Контрольно - оценочные средства по Иностранному языку

Комплект контрольно-оценочных средств разработан на основе Федерального государственного образовательного стандарта среднего  профессионального образования по специальности СПО 190631  Техническое обслуживание и ремонт автомобильного транспорта,  утвержденного приказом Министерства образования и науки РФ от «17»  марта 2010 г. № 184, рабочей программы учебной дисциплины Иностранный язык.   Настоящий комплект оценочных средств  предназначен для оценки  образовательных результатов по дисциплине  О...
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Тип Тесты
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For-Teacher.ru - все для учителя
Поделитесь с коллегами:

Министерство образования и науки Самарской области

Государственное образовательное учреждение

среднего профессионального образования

Самарский техникум промышленных технологий

Комплект контрольно-оценочных средств

по оценке освоения образовательных результатов

учебной дисциплины

ОГСЭ . 03. Иностранный язык

Основной профессиональной образовательной программы

по специальности среднего профессионального образования

190631 Техническое обслуживание и ремонт

автомобильного транспорта



Комплект контрольно-оценочных средств разработан на основе Федерального государственного образовательного стандарта среднего профессионального образования по специальности СПО 190631 Техническое обслуживание и ремонт автомобильного транспорта, утвержденного приказом Министерства образования и науки РФ от «17» марта 2010 г. № 184, рабочей программы учебной дисциплины Иностранный язык.

Одобрен на заседании ПЦК преподавателей

гуманитарных дисциплин

Протокол № от «___ »________ 20____ г.

Председатель ПЦК_________ Котова Т.А.


ГОУ СПО СТПТ преподаватель Белякова Т.В.

Экспертизу выполнил (а) _____ В.Я. Сомова, методист ГОУ СПО СТПТ



Пояснительная записка



Паспорт комплекта контрольно-оценочных средств



Содержание контрольно-оценочных средств для проведения дифференциального зачета



Тестовое задание



Бланк выполнения задания



Инструкция для обучающегося при выполнении тестового задания



Эталон ответа и критерии оценивания



Перечень рекомендуемой литературы


Инструкция для эксперта-экзаменатора



Настоящий комплект оценочных средств предназначен для оценки образовательных результатов по дисциплине ОГСЭ. 03. Иностранный язык в рамках специальности 190631 Техническое обслуживание и ремонт автомобильного транспорта. Контрольно-оценочное средство разработано на основе требований:

1. ФГОС СПО по специальности 190631 Техническое обслуживание и ремонт

автомобильного транспорта , утвержденного приказом Министерства

образования и науки Российской Федерации от «25» февраля 2010

года № 144.

2. Методических рекомендаций по разработке рабочей программы учебной

дисциплины циклов ОГСЭ, ЕН, ОП основной профессиональной

образовательной программы.

3. Методических рекомендаций по формированию фондов оценочных средств

ОПОП для обучающихся по профессиям НПО и специальностям СПО.

4. Положения о промежуточной аттестации и текущем контроле знаний студентов


График проведения оценочной процедуры составлен в соответствии с графиком учебного процесса.

Формой проведения оценочной процедуры для оценки образовательных результатов учебной дисциплины является дифференцированный зачет.

Паспорт контрольно-оценочных средств

2.1. Область применения

Комплект контрольно-оценочных средств предназначен для контроля образовательных результатов освоения учебной дисциплины ОГСЭ. 03. Иностранный язык основной профессиональной образовательной программы по специальности СПО ФГОС СПО по специальности 190631 Техническое обслуживание и ремонт автомобильного транспорта, (уровень подготовки базовый).

2.2 Требования ФГОС по освоению дисциплины

В результате освоения учебной дисциплины ОГСЭ. 03. Иностранный язык обучающийся должен обладать предусмотренными ФГОС по специальности СПО ФГОС СПО по специальности 190631 Техническое обслуживание и ремонт

автомобильного транспорта, (уровень подготовки базовый) следующими умениями и знаниями, которые формируют профессиональные и общие компетенции:

2.2.1 В результате освоения учебной дисциплины обучающийся должен уметь:

- общаться (устно и письменно) на иностранном языке на профессиональные и повседневные темы;

- переводить (со словарём) иностранные тексты профессиональной направленности;

- самостоятельно совершенствовать устную и письменную речь,

пополнять словарный запас;

В результате освоения учебной дисциплины обучающийся

должен знать:

-лексический (1200-1400 лексических единиц) и грамматический минимум, необходимый для чтения и перевода (со словарём) иностранных текстов профессиональной направленности;

2.2.3 В результате освоения учебной дисциплины формируются следующие общие компетенции:

ОК 1. Понимать сущность и социальную значимость своей будущей профессии, проявлять к ней устойчивый интерес.

ОК 2. Организовывать собственную деятельность, выбирать типовые методы и способы выполнения профессиональных задач, оценивать их эффективность и качество.

ОК 3. Принимать решения в стандартных и нестандартных ситуациях и нести за них ответственность.

ОК 4. Осуществлять поиск и использование информации, необходимой для эффективного выполнения профессиональных задач, профессионального и личностного развития.

ОК 5. Использовать информационно-коммуникационные технологии в профессиональной деятельности.

ОК 6. Работать в коллективе и команде, эффективно общаться с коллегами, руководством, потребителями

ОК 7. Брать на себя ответственность за работу членов команды (подчиненных), результат выполнения заданий.

ОК 8. Самостоятельно определять задачи профессионального и личностного развития, заниматься самообразованием, осознанно планировать повышение квалификации.

ОК 9. Ориентироваться в условиях частой смены технологий в профессиональной деятельности.

ОК 10. Исполнять воинскую обязанность, в том числе с применением полученных профессиональных знаний (для юношей).

Формой текущего контроля знаний по учебной дисциплине является:

  • фронтальный опрос,

  • контрольная работа,

  • самостоятельная работа,

  • лабораторная работа,

  • исследовательская работа,

  • практическое занятие.

Формой промежуточной аттестации по учебной дисциплине является дифференциальный зачет.

2.3 Результаты освоения учебной дисциплины, подлежащие проверке

В результате аттестации по учебной дисциплине ОГСЭ. 03. Иностранный язык осуществляется комплексная проверка следующих умений и знаний:

Результаты обучения: умения и знания

Показатели оценки результата

Формы и методы контроля и оценки, объект оценки


У 1. Общаться (устно и письменно) на иностранном языке на профессиональные и повседневные темы;

составление монолога/ диалога в ситуациях официального и неофициального общения по каждой теме УД;

использование аргументации и эмоционально-оценочных средств;

описание события, изложение фактов, составление сообщения по каждой теме УД;

Практические задания по использованию и активизации лексики по каждой теме УД;

Тестовые задания на употребление профессионально-ориентированной лексики в речевых конструкциях и разговорных клише в диалогической речи (диалог-расспрос, диалог-обмен мнениями/суждениями, диалог-побуждение к действию, этикетный диалог и их комбинации);

Практические задания по составлению топиков с использованием профессионально-ориентированной лексики по каждой теме.

Коллоквиум по употреблению фраз речевого этикета.

Рефераты по темам УД.

Практические задания по составлению письменных сообщений:

  • личное письмо;

  • письмо в газету, журнал;

  • небольшой рассказ (эссе);

  • заполнение анкет, бланков;

  • изложение сведений о себе (автобиография, резюме);

  • составление плана действий;

  • написание тезисов, конспекта сообщения, в том числе на основе работы с текстом.

У 2. Переводить (со словарём) иностранные тексты профессиональной направленности;

перевод текста (со словарём), извлечение важной информации из текста профессиональной направленности.

