы.

Theme: We mustn't forget those terrible years of war.

Aims: 1) To learn and use N.L.U., use them in speech. Introduce the students the main events of the World War II. To learn about some heroes. Discuss the problem of war, peace, friendship.

To learn to use Grammar: Present Simple, Past Simple, Past Perfect.

2) Conversational skills, develop reading, writing, speaking. Practice using short dialogues, monologues. Ro learn to participate in discussions the world's problems. Practice using grammar constructions.

3) To learn the student to be the patriots of our Motherland, be brave, honest, kind and be ready to defend our country. Introduce the students some heroic examples of people during the World War II. To use patriotic texts.

Visual aids: geographical map, photos, pictures, lexical cards, slogans, stand, short composition about war, crossword puzzle.

Type: combined lesson in the form of "Round Table".

The lesson is connected with History, Geography, Literature, Russian and Kazakh History.


  1. Org. moment. Greeting.

  2. Sounds the phonogram of the song: «Вставай, страна огромная!»

  3. The teacher's word:

Today we'll speak about the World War II, with claimed more than 55 million lives. The war involved 72 countries. Hundreds of battles were fought during the war on land and sea. They were terrible. For our country the Great Patriotic war began on June 22, 1941 and ended on May 9, 1945.

Thus ended the bloodiest war that mankind has ever experienced. Our people will never forget those terrible years of war.

  1. There are pictures, photos on the blackboard, some slogans and the geographical map. The students are sitting at the "Round table".

Student 1

On June 22,1941, fascist Germany attacked the Soviet Union. On the same day the Government called on all people to rise up for a patriotic war against the fascist aggressors. All people took an active part in the war because they did not want to live under the yoke of any foreign invader. They fought for their Motherland, for a happy present and a still brighter future.

Student 2

By fighting against fascism, our people at the same time demonstrated their international solidarity and internationalism. They saved the people of many countries from fascism.

Student 3

In mortal combat with Hitler's fascism our people displayed unheard of heroism and lofty courage, upheld the independence of their Motherland and saved world civilization.

Student 4

For the sake of radiant future, of progress on earth, thousands upon thousands of heroes stood up to face fascist tanks, threw themselves on the embrasures of pill-boxes, destroyed fascist planes and warships.

Student 5

Our people won the Great Patriotic war against a powerful enemy, because they were fighting a suit war to liberate their own country. The people of the world should remember the main role of our country in the victory over fascism.

Student 6

The Soviet Union lost 20 million of their people and saved the world from fascism. We should never forget those who gave their lives for our Motherland. People from Kazakhstan took an active part in the Great Patriotic war. We know and remember our native heroes: Alia Moldagulova, Manshuck Mametova, Talghat Begeldinov the division commanded by General Panfilov.

Student 7

During the Great Patriotic war all people, not only adults, but even children too, fought heroically at the fronts and in the rear. They helped grown-ups everywhere. They worked in the fields, at the plants and factories; they helped the families of soldiers who were at the front.

Student 8

Many young people and even children became the members of partisan detachments. They carried messages and obtained information about the enemy plans and strength which the partisans needed. They showed great courage.

Student 1

Soviet troops drove the aggressors from the borders of our country, then began the liberation of the enslaved nations in Europe. They freed Poland, Romania, Bulgaria and Hungary. They fought to liberate Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia. Many soldiers have never returned home.

Student 2

But Victory came. On May 9, 2010 we will celebrate the 65th anniversary of the Great Victory.

It is one of the most important holidays in our country and a great holiday for all the countries which fought in the Second World War against fascism.

  1. The teacher: "Now, students, we shall read and speak about a heroic woman, who saved the lives of many our soldiers during the World War II. First of all, let's learn some words".

The students read the words on the blackboard after the teacher, with the teacher, in a chain.

wounded - раненый

a hospital - госпиталь

surgical - хирургический

evacuate - эвакуировать

a surgeon - хирург

blood - кровь

a nurse - сестра, няня

military - военный

uniform - униформа

to take care - заботиться

civilian - гражданский

victory - победа

war - война

danger - опасность

star - звезда

fear - страх

death - смерть.

    1. Presentation the text "Maria Kutusova" (the text is on a paper for every student)

    The students read the text one by one a) with the translation

    b) without translation

    c) with the translation

    d) find the sentences in the text:

    The teacher asks the students to find the sentences:

    1. В 1942 г. немецкие танки ворвались в Новочеркасск.

    2. Не было времени для эвакуации.

    3. Раненые были перенесены в подвал.

    4. Медсестры сбегали домой и принесли старые униформы железнодорожников.

    5. На следующий день в госпиталь зашли фашисты.

    6. Доктор Кутузова подала офицеру журнал регистрации

    7. Лейтенант Малышев стал студентом сельхозтехникума.

    8. Это была первая победа в борьбе за жизнь раненых военных.

    9. Их жизни были в опасности.

    10. Они искали военных, но не нашли их.

    1. Conversation practice.

    All the students receive the questions over the text and answer.

