Внеклассное мероприятие на тему Holidays in Great Britain

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс -
Тип Конспекты
Формат docx
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Тема: «Holidays in Great Britain»

Цели: 1) Создавать условия для ознакомления с праздниками Великобритании; 2) Тренировать строить свое высказывание с использованием конструкции to be going to; 3) Развитие творческих навыков и умений (разукрашивание пасхальных яиц, создание рисунков на тему «Easter»)

Ход занятия

  1. Организационный момент

Teacher: -Good-morning! Let's get acquainted. My name's Irina Mihailovna P1, P2 …..(My name's …..)

Teacher: Today we'll speak about holidays in Great Britain. But at first, answer my question: -what holidays do people celebrate in our country?

  1. Ознакомление с праздниками Великобритании

Презентация (комментирование праздников)

  1. Языковые упражнения с конструкцией to be going to

Teacher: - What are you going to do on the 1st of April?

  • What are you going to do on Easter Sunday?

  • What are going to do on your spring holidays?

-Your answers should contain the construction to be going to.

For example: I'am going to play tricks on my friends on the 1st of April.

  1. «Easter holiday in England»


-Easter Song for children

- The cartoon about Easter

  1. Творческие задания

Teacher: - And now we'll paint the eggs with different colours and patterns and draw the pictures on the topic «Easter»

  1. Заключительный этап

Teacher: - Today you've learnt a lot of information about holidays in Great Britain and compared with holidays in our country. I hope that this information was useful for you and you'll be able to tell anybody about these holidays.

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