Контрольные работы по переводу профессионально-ориентированных текстов.

Практические задания по составлению плана -

конспекта к тексту.

Практические задания по извлечению необходимой информации из текста.

Контрольные вопросы к каждому тексту УД.

Реферат « Словарь профессиональных терминов».

Доклад «Заимствования в современных технических текстах».

Сообщение по теме:

« Интернационализмы и многозначность слов».

У 3. Самостоятельно совершенствовать устную и письменную речь;

Самостоятельное пополнение словарного запаса и совершенствование устной и письменной речи;

Использование самостоятельно приобретенных знаний и умений в практической и профессиональной деятельности, повседневной жизни.

Тестовые задания по теме:


« Правила чтения»,

«Исключения при чтении».

Подстановочные упражнения по изученной лексике.

Контрольные практические работы по употреблению разговорных клише в английской речи».

Контрольные практические работы по активизации устойчивых выражений в речи по каждой теме УД.

Тестовые задания по аудированию:

  • отделять главную информацию от второстепенной;

  • выявлять наиболее значимые факты;

определять свое отношение к ним,

извлекать из аудиоматериалов необходимую или интересующую информацию.



З 1. Лексический (1200-1400 лексических единиц) минимум, необходимый для чтения и перевода (со словарём) иностранных текстов и текстов профессиональной направленности;

Знание ЛЕ по каждой теме УД;

Понимание разговорных клише и устойчивых оборотов речи;

Использование профессионально-ориентированной лексики в различных видах речевой деятельности.

Контрольные практические работы по активизации устойчивых выражений в речи по каждой теме УД.

Подстановочные упражнения по изученной лексике.

Контрольные практические работы по употреблению разговорных клише в

английской речи».

Коллоквиум по употреблению профессионально-ориентированной лексики и фраз речевого этикета.


З 2. Грамматический минимум по каждой теме УД.

Понимание грамматического материала по каждой теме УД;

Умение применять грамматический материал в практических упражнениях различного типа;

Использование грамматических конструкции и явлений во всех видах УД.

Подстановочные упражнения на употребление правильных грамматических категорий.

Тесты по проверке грамматического минимума по каждой теме:

« Артикли»,

«Имя существительное»,



« Степени сравнения прилагательных»,

«Модальные глаголы»,

« Видовременные формы глагола» и т.д.




3.1 Материалы текущего контроля

Тест 1.

1.Выберите правильную форму глагола "to be":

1) I... in the 10th grade.

  1. is

  2. are

  3. am

  4. were

2) He ... at the theatre yesterday.

  1. is

  2. was

  3. will be

  4. were

2. Укажите предложение, в котором глагол "to be" является

  1. She was sixteen last year.

  2. The delegation is to come on Monday.

  3. Mother is at home.

  4. What are you doing?

3. Выберите правильную форму глагола "to have":

Mr. Smith stayed at his office very late because he ... a lot of work.

  1. has

  2. have

  3. will have

  4. had

4. Укажите предложение, в котором глагол "to have" является

  1. We shall have a party tomorrow.

  2. We have invited our friends.

  3. We had to prepare for the party.

  4. I hope we'll have a good time.

5. Укажите правильные варианты перевода:

1) The flowers are in the vase.

  1. Цветы в вазе.

  2. В вазе цветы.

2) There is по telephone in the room.

  1. Телефона нет в комнате.

  2. В комнате нет телефона.

6. Подберите эквиваленты в английском языке, соответствующие

  1. Дверь открылась и вошла девочка.

  2. Дверь открылась и девочка вошла.

  1. The door opened and a girl came in.

  2. The door opened and the girl came in.

7. Выберите нужное местоимение:

1) I invited my friend to ...place,

  1. me

  2. his

  3. my

  4. mine

2) It's easy, you can do it....

  1. you

  2. your

  3. yours

  4. yourself

8. Выберите правильную форму существительного:
1) The ... comes every morning.

  1. postman

  2. postmen

2) How many ... high is this house?

  1. Feet

  2. foot

9. Укажите, какое слово можно употребить вместо подчеркнутого
так, чтобы смысл предложения не изменился?

1) We usually drink much water in hot weather.

  1. few

  2. a lot of

  3. many

  4. little

2) This text is easy, there are not many new words in it.

  1. little

  2. not much

  3. a lot of

  4. few

10. Укажите предложение, в котором числительное является

  1. There are 300 pages in the book.

  2. He was born in 1980,

  3. School year begins on the 1st of September.

  4. Room 5 is empty.

11. Подберите слово, близкое по значению к подчеркнутому:

1) We do English at school

  1. work

  2. learn

  3. teach

  4. know

2) She spoke to her English teacher after classes.

  1. talked

  2. said

  3. told

  4. discussed

12. Из следующей группы слов отметьте то, которое не имеет к
остальным никакого отношения:

  1. weather, season, rain, cloudy, expensive, forecast hot, cold,

  2. London, sights, monument, tourist, art gallery, to found, to build, to design, guide, the president.

13. Определите, какое из слов не является продуктом питания:

Butter, cream, flour, tea, orange, cucumber, fish, sausage, beans, chicken, ham, hot dogs, chips, butter-fly, berries, jam, pine-apple.

14. Какое из утверждений является верным?

1) a) English is impossible to learn.

b) English is the most difficult language in the world.

c) English is the most popular foreign language in our country.

2) a) After Friday comes Monday.

b) The sun rises in the West.

c) The 1st of April is "All Fools' Day" in Britain.

15. Укажите, какое из утверждений верно:

  1. People don't usually work hard on their days off.

  2. All schools have classes on Sundays.

  3. Few people leave school at the age of 16.

16. Скажите, в какой день Джон должен сдавать экзамен?

John came late. The party was very interesting. He didn't want to leave earlier than others. He liked the parties that the Browns sometimes had on Saturday. He was happy. But suddenly he remembered that he-must take his exam in History and there was no time left. He had only one day to prepare for it. The party was forgotten at once.

  1. Monday

  2. Wednesday

  3. Friday

Тест 2.

1. Укажите, в каком предложении глагол стоит в Past Perfect:

a) She has bought a new pair of shoes.

b) She has a lot of different shoes at home.

c) She had bought a pair of new shoes for yesterday's party.

d) She is going to buy a pair of new shoes for the party.

e) She had new shoes on at the party.

2. Выберите правильную форму глагола:

1) The rain ... before we reached home.

a) stopped

b) had stopped

2) The taxi ... by 5 o'clock.

a) arrived

b) had arrived

3. Выберите правильную форму глагола:

1) I ... not ... your book today.

a) have brought

b) had brought

2) ... you ... the dinner by the time the guests came?

a) have cooked

b)had cooked

4. Выберите правильный вспомогательный глагол:

1) ... the delegation visit your school?

a) did

b) has

c) had

2)... I help you?

a) has

b) have

c) shall

3) I ... not seen you for ages.

a) has

b) have

c) shall

4) I ... not known the truth before she told me.

a) has

b) had

c) shall

5. Укажите предложение, в котором "have" является вспомогательным глаголом:

1) Will you work tomorrow?

2) Have a got time!

3) They have never met before.

4) She has a lot of animals at home.

6. Сопоставьте английские предложения с русскими:

1) She is typing the letter.

a) Она написала письмо.

b) Она пишет письмо.

2) They have come.

a) Они идут.

b) Они пришли.

7. Какой вопрос относится к подчеркнутому слову?