    1. Into what city did the Germans break in 1942?

    2. How many wounded patients were there in the hospital?

    3. Was there any time left to evacuate them?

    4. Who decided to remain in the city with the wounded?

    5. What clothes were hung up on the racks in place of the military uniforms of the patients?

    6. When did the Germans come to the hospital?

    7. What did the officer find in the hospital?

    8. Did he ask for the registry book?

    9. Was it an old or a new book?

    10. Did Maria Kutusova win a victory in the fight for the lives of the wounded?

    1. Oral practice.

    Teacher: Ask your friend:

    1. when the Great Patriotic War began?

    2. In what year the German tanks broke into Novocherkassk?

    3. What was the name of the doctor?

    4. What the Germans did at the military men?

    1. Writing practice:

    The students work whit L.U., they receive cards and have to put on the missing letters:

    1. woun**d

    2. hos**t*l

    3. su*gi*al

    4. bl**d

    5. m*l*t*ry

    6. civ*l*an

    7. w*r

    8. sta*

    9. dea*

    10. evac**te

    11. v*ct*r*

    after writing the students change their cards whit one another and check up the words using the vocabularies.

    1. Audition. The teacher read the text.

    A politician was staying overnight at a small country hotel. When he came into the dining-room for breakfast in the morning, one of the guests rose from his seat. "Sit down, sit down", said the great man.

    "Why?" asked the other man.

    "Can't I take salt cellar from the next table?"

    the students retell the story one by one, using the Reported Speech.

    1. Practice in some dialogues.

    The students are reading the dialogue on the cards.

    Ex.1. - Have you a grandfather?

    2. Yes, I have.

    1. - Did he take part in the Great Patriotic War?

    2. - Yes, he did.

    1. - Did he fight near Moscow?

    2. - Yes, he did. He was wounded in that battle.

    - Are you proud of your grandfather?

    - Yes, I did. My grandfather is a hero. He lives in Astana now.

    The students compose some similar dialogues.

    1. Student 2

    Our people from Kazakhstan took an active part during the Great Patriotic War.

    Student 3: Sounds the historical message:

    Воины казахстанцы мужественно сражались у стен Ленинграда. С 9 сентября 1941 года участвовали в обороне и прорыве блокады в составе 310-й стрелковой дивизии. А несколько позже - 314-я дивизия, сформированная в Казахстане. В тяжелые дни боев за Ленинград Султан Баймагамбетов повторил бессмертный подвиг Александра Матросова. Сыны казахского народа шли в первых рядах бойцов за Отчизну.

    Student 4

    В тяжелые сентябрьские дни 1941 года казахский народный поэт Джамбул обратился к ленинградцам со стихотворением «Ленинградцы, дети мои». Песня акына явилась подлинным гимном дружбы.

    Student 5 Sounds the poem:

    Ленинградцы, дети мои!

    Ленинградцы, гордость моя!

    Мне в струе степного ручья

    Виден отблеск невской струи.

    Если вдоль снеговых хребтов

    Взором старческим я скользну, -

    Вижу своды ваших мостов,

    Зорь балтийских голубизну,

    Фонарей вечерних рои,

    Золоченых крыш острия…

    Ленинградцы, дети мои!

    Ленинградцы, гордость моя!

    Не затем я на свете жил,

    Чтоб разбойничий чуять смрад,

    Не затем вам, братья, служил,

    Чтоб забрался ползучий гад

    В город сказочный, в город-сад.

    Не затем к себе Ленинград

    Взор Джамбула приворожил!

    А затем я на свете жил,

    Чтобы сброд фашистских громил,

    Не успев отпрянуть назад,

    Волчьи кости свои сложил

    У священных ваших оград.

    Вот зачем на север бегут

    Казахстанских рельс колеи,

    Вот зачем Неву берегут

    Ваших набережных края…

    Ленинградцы, дети мои!

    Ленинградцы, гордость моя!

    1. Teacher: Our country suffered more than any other country in the world during the Great Patriotic War. We lost over 20 million people in that war. We need peace and we'll go on struggling for peace.

    2. Teacher: "Now, students, let's guess the crossword puzzle, it's on the blackboard".



    Translate and write:

    1. военный

    2. госпиталь

    3. победа

    4. учитель

    5. опасность

    6. война

    7. кровь

    8. звезда

    9. униформа

    10. врач





























































    1. Sounds the phonogram:

    Д. Шостакович, VII симфония «Ленинградская»

    There is a brunch of the tree in a vase on the table and the teacher asks the students to write the words against the war on the cards in the form of a bird (they are cut from a piece of paper). The students write the words: piece, friendship, sun, love, victory, blue sky on the cards and hang them on the "tree". While the students do this, sounds the song "Victory Day" (words by V. Kharitonov, music by D. Tukhmanov)

    Разработка урока по патриотическому воспитанию на уроке английского языка к 70-летию Великой Победы.Разработка урока по патриотическому воспитанию на уроке английского языка к 70-летию Великой Победы.Разработка урока по патриотическому воспитанию на уроке английского языка к 70-летию Великой Победы.Разработка урока по патриотическому воспитанию на уроке английского языка к 70-летию Великой Победы.Разработка урока по патриотическому воспитанию на уроке английского языка к 70-летию Великой Победы.Разработка урока по патриотическому воспитанию на уроке английского языка к 70-летию Великой Победы.

    1. Home work: to learn N.L.U., to write a short composition about war.

    2. Marks. The end of the lesson.

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