Викторина Quiz About Britain

Данным материалом представляю вниманию коллег занимательную викторину "Quiz About Britain". Викторина подойдет для учащихся 7-9 классов. Ее можно использовать в рамках урока, на резервных уроках, на дополнительных и внеурочных занятиях, на организуемых "five o'clock tea". Также викторина удачно впишется в командный конкурс (в том числе и на школьных фестивалях английского языка) для соревнования между командами учащихся разных классов.
Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс -
Тип Тесты
Формат docx
Изображения Нет
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Fun Quiz About Britain

How much and how well do you know about Britain?

  1. Great Britain is an island made up of _____ .

  1. England and Ireland

  2. England, Scotland and Wales

  3. Britain, Scotland and Wales

  1. The Queen, Britain's official head of state, has _____ power.

  1. absolute

  2. no

  3. little real

  1. The British drive on _____ side of the road.

  1. left

  2. right

  1. Politically, Northern Ireland is ______ .

  1. part of the United Kingdom

  2. an independent state

  1. When you walk into a building in the UK, you ______ .

  1. are on the ground floor.

  2. are on the first floor.

  3. are on the second floor.

  1. The five-pound note is often called ______ .

  1. five-pounder

  2. fiver

  3. fiv

  1. It's raining cats and dogs means ______ .

  1. strong winds

  2. people walking their pets in the rain

  3. raining heavily

  1. Every cloud has a silver lining means ______ .

  1. you can find silver in the clouds

  2. clouds can be of the silver colour

  3. even bad things have something good about them

  1. Mind the gap between ______ .

  1. the railway carriages

  2. the train and the platform

  3. everything

  1. These are acceptable talks in Great Britain ______ .

  1. weather, films, sport, food, hobbies

  2. politics, religion, marital status, weight

  3. how much people earn for living

  1. The British celebrate the 4th of July on ______ .

  1. 4.07

  2. from 04.07-06.07

  3. neither of these days.

  1. When asked about the time, a British says "half nine" then it means ______ .

  1. 9:30

  2. 8:30

  3. 4:30

  1. The flag of the United Kingdom is known as ______ .

  1. Jack's flag

  2. British flag

  3. the Union Jack

  1. Cockney is ______ .

  1. the same as cognac, a grape brand

  2. a character from a famous cartoon

  3. accent of English

  1. Cheers in modern British slang ______ .

  1. is a word you and your friends say when clink glasses

  2. "thank you"

  3. kinda "sorry"

TOTAL: ______ point(s).


  1. b

  2. c

  3. a

  4. a

  5. a

  6. b

  7. c

  8. c

  9. b

  10. a

  11. c

  12. a

  13. c

  14. c

  15. b

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