Mary loves Nick, her neighbour.

a) Who loves Nick?

b) Whom does Mary love?

c) What is Nick?

d) Why does Mary love Nick?

8. Укажите предложение, в котором глагол "to be" является вспомогательным глаголом для образования страдательного залога:

a) She is washing the baby.

b) Mother is watching TV.

c) Father is at work.

d) I am going to the cinema.

e) A new film is shown in our cinema.

f) He will be 16 next year.

9. Выберите правильный артикль:

1) ... Mississippi is the longest river in the USA.

a) a

b) the

c) -

2) ... Jack London is a well-known American writer.

a) a

b) the

c) -

3) ... tea is cold.

a) a

b) the

c) -

4) On ... Monday we open at 9 o'clock.

a) a

b) the

с) -

5) It was ... cold day.

a) a

b) the

c) -

10. Какое обобщающее слово объединяет следующие понятия:

Sofa, armchair, table, desk, bookcase, cupboard, sideboard, dressing table, shelf, chair, wardrobe.

a) luggage

b) furniture

c) goods

11. Отметьте, какое из высказываний является правильным:

1) America was discovered in the 17th century.

2) Uranium was discovered by Einstein.

3) Flour is produced from milk.

4) "War and Peace" was written by Dostoyevsky.

5) Pierre and Marie Curie were awarded the Nobel Prize.

6) Galileo Galilee was born in France.

Лексико - грамматический тест №3

1. How much this sweater cost?

A. is B. does C. do

2. It often rain in summer.

A. don't B. doesn't C. isn't

3. Dad usually on Saturdays.

A. is working B. works C. work

4. Call for an ambulance if he worse.

A. will fill B. feel C. feels

5. The weather is nice today, but it bad yesterday.

A. is B. did C. was

6. My parents to the USA many times.

A. have been B. were C. have being

7. My sister and her husband since last Christmas.

A. have been married B. were married C. are married

8. I saw light in the window as I by.

A. passed B. was passing C. passing

9. You this test for two hours and can't complete it.

A. have written B. are writing C. have been writing.

10. We were late. The meeting an hour before.

A. started B. had started C. had been started.

11. Why are you looking so unhappy? - I my purse.

A. have lost B. had lost C. am loosing

12. He quickly forgot everything he at school.

A. learnt B. had learnt C. was learning

13. He when you come back tonight.

A. will sleep B. will be sleeping C. will have been sleeping

14. Plants die if you water them.

A. won't B. don't C. wouldn't

15. Would you mind the door?

A. to close B. closing C. close

16. You look tired. If I were you I a rest.

A. take B. will take C. would take

17. Do you enjoy .

A. teaching B. to teach C. teachers

18. I speak to Jane, please?

A. could B. shall C. must

19. My sight is getting worse. Next year, I'm afraid I to read without glasses.

A. cannot B. may not C. won't be able

20. Look! The bridge .

A. is being repaired B. is been repaired C. has repaired

21. In Greece the Olympic Games once in four years.

A. were held B. are being held C. are held

22. Yesterday Tom heard that his aunt for five days.

A. was ill B. had been ill C. has been ill

23. We were told that Andrew to enter the college.

A. is going B. went C. was going

24. Are you married?

A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, I am. C. Yes, I did.

25. does it cost to stay at the Hilton Hotel?

A. How many? B. What C. How much

26.You like black coffee, ?

A. aren't you B. don't you C. do you

27. Can you play piano?

A. the B. a C. an

28. What lovely song!

A. an B. the C. a

29. I went to France last year.

A. B. the C. a

30. I met my friend yesterday

A. goodest B. best C. better

31. This is theatre in London.

A. an older B. the oldest C. the eldest

32. He has time than me.

A. bigger B. much C. more

33. You watch TV too .

A. few B. much C. many

34. I don't want or help.

A. advices B. an advice C. advice

35. Everybody ready.

A. is B. are C. am

36. is new.

A. The text-book of Liz B. The Liz's text-book C. Liz's text-book

37. Listen to me when I'm to you.

A. telling B. talking C. told

38. Three weeks later I for Moscow.

A. left B. had left C. leaving

39. We some good films recently.

A. seeing B. saw C. have seen

40. She was the most delightful person I .

A. have ever met B. had ever met C. ever met

41. I at the hotel for a fortnight when I received your letter.

A. had stayed B. was staying C. had been staying

42. Would it be all right if I at six?

A. came B. come C. will come

43. Nobody answers the phone. They be out.

A. must B. would C. should

44. Yesterday we to the restaurant.

A. are invited B. were invited C. invite

45. Mike hoped that his friend him with his car.

A. would help B. will help C. helping

46. Where is post-office, please?

A. the next B. nearer C. the nearest

47. I earn money than he does.

A. littler B. more little C. less

48. Money not everything.

A. is B. are C. am

49. Where are my glasses? Has anybody seen ?

A. it B. its C. them

50. The old man that he wanted a cup of tea.

A. said B. told C. telling

Грамматический тест №4


A. These

B. This books are very good.

C. That

A. that

2. Are B. those people very nice?

C. there


A. It has

B. It is a dog in the garden.
C.There is

4. What's that? B. It is my new computer.

С There


A. Their

B. They're is a good film at the Odeon.
С There


A. has

I B. have to go to the country tomorrow.

C. had.

A. stay

7. You ought B. to stay at home.

C. staying

A. knows

8. He B. knows to speak English.

С can

A. write

9. He should B. to write a letter.

С writing

A. see.

10. Do you want B. to see the film?

C. seeing

A. a

11. I hope John's got B. any money.

C. some

A. engineer

12. He is B. one engineer

C. an engineer

A. any

13. I'd like B. an eggs, please.

С some

A. a few

14. We've got B. a little eggs left.

C. a number

A. a lot

15. There aren't B. many people here today.

C. much

16. A. Is

B.Does she get up early every day?
С Has

17. Were you in Moscow last week? No, I A. didn't

B. weren't

C. wasn't
A. has

18. She often B. have a bath in the morning.

C. is having

A. loses

19. He B. has lost his hat last week.

C. lost

A. caught

20. They B. catch the 7.30 bus yesterday.

C. catches

A. isn't

21. Mary is here, but her parents B. wasn't

С aren't

A. hurries

22. He B. hurried because he was late.

C. hurry

A. Doesn't

23. B. Does she going to do anything today?
C. Isn't

A. watch

24. They B. is watching television at the moment.

C. are watching

A. did you do

25. B. do you do much work yesterday?
С did you

A. on

26. Who is she looking B. at ?

С. To

A. of

27. This is a nice piece B. off cheese.

C. -

Note :"-" means" nothing", "no word or words".

A. in

28. Our holidays are B. at August.

C on

A. at

29. They're listening B. to the news


A. on

30. We came here B. at 1985.

С in

A. by

31. What's the matter B. with him?

С from

A. was fond

32.1 didn't know you B. are fond of music.

C. were fond


33. The children learnt at the lesson that water B. boils at 100 С.

С. to boil

A. going

34. We saw him B. go along the road.

C. to go

A. didn't know

35. The student wasn't able to do the translation because he B. not know some special terms.

C. doesn't know

A. my

36. This book is B. me

C. mine

A. you

37. She would like to meet B. your

C. to you

A. to them

38. Give the money B. them !

C. theirs

A. to discuss

39. The book B. discussed at the lesson yesterday deals with the problems of war.

С discussing

A. our

40. We're going to B. us favorite shop.

C. ours

A. warm

41. It is much B. warmer here.

C. more warm

A. that

42. She is not as old B. than I am.

C. as

A. very

43. He's B. more intelligent than I am.

С most

A. more careful

44. He drives B. very careful

C. very carefully

A. very hot

45. Yesterday was the B. most hot day so far this year

C. hottest

46. A. Where

B. Why wrote that letter?

C. Who

A. because

47. She went home early B. while she had finished her work.

С without

48. The new instrument A. is expect to help scientists solve many important problems.

B. is expected

C. was expected

49. The man A. seems to be a stranger here.

B. seem

C. is seeming

A. Than

50. I'm going home to change first. B. Then I'm going out for a meal.

С Therefore

3.2 Контрольная работа №1

2 курс 3семестр

1.Choose the correct form.

