Конспект урока по английскому языку на тему Мобильные телефоны

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 8 класс
Тип Конспекты
Формат docx
Изображения Нет
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Класс: 8

Тема: "Mobile Phones and SMS language"


Социокультурный аспект - знакомство с историей появления телефона и сотового телефона; с языком СМС, его особенностями;

Развивающий аспект - развитие способности к догадке по контексту, по словообразовательным элементам; развитие внимания, памяти; развитие умения переключаться с одного вида речевой деятельности на другой;

Воспитательный аспект - формирование положительного отношения к фактам чужой культуры; развитие умения работать самостоятельно и в группе;

Ход урока

  1. Организационный момент, вступительное слово учителя, речевая и фонетическая зарядка.

Good morning, dear boys and girls. You know, that this week at our lyceum is devoted to Science and new technologies. Look at the slide (слайд1), read the name of our lesson today. Who can do it? "WAN 2 TLK? SO WOT R U W8ING 4?". Can you guess what we are going to talk about?

Yes. You're right, about the unusual language, the language of SMS. But not only about it, about mobile phones too. I think mobile phones play a great role in our lives. We can't imagine our lives without them now. Everybody: children, teenagers, adults use them every day. Why are they so popular?

Do you know who invented the first telephone and when?

Look at the slide (слайд2) and remember the name of this inventor and at the picture you can also see how the first telephone looked like. It was not mobile at all, but today you'll learn a lot about mobile phones, how they have changed.

Look at this slide (слайд3); you can see different kinds of phones from the first ones to modern cells.

Also today we'll see how well you know SMS language.

Let's start with the vocabulary: the words and word phrases which we'll need today. Look at the next slide (слайд4) and read after me.

(учащиеся повторяют за учителем слова и выражения, которые написаны на слайде с переводом на русский язык)

invent [ɪnˈvent]- изобретать, делать открытие ,device [dɪˈvaɪs]- устройство; аппарат, прибор, scientist [ˈsaɪəntɪst] - ученый, development [dɪˈveləpmənt]- развити; рост, handy [ˈhændɪ] - удобный (для пользования); портативный, replace [rɪˈpleɪs] - вернуть; восстановить;, prevent [prɪˈvent] - предотвращать, предохранять, предупреждать,

  1. Preparation for reading.

Match the words with their descriptions.

  1. invent

  1. that which is formed by design;

  1. device

  1. a person with advanced knowledge of one of more sciences

  1. scientist

  1. to restore to a former place, position

  1. development

  1. The act or process of changing

  1. handy

  1. Easily managed, performed by the hand.

  1. replace

  1. to stop

  1. prevent

  1. To discover, to find out;

Key: 1 - g, 2 - a, 3 - b, 4 - d, 5 - e, 6 - c, 7 - f.

Reading and listening to the article about mobile phones. Mobile phones


People have invented many useful devices. One of the most interesting and widely-used inventions is the telephone. The modern phone that we use today is the result of work of many people. The first person to have patented the telephone in 1876 was Alexander Graham Bell. He is credited as the inventor of this practical device. Other scientists who also worked on telephone invention were Elisha Gray, Antonio Meucci, Thomas Edison and some others. The 20th century was the era of phone development and modernization.. Modern phones are presented mostly by mobiles, which support IP telephony and wi-fi. It is almost impossible to find a person nowadays who doesn't have a personal mobile phone. These phones have become highly popular over the last years. They are rather compact, handy and easy to carry around. Mobile phones allow us to make calls, send text messages, listen to music, play games, take photos, check an e-mail and else. Thus, they have replaced not only landlines but also personal computers, MP3-players and cameras. However, there are many people in the world who are against mobiles phones. Doctors claim that this device has a bad effect on people's health. It can damage our eyesight and immune system. The signals that are sent from mobiles can be harmful. Some people also believe that phones prevent live communication. And, it is true. With the appearance of mobile phones and computers people meet up with friends less often. In my opinion, telephone is a very useful and important device. We simply can't live without it in the modern world, even though it is not safe for health. The only solution is to try to use it less in everyday life.

  1. Знакомство с языком СМС, выполнение заданий в группах.

  1. Match the text symbols with their meanings: (слайд 6)

  1. B4

  1. Love

  1. C

  1. Please call me

  1. L8

  1. Anyone

  1. LUV

  1. Can't wait

  1. NE1

  1. Before

  1. PCM

  1. Bye-bye for now

  1. CW

  1. See

  1. BBFN

  1. at

  1. 2DAY

  1. thanks

  1. THX

  1. you

  1. @

  1. Today

  1. U

  1. late

Key: 1-e, 2- g, 3-j, 4-a, 5-c, 6-b, 7-d, 8-f, 9-h, 10-I

  1. Write the correct spelling for each of these text "words" and find the hidden word.

Do the crossword








  1. L8R 2. B4 3. TXT 4. 2 5. 2NITE 6. XLNT 7. GR8

Key: 1 - later; 2 - before; 3- text; 4 - to; 5 - tonight; 6 - excellent; 7 - great (слайд9

  1. Turn this text conversation into spoken language:

  1. - Wan 2go 2da cinema l8er 2nite

  • Cant go 2nite. Hav a d8! Is w/end ok 4u?

  1. - Yes, Sat ok. Wot do u wan 2c?

  • Not a cartoon. I h8 cartoons! Hav u cn SpyGame?

  1. - No but iwan 2c! I luvbradpitt! cu@7?

  • Ok CW 2CU! Bbfn!


  1. - Want to go to the cinema later tonight?

  • Can't go tonight. Have a date! Is weekend ok for you?

  1. - Yes, Saturday OK. What do you want to see?

  • Not a cartoon. I hate cartoons! Have you seen Spy Game?

  1. - No but I want to see! I love Brad Pitt! See you at 7?

  • OK. Can't wait to see you! Bye-bye for now!

  1. Заключительный этап. Подведение итогов, выставление оценок.

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