  1. Apples|the apples are good for you. 2.In Britain coffee| the coffee. 3. The British Prime Minister lives in Downing Street| The Downing street. 4. Mr Jenkins reads Daily Telegraph|The Daily Telegraph find his wife reads Times| The Times. 5. If you want to buy some clothes, the shop I would recommended is Harrison's| The Harrison's. 6. We flow from London to Orly Airport| The Orly Airport. 7. Tate Gallery| The Tate Gallery is the main modern art museum in London. 8. Have you ever visited Tower of London|

2.Which word is different?

1. Coffee, bread, milk.

2.Kitchen, bathroom. Bedroom, garage.

3.Green, big, blue, red.

4.Fair, red, green, grey, dark.

5.Water, meat, bread, fish.

6.Car, sheep, train, bicycle.

7.Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, March.

3. Choose the correct form.

  1. Let me (buy, buying, to buy) you a drink.

  2. I've decided (to stop, stopping, to stop)

  3. I managed ( to find, finding, find) the book I was looking for.

  4. The smell of the roses makes me ( to think, think, thinking)

  5. I tried ( understanding, to understand, understand) the lecture, but it was so difficult.

  6. The doctor told me (to do, doing, do) more exercises.

  7. Look outside! It's starting (snow, snowing, to snow)

4.Open the brackets.

A Letter to a Friend.

Dear Peter,

You by any chance (know) I where Bob (be)? I ( like ) (find out) because I just (hear) of a job that exactly (suit) him, but if he ( not apply) fairly soon of course he (not get) it.

I last (see) him about a month ago, when he just (leave) his job with the film company. He ( say) he (go) to France for a holiday and (promise) (send) me a postcard with his French address as soon as he (find) a place (stay). But I (hear) nothing about him since then and (not know) even whatever he (go) to France or not.

I f you (know) me. I (try) (phone ) you several times but your phone ( not seem) working.

5.Make the new sentences from these ones using reported speech

  1. Tom said," I want to go on holiday next week".

  2. Charles said, "Ann has bought a new car."

  3. I thought, " He is going to give up his job."

  4. She promised, " I 'll speak to the manager about him".

  5. Ann said, " I can type now"

  6. Nick told us, " I saw Jimmy at a party last week"

6.Complete these sentences.

1. I was very tired and it was very late, so I went…

2. Fred robbed a bank and was went to…

3. Jill isn't a religious person…

4. Bill never gets up early. He is still in..

7. Выберите правильный вариант.

  1. A: Do you want / Are you wanting to surf the Internet now?

B: No, it's OK, thanks. I'm doing / do my homework at the moment.

  1. A: Where's Dad? Does he watch / Is he watching TV?

B: No - I think he reads / is reading a book.

  1. A: Are you having / Do you have any computer games?

B: Yes - hundreds! I really like / am liking them.

  1. A: Are you talking / Do you talk on your mobile phone when you are at school?

B: No, I don't. We don't take / aren't taking mobile phones to school.

  1. A: Is it raining / Does it rain in Spain in the summer?

B: It doesn't usually, but today it rains / is raining!

8. Выбери правильную форму множественного числа существительного.

1. Child (a. children b. childs c. childes)

2. Foot (a. foots b. feet c. footes)

3. Dress ( a. dresss b. dresses c. dress)

4. Shelf (a. shelfs b. shelvs c. shelves)

5. Lady (a. ladys b. ladies c. lady)

Контрольная работа №2

2 курс 3семестр

Задание 1. Прочитайте текст и отметьте буквой T (True) правдивые утверждения, а буквой F (False) - ложные.

My clothes

I like trousers and jeans. I don't like shirts but I like T-shirts and sweatshirts. I also like baseball caps. My favourite colours are blue and red.

At school I usually wear my black trousers or blue jeans, and a T-shirt or sweatshirt. I've got a lot of T-shirts. My favourite T-shirt is blue with a picture of a tiger on it. I usually wear trainers. I've got some black shoes, but I don't like them.

At the moment I'm wearing blue jeans, a red and blue sweatshirt and my new trainers. I really love my new trainers!

  1. Martin likes jeans. ___

  2. He doesn't like sweatshirts. ___

  3. His favourite colours are blue and green. ___

  4. He usually wears green trousers at school. ___

  5. His favourite T-shirt is black. ___

  6. He doesn't like his black shoes. ___

Задание 2. Заполните пропуски в тексте подходящими по смыслу словами. Одно слово лишнее. В начале дан пример (0).

big comfortable tidy light hot new quiet

My dream house isn't old - it's (0)new. And it isn't dark - there are lots of windows, so all the rooms are very (1)_____________ . And it isn't noisy - my house is in the countryside, and it's very (2)_______________ . My bed is very (3)________________ , so I sleep very well. My house is never untidy - it's always (4)________________ . And, of course, my house isn't small - it's very (5)______________!

Задание 3. Найдите в каждом предложении ошибку и исправьте ее. Используйте зашифрованные слова, данные в скобках.

Example: I sleep in my kitchen. bedroom (rmdbeoo)

  1. I have breakfast in the bathroom. ___________ (tchkien)

  2. I watch TV in the garden. ___________ (vignli moro)

  3. I have a shower in the living room. ___________ (troboham)

  4. I play football in the bedroom. ___________ (rdagne)

  5. I leave my coat in the dining room. ___________ (lalh)

Задание 4. Заполните пропуски в предложениях правильной формой глагола to have, выразив утверждение или отрицание.

  1. They like animals. They ______ a dog and two cats.

  2. We never watch TV. We ________ a television.

  3. She has a sister, but she __________ a brother.

  4. I _________ a CD player, but I don't have a Walkman.

  5. He walks to school. He ___________ a bike.

  6. That's my mobile phone. It _______ a silver cover.

  7. He _________ sandwich, but he doesn't have a drink.

  8. My house _________ a garden.

  9. My grandparents ___________ grey hair.

  10. Danny can't use the Internet, he ___________ a computer.

Задание 5. Расположите фразы телефонного разговора в правильном порядке.

  • Yes, he has.

  • Hi. It's Jane here. Can I speak to Mark, please?

  • OK. Bye then.

  • Sure. Has he got your number?

  • Yes, please - can you ask him to ring me?

  • Thanks. Bye.

  • No, I'm sorry - he isn't in. Can I take a message?

Задание 6. Выберите правильный вариант:

a. a b. an c. the d. --

  1. She is … doctor. She works in hospital.

  2. They are at a café on …High Street.

  3. He eats …egg and toast for breakfast.

  4. In summer … sky is clear and blue.

  5. I want to be … engineer when I leave school.

  6. … moon is very bright tonight.

  7. My cousin lives in … Odessa.

  8. It's raining. Don't forget to take … umbrella.

  9. I don't like tea with … milk.

  10. His younger sister likes … bananas.

Задание 7. Напишите короткий рассказ (6-10 предложений) о своем рабочем дне.

Контрольная работа №3

2 курс 4семестр

Задание 1. Прочитайте текст и отметьте буквой T (True) правдивые утверждения, а буквой F (False) - ложные.

Baby Hal

We use computers every day, for lots of different things. Computers build things, the help us communicate and solve problems. Powerful supercomputers can do 100 trillion calculations per second. But now computers can do more than calculate; they can learn from their experience too. IBM's computer Deep Blue beat the world champion chess player Gary Kasparov. Its big advantage is that it doesn't get tired, and it never forgets a move.

Now those computers can learn from experience, the next stage is a computer that can think for itself.

A company called Artificial Intelligence (AL) is developing a new computer program. The program is in a computer called Baby Hal. It helps Baby Hal learn a language in the same way humans do. Hal is the name of the intelligent computer in the science fiction film 2001: A Space Odyssey. That computer was dangerous and hurt people, but Baby Hal is not a dangerous computer. Anat Treister-Goren is teaching Baby Hal to learn a language in the same way that humans learn from their mothers.

Anat is very proud of Hal. She says 'Well done', when Hal solves a problem and she corrects its wrong answers on the computer keyboard. Baby Hal enjoys learning about the world by playing games and listening to stories just like a child. Hal's language level is the same as an 18-month-old baby, but its vocabulary is growing fast, and it's making words into sentences.

Computers are part of our lives. They give us information, help us at work, and do the shopping. But powerful machines like Baby Hal, that can think for themselves, need good parents. We don't want dangerous computers that make the wrong decisions, like Hal in the film 2001.

  1. Deep Blue can remember all its chess moves. _T_

  2. Baby Hal can speak different languages. ___

  3. The film 2001: Space Odyssey is about Baby Hal. ___

  4. Baby Hal uses language like a child. ___

  5. Anat Treister-Goren talks to Baby Hal through a keyboard. ___

  6. Baby Hal can't make sentences. ___

  7. Anat reads stories to Baby Hal. ___

  8. Baby Hal can give information and advice. ___

Задание 2. Заполните пропуски в предложениях подходящими по смыслу словами.

В начале дан пример (0).

printer computer screen website email speakers keyboard mouse

password digital camera MP3 player

  1. In different countries the keyboard is in a different language.

  2. You click the ______________.

  3. My _____________ is dirty, so I can't read my email.

  4. A good _______________ can be expensive, but it's really good to have the photos on your computer.

  5. We're designing a __________________ for our school, with photos and information.

  6. I often do my homework on the _________________.

  7. Music sounds great on an ___________________.

  8. Oh no! My ________________ isn't working so I can't print this letter.

  9. I prefer sending an _____________ to writing a letter.

  10. You need _______________ if you want to listen to music on your computer.

  11. Don't enter your _______________ when someone is watching.

Задание 3. Выберите правильный вариант.

  1. A: Do you want / Are you wanting to surf the Internet now?

B: No, it's OK, thanks. I'm doing / do my homework at the moment.

  1. A: Where's Dad? Does he watch / Is he watching TV?

B: No - I think he reads / is reading a book.

  1. A: Are you having / Do you have any computer games?

B: Yes - hundreds! I really like / am liking them.

  1. A: Are you talking / Do you talk on your mobile phone when you are at school?

B: No, I don't. We don't take / aren't taking mobile phones to school.

  1. A: Is it raining / Does it rain in Spain in the summer?

B: It doesn't usually, but today it rains / is raining!

Задание 4. Используйте правильный вариант.

1. The Volga is …river in the territory of Russia.

a) long b) longer c) the longest

2. … birthday is it next week?

a) Whose b) Whom c) Who

3. Perhaps they …a new house next year.

a) will buy b) buy c) shall buy

4. Two years … Derry bought a car.

a) ago b) for c) since

5. My favourite subject at school is … Biology.

a) the b) a c) -

6. Do you get … letters every day?

a) much b) many c) a many

7. George plays …the violin rather well.

a) - b) on c) in

8. My elder sister is afraid … height.

a) - b) of c) with

9. Jean always stays in fashion. People like ….

a) hers b) she c) her

10. When a student, Mike spent two years in … Germany.

a) a b) the c) -

Задание 5. Выберите правильный вариант глагола .

  1. Jess was watching / watched TV when the TV suddenly was breaking / broke.

  2. While Dad was listening / listened to music in the car, he was driving / drove into the back of a bus!

  3. My parents were walking / walked home yesterday when they were seeing / saw an asteroid in the sky.

  4. Oliver climbed / was climbing a mountain when he was dropping / dropped his MP3 player in a river.

  5. The band was signing / sign autographs when two fans got / were getting into their tour bus.

Задание 6. Употребите верную форму.

  1. Maria is very proud of / good at science, so she wants to be a doctor.

  2. You have to be worried about / interested in helping people if you want to be a firefighter.

  3. David wasn't very proud of / good at failing his exams.

  4. You shouldn't get interested in / upset about not getting an interview.

  5. My parents were more proud of / worried about my English test than I was.

Задание 7. Выберите правильный вариант артикля :

а). a b). an c). the d). --

Oxford is 0_a_ small city in 1____ centre of England. 2 ____ University of Oxford is one of 3____ most famous in the world. If you are 4____ student, it's a great place to study. For visitors to Oxford there are a lot of things to do. You can go to museums and theatres. There are also 5____ shops, cafes and restaurants, and of course bookshops. There's 6____ famous bookshop on Board Street. 7____ shop has thousands of books and is over 120 years old!

Summer is 8____ best time to visit Oxford. When 9____ weather is nice, you can hire 10____ boat on one of the rivers or have 11____ picnic in 12____ university parks. Oxford is also close to London so you can easily take 13____ bus or train there for the day.

Задание 8. Напишите своему зарубежному другу письмо о том, как вы провели каникулы (80-100 слов).

Контрольная работа №4

2 курс 4семестр

I. Прочитайте, переведите текст и выполните задания по тексту

St. Paul's Cathedral

St. Paul's Cathedral is situated in the City of London. It was designed by Sir Christopher Wren (1632s 1723) who was not only an architect but also one of the best geometers of his day, a mathematician and astronomer.

It took Wren 35 years to build the Cathedral which is the greatest of English Churches. It is considered to be a fine specimen of Renaissance architecture.

The Cathedral is 515 ft long and 180 ft wide. Its famous dome is the largest church dome in the world after St. Peter's in Rome.

The Cathedral is Gothic in plan but the details are classic Renaissance. In one of the twin baroque towers there is one of the largest bells in the world, Great Paul, weighting 17, 5 tons.

Inside there is a wonderful mixture of architectural work, paintings, mosaics and statues which are monuments to generals and admirals who are buried there and among them admiral Nelson and the Duke of Wellington (under his command the army of the allies defeated Napoleon at Waterloo in 1815).

When Christopher Wren was 90 he was carried here once a year so that he could see his beautiful work. He himself is buried in the Cathedral. There is no monument to Christopher Wren but on his tomb in the centre of the Cathedral there is an inscription which reads: "If you seek a monument, look around". The inscription is in Latin.

St. Paul's Cathedral was partly destroyed in 1941 by a direct hit from bombs. After the war it was restored.


dome - купол

II. The text is about …

1) the interior of St. Paul's Cathedral.

2) Sir Christopher Wren.

3) Renaissance architecture.

4) Christopher Wren's masterpiece.

III. Complete the sentence according to the text.

In one of the towers of St. Paul's Cathedral one can see …

  1. one of the largest bells in the world.

  2. the monument to Christopher Wren.

  3. the tombs of Nelson and Wellington.

  4. the largest church dome in the world.

IV. Choose the right sentence.

  1. St. Paul's Cathedral was designed by Sir Christopher Wren who was not only an architect but also one of the best writers of his day.

  2. The dome of St. Paul's Cathedral is the largest church dome in the world after St. Peter's.

  3. The Cathedral is Gothic in plan but the details are baroque and classic Renaissance.

  4. Christopher Wren is buried in St. Paul's Cathedral, where there is a beautiful monument to him with an inscription in Latin.

V. What explain the inscription: "IF you seek a monument, look around"?

  1. Christopher Wren needed no monument but his beautiful work - St. Paul's Cathedral.

  2. Christopher Wren is buried there (there is a grave of his in St. Paul's Cathedral).

  3. There are many remarkable things in the Cathedral to look at.

  4. In the Cathedral there are many monuments to famous people.

VI. Arrange the sentences according to the text.

1) Christopher Wren was carried here once a year.

2) St. Paul's Cathedral was restored after World War II.

3) It took Wren 35 years to build the Cathedral.

4) Great Paul weight about 17, 5 tons.

1) 4, 3, 2, 1 2) 3, 1, 2, 4 3) 3, 4, 1, 2 4) 1, 4, 3, 2

VII. Which word is different?

1) church 2) cathedral 3) monastery 4) residence

Контрольная работа №5

3 курс 5семестр

  1. Underline the correct word or phrase in each sentence.

0 What time go you/do you go to bed on Saturdays?

1 I want a new computer, but I didn't save/I haven't saved enough money yet.

2 Don't worry, I'm not going to be/I won't be late.

3 It's very hot in here. Shall I/Will I open the window?

4 How long have you been waiting/are you waiting?

5 When I was younger I was going/I used to go to the seaside every summer.

6 I've lived/I lived in Barcelona all my life.

7 While I was cleaning/I had cleaned my room I found this old photograph.

8 You look sad. What are you thinking/do you think about?

9 I go/I'm going to my parents' house next weekend. Do you want to come?

10 I've been looking for my bag, but I still didn't find/I still haven't found it.

11 I like your new room! When have you painted/did you paint it?

12 Where will you be working/do you work next year?

13 I know the play is boring, but we can't leave until it will finish/it finishes.

14 I'm seeing/I will see the doctor tomorrow at 10.00.

15 Where are you go/are you going on holiday?

II. Put each verb given into the present simple or continuous, or the past simple or continuous.

0 Ugh, don't show me that picture! I (hate) hate mice!

1 Where (you go) ______________________ for your holidays last year?

2 At the moment Helen (read) ________________ a book written by a Brazilian author.

3 I left school around 5.00, (play) _____________ football for a while, then went home.

4 Mary (listen) ______________________ to the radio when her friend Barbara called.

5 Mary (turn off) ______________________ the radio when her friend Barbara called.

6 In her free time Helen (read) ______________________ a lot.

7 'Where (you spend) ______________________ your holidays next year?' 'In France.'

8 'What (you do) ______________________ when the rain started?' 'We went inside.'

9 When they arrived in the park a lot of people (play) ______________________ football.

10 People (become) ______________________ more and more interested in solar energy.

11 'Where (you spend) ______________________ your holidays?' 'Usually in France.'

12 She (become) _________________ rich in the fashion industry and retired to Majorca.

13 'What (you do) __________________ when the rain started?' 'We were playing tennis.'

14 At the moment I (stay) ______________________ at a friend's house.

III. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence.

0 Steve left before my arrival.
When I arrived, Steve had already left .

1 This is my first visit to Italy.
I've ___________________________________________________________ .

2 Your taxi arrived a moment ago.
Your taxi has ____________________________________________________ .

3 The film started before my arrival.
When I arrived, the film ___________________________________________ .

4 Would you like me to call back later?
Shall ___________________________________________________________.

5 Simone has been learning English for two years.
Simone started ___________________________________________________ .

6 I last went to Spain in 1998.
I haven't ________________________________________________________ .

7 After the exam we'll go for a pizza.
When the exam __________________________________________________ .

8 I intend to speak to my boss tomorrow.
I'm ____________________________________________________________ .

IV. Put each verb given into the past simple or the present perfect.

0 A: What's the matter?

B: I (cut) have cut myself.

1 A: What did you do on your holiday?

B: We (go) ______________________ to the disco most nights.

2 A: How is the holiday going?

B: Great! We (go) ______________________ to the disco most nights.

3 A: Did you carry on working at the shop after your argument with the manager?

B: No, I (leave) ______________________ .

4 A: Are you still working at the shop?

B: No, I (leave) ______________________ .

5 A: Why are the police here?

B: There (is) ______________________ an accident.

6 A: Why did the metro stop running yesterday evening?

B: There (is) ______________________ an accident.

7 A: How are the unemployment figures this year?

B: They (rise) ______________________ by 2%.

8 A: How were the unemployment figures last year?

B: They (rise) ______________________ by 2%.

Контрольная работа №6

3 курс 6семестр

  1. Underline the correct word or phrase in each sentence.

0 That can't be right! I don't believe/I'm not believing it.

1 I was here/I've been here since the beginning of June.

2 No, I can't see the bird. Where are you looking/do you look?

3 Your secret is safe with me. I'm not going to say/I won't say anything.

4 It's raining. Shall we/Will we take a taxi?

5 I'm meeting/I will meet Lisa for lunch tomorrow.

6 I've wanted to go to Paris all my life, but I still didn't go/I still haven't been there.

7 I'm going to tell her, but I didn't see/I haven't seen her yet.

8 I play/I'm playing tennis with John and Chris at the weekend. Do you want to join us?

9 I think we have time for a coffee before the train arrives/will arrive.

10 I haven't seen you before. When have you started/did you start working here?

11 Where will you be going/do you go for your holidays next year?

12 While I walked/I was walking through the park a dog ran up to me and bit me.

13 Look out of the window! How long has it been snowing/is it snowing?

14 When I was a baby I was carrying/I used to carry a yellow blanket everywhere I went.

15 When the film will end/ends, let's have a coffee.

II. Put each verb given into the present simple or continuous, or the past simple or continuous.

0 What (usually you do) do you usually do at the weekend?

1 What (you get) ______________________ for your birthday last week?

2 'What are you doing?' 'I (check) _________________ this letter for spelling mistakes.'

3 I got to the station at 3pm, (wait) ______________ for half an hour, then came back here.

4 George (watch) ___________________ the television when I arrived at his flat.

5 At the moment inflation (increase) ______________________ slowly.

6 James (turn on) _________________the television so we could watch the football match.

7 Every day Helen (check) ______________ her emails when she gets home.

8 'Where (you go) __________________ ?' 'To the shops. Do you want to come with me?'

9 'What games (you play) ___________when you were young?' 'Hiding from people, trying to catch people, all the usual things.'

10 When I arrived at the checkout a lot of people (wait) _________________ in the queue.

11 Buy one next year - prices (go down) ________________ quite fast at the moment.

12 'Where (you go) _____________ on Saturday afternoons?' 'Shopping, with my mother.'

13 Prices (go down) _____________ quite fast when other, similar models started to appear.

14 'What game (you play) __________________ just now?' 'We were playing chess.'

III. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence.

0 Michael took a deep breath and dived into the water.

After Michael had taken a deep breath, he dived into the water.

1 The plane landed a few moments ago.

The plane has ___________________________________________________ .

2 I've been playing the guitar for three years.

I started ________________________________________________________ .

3 After the start of the match, you'll hear a lot of noise.

When the match __________________________________________________ .

4 This is my first time in the United States.

I've ___________________________________________________________ .

5 Would you like me to get you a drink?

Shall ___________________________________________________________ .

6 I last saw Naomi in February.

I haven't ________________________________________________________ .

7 I intend to email Paul this evening.

I'm ____________________________________________________________ .

8 I thought the film looked familiar.

I thought I ______________________________________________________ .

Контрольная работа №7

4 курс 7семестр

  1. Underline the correct word or phrase in each sentence.

0 If we'd be/we're late for class, our teacher will be angry.

1 The teacher told/asked me if I'd finished the test.

2 My mobile phone needs recharging! I wish the battery wasn't/isn't flat.

3 Peter must have left/can't have left the flowers for me. He's been away.

4 If I won/win the lottery, I'd travel round the world.

5 Your shoes are too small. You could/You'd better take them back immediately.

6 Rita left a message to say that she would join/had joined you in the pub tonight.

7 I think I must left/must have left my bag on the bus.

8 If you'd done/you did more revision, you wouldn't have failed the exam.

9 I said/told to Steve that I'd meet him at the swimming baths later.

10 I was giving/was given the necklace by my aunt.

11 I asked her if she would be/was from Switzerland, and she said no.

12 I haven't got an umbrella! If it rains, I'd get/I'll get wet.

13 I didn't know/wouldn't have known if you hadn't told me.

14 We showed round/were shown round the art gallery by our teacher.

II. Put one of the words or phrases from the box in each space.

could have to had to don't have to didn't have to might have

must mustn't must have ought to should

0 You ought to see a dentist if you've got toothache.

1 He's looking terrible. He _____________ ____ see a doctor immediately!

2 He's not looking too good. I think he ______________________ see a doctor.

3 I ___________________ get my hair cut. I'm having a job interview next week.

4 If you need to make a call, you ______________________ use my phone.

5 It ________________ been a disappointment when you failed your driving test.

6 Sorry I couldn't come with you, I ______________________ go to the dentist.

7 There's no rush. We ______________________ be there until 9.00.

8 These oysters taste strange. It ____________________ been a mistake to order seafood.

9 We were lucky! We ______________________ pay!

10 You ______________________ park your car here. It's not allowed.

III. Decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits the space.

Going to the movies

I promised my friend Lucy that I (0) B her out to the movies for a treat if she
(1) _____ her driving test. I found out yesterday that she (2) _____ the day before, so I called her last night and (3) _____ whether she wanted to see the new film with Matt Dillon. She (4) _____ that she (5) _____ it, but that she (6) _____ to see the Julia Roberts film instead. It (7) _____ very good reviews by the critics in the newspaper last week, so we decided to go. It was showing at the Scala cinema on the other side of town. So I (8) _____ if she (9) _____ give me a lift in her car because I can't drive. She didn't sound very happy but said she (10) _____ to my house and collect me.

0 A had taken B would take C take D will take

1 A would pass B had passed C will pass D passed

2 A would pass B had passed C was passing D has passed

3 A asked her B told her C said her D spoke her

4 A asked me B told me C said me D spoke me

5 A would already see B was already seeing C had already seen D already seen

6 A loved B loves C will love D would love

7 A was given B has been given C gave D gives

8 A told B said her C asked her D spoke

9 A would B should C must D will

10 A had already come B comes C would com D will come

IV. Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first.

0 'Are you staying here all summer?' the little girl asked me.
The little girl asked me if/whether I was staying there all summer .

1 I haven't got a dog but I want one.

I wish __________________________________________________________ .

2 I think you should leave your job. That's what I'd do.

If I ____________________________________________________________ .

3 Somebody has stolen my wallet!

My wallet _______________________________________________________ .

4 Istanbul is my place of birth.

I was __________________________________________________________ .

5 It's not necessary for me to wear a tie at work.

I don't _________________________________________________________ .

6 It was possible for Marcus to get lost.

Marcus could ____________________________________________________ .

IV. Put each verb given into the past simple or the present perfect.

0 A: When are you going to write to your grandmother?

B: Don't worry. I (already write) I've already written to her.

1 A: Why was your flight late?

B: There (is) ______________________ a delay.

2 A: Why isn't our departure time showing on the screen?

B: There (is) ______________________ a delay.

3 A: Did you go to a nightclub after the meal in the restaurant?

B: No, I (come) ______________________ home.

4 A: Thanks for calling, John. Are you speaking from work?

B: No, I (come) ______________________ home.

5 A: Sandra's just arrived.

B: Yes, I know, I (see) ______________________ her.

6 A: Sandra came into the office yesterday.

B: Yes, I know, I (see) ______________________ her.

7 A: How are you feeling today?

B: My temperature (go) ______________________ down.

8 A: How did you know you were getting better?

B: My temperature (go) ______________________ down.

Контрольная работа №8

4 курс 8 семестр

I. Перепишите предложение раскрыв скобки и употребив глагол в соответствующей временной форме группы Perfect Active и Passive. Переведите.

  1. What you (do) with my type writer? I can't find it anywhere. - Tom just (go) off with it. He says he'll bring it back when he (finish).

  2. I couldn't buy it because I (spend) all my money.

  3. George (work) at the university for 45 years before he retired.

  4. Various valuable minerals (be obtained) in that area.

II. Перепишите следующие предложения; подчеркните в них модальные глаголы и их эквиваленты. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. They couldn't talk for a long time, because Jane had to go out.

  2. When the fog lifts we'll be able to see where we are.

  3. He isn't allowed to drive since his accident.

  4. The talks were to be attended by the representatives of fifteen European countries.

III. Перепишите предложения раскрыв скобки и употребив глагол в придаточных предложениях времени и условия в соответствующей форме.

  1. When he (return) I'll give him the key.

  2. When he (sell) his newspapers he'll go home.

  3. If he (not phone) this afternoon I'll phone him this evening.

  4. If I lend you 10 pounds when you (repay) me?

IV. Перепишите следующие предложения; подчеркните Participle I, Participle II и Gerund и установите функции каждого из них. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

  1. Would you mind writing your name and address on the back of the cheque?

  2. Having looked through all the documents and letters received that day he called his secretary.

  3. She showed us a list of the newly published books.

  4. Thinking we were lost, he offered to show us the way home.

V. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

  1. Этот вопрос ещё не решен.

  2. Счета пришлось проверить ещё раз.

  3. Посидите здесь, пожалуйста, пока не вернется директор.

  4. Все студенты, принимающие участие в этой работе, должны придти в институт сегодня в 6 часов вечера.

VI. Переписать и перевести текст.

Energy resources

Fossil fuels (coal, oil and gas) are the main energy resources used by humans. They are mostly burnt in power stations to produce electricity. Only a certain amount of these fuels exists, so they are known as non-renewable energy resources. Once used up they cannot be replaced as they take millions of years to form. Uranium, used as fuel in nuclear power stations is also a non-renewable energy resource.

Renewable energy resources are those which will not run out, or can be easily replenished. Examples are solar power, wind power, tidal power, hydroelectric power (from fast-flowing water), geothermal power (using the internal heat of the earth) and wood (trees grow quickly enough to replenish supplies).

There are a number of advantages and disadvantages to each of these energy resources.

- Non-renewable energy resources should be
used sparingly as they will not last for ever.

- Burning fossil fuels in power stations causes pollution. Sulphur dioxide (a cause of acid rain) and carbon dioxide (which increases the greenhouse effect) are produced. There is also concern that large-scale projects such as 'wind farms' (large groups of wind turbines) spoil the landscape.

- Some energy resources are more reliable than other: the sun and wind will not always be available when needed!

- Nuclear fuels must be treated very carefully as they are radioactive. Public opinion is often against their use, because of the risk of an accident. Nuclear power stations are relatively cheap to run, but very expensive to 'decommission' at the end of their lives to make them safe. Radioactive waste products are produced by nuclear power stations, and these are difficult to dispose of satisfactorily.

- The costs of resources vary. The sun, winds and tides are free, whereas fossil fuels must be mined. However, the equipment needed to harness the sun, winds and tides is expensive, as very large-scale projects are needed to generate as much electricity as one coal power station.

Electricity is the most convenient form of energy for us to use. It is generated in power stations.

In a traditional power station, fuel (coal/oil/gas) is burnt to heat water. The steam produced is used to turn turbines. The turbines drive the generators which produce electricity.

In nuclear power stations the heat from nuclear reactions heats the water, and in geothermal power stations water is pumped through hot rocks underground. In both cases the stream produced turns the turbines to drive the generators.

In other types of power station steam is not used. The turbines are turned directly by the wind, the flow of water downhill, or the water flowing out at low tide. The turbines then drive the generators in the same way.



3.3 Тестовое задание

Вариант 1

Блок А. Задания закрытого типа

Задание (вопрос)





Инструкция по выполнению заданий 1-5: соотнесите содержание столбца 1 с содержанием столбца 2. Запишите в соответствующие строки бланка ответов букву из столбца 2, обозначающую правильный ответ на вопросы столбца 1. В результате выполнения Вы получите последовательность букв. Например:




1-А, 2- Б, 3-В.


1….Browns are going on

a picnic next Sunday. А. - -----

2. What … good pupil you are! Б. a

3. I like tea with … sugar В. the





1. What's … job? She is a hotel She is a hotel manager.

2. The information is top secret so everybody is interested in …

3. Why is this baby crying? Could you do something to calm …

4. Please give the baby …. toy.

А. it

Б. him

В. his

Г. her






1. Moscow is … city А. worst

in the world.

2. This is the … coffee Б. younger

I've ever drunk.

3. Our English teacher is … В. the most expensive

than the teacher of Mathematics.

4. Bill is … thаn his friend. Г- more intelligent




4- Б


1. Is there … in the flat? А. some

2. Take … bread and give Б. anybody

it to me, please.

3. There is … at the bus-stop. В. everybody

4. The question is very easy. Г. somebody

… can answer it.






1. An interesting story А. -------

happened… my friend last year

2. In the morning he advise me Б. in

to play … tennis.

3. Could you go a little faster ? В. with

I am … a hurry

4. I' ll come back late. Г. for

Don' t wait … me.





Инструкция по выполнению заданий № 6-21: выберите букву (буквы), соответствующую (щие) правильному варианту ответа, и запишите в колонку ответов.


Seventy one per cent of the Earth surface . . . . by water.

А. is covered

Б. is being covered

В. cover

Г. was covered



It … Sunday yesterday.

А. is

Б. were

В. was

Г. ------



It is not difficult to use good … while eating.

А. children

Б. habits

В. manners

Г. schemes



Everybody in our family is easy to get along with …?

А. didn ' t we

Б. aren't we

В. isn't they

Г. is it



It … me half an hour to get to the college.

А. goes

Б. takes

В. looks

Г. consists



She seldom … her mother.

А. helping

Б. helps

В. will help

Г. help



I have no time, because I … my homework now.

А. do

Б. am doing

В. did

Г. have done



I can' t come , because I … busy last Sunday.

А. were

Б. wasn't

В. am

Г. was



They … tomorrow morning.

А. will arrive

Б. arrive

В. arrived

Г. arrives



… you ever … a letter in English?

А. had write

Б. wrote

В. will write

Г. have written



The … was dirty, because she had fallen into a pool.

А. girls' dress

Б. girl's dresses

В. girls' dresses

Г. girl's dress



If the weather is fine we…outside.

А. should play

Б. will play

В. shall play

Г. will be playing



… boy is my friend.

А. these

Б. those

В. that

Г. this



People…..in this house are students.

А. living

Б. lived

В. are living

Г. have being living



I like coffee. Every morning I drink…coffee.

А. much

Б. many

В. few

Г. a little



Jack has got a headache. He … sleep well recently.

А. can't

Б. couldn't

В. shouldn't



Блок Б. Задания открытого типа

Инструкция по выполнению заданий № 22-30: впишите в колонку ответов окончание предложения или пропущенное слово (слова)


St. Valentine' day is celebrated in…



The system of education in Britain is divided into 3 stages: …

elementary, secondary and high


The House of Commons elected by …



Canada has two official languages: …

English and French


Moscow was founded in …



She watched TV …

two days ago


I study different … at the college.



They are drinking coffee …



The American football is called …


Общая сложность теста:

Вариант бланка для студентов

Вариант № 1

Блок А.

Задание (вопрос)

Инструкция по выполнению заданий 1-5: соотнесите содержание столбца 1 с содержанием столбца 2. Запишите в соответствующие строки бланка ответов букву из столбца 2, обозначающую правильный ответ на вопросы столбца 1. В результате выполнения Вы получите последовательность букв. Например:




1-А, 2- Б, 3-В.






Инструкция по выполнению заданий № 6-21: выберите букву (буквы), соответствующую (щие) правильному варианту ответа, и запишите в колонку ответов














Блок Б.

Инструкция по выполнению заданий № 22-30: запишите в колонку ответов окончание предложения или пропущенное слово (слова)










3.2 Бланк выполнения задания

Обучающегося ____группы__________________________________________________

Вариант №_____

Блок А (тестовое задание закрытого типа)








(тестовое задание открытого типа)





















Блок Б . (тестовое задание свободного изложения)













Тестовое задание проводится для установления качества усвоения знаний и умений по дисциплине ОГСЭ. 03. Иностранный язык в рамках требований ФГОС СПО по специальности ФГОС СПО по специальности 190631 Техническое обслуживание и ремонт

автомобильного транспорта.

Качество выполненной работы оценивается по пятибалльной системе в зависимости от процентного соотношения выполненных заданий.

Вид тестового задания: комбинированное задание из трех блоков. Время выполнения тестового задания -45 минут.

При выполнении заданий № 1-5 обучающийся должен соотнесите содержание левого столбца с содержанием правого столбца, и записать в соответствующие строки бланка ответов букву из правого столбца, обозначающую правильный ответ на вопросы левого столбца. В результате выполнения должна получиться последовательность из пары «цифра-буква». Например: 1-А, 2-Б, 3-В.

При выполнении заданий № 5-21 обучающийся должен выбрать одну букву, соответствующую правильному варианту ответа и записать ее в бланк ответов.

При выполнении задания № 22-30 обучающийся должен записать в колонку ответов окончание предложения или пропущенное слово.

Проверка тестового задания проводится в соответствии с представленным эталоном ответа и критериями оценивания.

Максимальное количество баллов за правильно выполненное тестовое задание - 86.

Оценка "отлично" ставиться при правильном выполнении 90-100 % задания (77-86 вопросов).

Оценка "хорошо" ставиться при правильном выполнении 70-89 % задания (60-76 вопросов).

Оценка "удовлетворительно" ставиться при правильном выполнении 50-69 % задания (77-43 вопросов).

Оценка "неудовлетворительно" ставиться при правильном выполнении менее 50% задания (менее 43 вопросов).

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