Ашық сабақ жоспары. Тақырыбы: superlative places!

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Класс 6 класс
Тип Конспекты
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Сабақтың тақырыбы: Superlative Places!

Сабақтың мақсаты: 1. Сын есімнің шырайларын оқушылардың тілінде

қолданылуын бекіту. To be going to-құрылымының

қолданылуын бекіту.

2.Оқушылардың тілін дамыту,сөйлеу қабілеттерін

және оқып түсіну дағдыларын қалыптастыру.

Тілдік көркемдігіне тәрбиелеу

3.Оқушылардың шет тілін үйренуге деген



Сабақ әдісі: Сайыс сабағы

Сабақ типі: Қайталау сабағы

Көрнекілігі: грамматикалық таблица ,сын есімдерді топтау

парағы,семантикалық карточкалар,


Пән аралық байланыс: қазақ тілі

Сабақ барысы:


А) амандасу: T: Good morning children! How are you?

I'm glad to see you?

Take your seats, please.

S: Good morning Teacher! We are fine. Thank you.

Б) жоқтарды белгелеу: T: Who is on duty today? What date is it today?

Who is absent today?

S: I'm on duty today. Today is….

Today are absent….

II. Сабақтың тақырыбымен, мақсаттарымен таныстыру.

The theme in our lesson is "Superlative places." Today we are going to compare different things. I'd like you to review the degrees of adjectives. You'll do exercises the degrees of adjectives. I give you the blank of self-Assessment. You must checking up your answer and give yourselves notes. I give you some smiles for your notes.

III.Үй жұмысын тексеру.

Read and translate the text into your native language.

IV. Сын есімдердың қолданылуын еске түсіру, қайталау.

Балалар, сын есімнің шырайларының қолданылуын еске түсірейік.слайдтарға назар аударыңыздар!

1-2 слайд сын есімдердің шырайлары

3-4 слайд бір буынды сын есімдер

5 слайд ү-әрпімен аяқталатын есімдер

7 слайд е- әрпімен аяқталатын есімдер

8 слайд көп буынды сын есімдер

9 слайд бұрыс сын есімдер

V. Пысықтау.Fixing our Grammar

So, we repeat the degrees of adjectives and now we are going to do some exercises. I'll give you some adjectives and you have to group them into comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives.

Big, small, tall, interesting, beautiful, expensive, good, bad, many, dirty, noisy, safe, large, dangerous, slow, early.

VI.Сын есімдердың шырайларының қолданылуын жатықтыру.

10 слайд сын есімдердың күшейтпелі және салыстырмалы шырайларын жаз. Good-better- the best

Interesting-more interesting- the most interesting

Large -larger- the largest

Big- bigger- the biggest

Noisy- noisier- the noisiest

Оқулықпен жұмыс істеу

Exercise:3, page:86 Complete the sentences. Use the Superlative form of the adjectives.

  1. Lake Superior is the__________ lake in America.(big)

  2. Ali is one of the____________ students in my class.(popular)

  3. My_______ subject is geography (bad)

  4. Jupiter is _______ planet in the solar system.(large)

  5. A giraffe is the _________ animal in the world.(tall)

  6. This is the _________ flat in the building because it's near the road. (noisy)

  7. Libya is the _______ country in the world. In the summer it's sometimes 58* C. (hot)

  8. You can't buy this jacket. It's the _________ thing in the shop! (expensive)

  9. We always go out and have a good time on Saturday. It's the _______ day of the week.(good)

  10. The__________ mountain is Ben Nevis in Scotland. It's 1,342metres high. (high)

VII. Reading and Speaking

Look at Matt's map of "Superlative Britain". It shows some of the famous places here.

Оқушылар оқулықта берілген сөйлемдерді оқып, аударады.

VII. Сабақты Қорытындылау

Рефлексия: Excellent, pupils. You have worked very well.

Do you like our lesson?

Балаларға ракеталар таратылады. Оқушыларға қаншалықты сабақ унағанын көрсету үшін, ракеталарын тақтадағыаспан бейнесіне бекітеді.

Үйге тапсырма: қайталау

Оқушылардың білімін бағалау.

  1. Lake Superior is the__________ lake in America.(big)

  2. Ali is one of the____________ students in my class.(popular)

  3. My_______ subject is geography (bad)

  4. Jupiter is _______ planet in the solar system.(large)

  1. Jupiter is _______ planet in the solar system.(large)

  2. A giraffe is the _________ animal in the world.(tall)

  3. This is the _________ flat in the building because it's near the road. (noisy)

  4. Libya is the _______ country in the world. In the summer it's sometimes 58* C. (hot)

  1. Libya is the _______ country in the world. In the summer it's sometimes 58* C. (hot)

  2. You can't buy this jacket. It's the _________ thing in the shop! (expensive)

  3. We always go out and have a good time on Saturday. It's the _______ day of the week.(good)

  4. The__________ mountain is Ben Nevis in Scotland. It's 1,342metres high. (high)

  1. A giraffe is the _________ animal in the world.(tall)

  2. This is the _________ flat in the building because it's near the road. (noisy)

  3. Libya is the _______ country in the world. In the summer it's sometimes 58* C. (hot)

  4. You can't buy this jacket. It's the _________ thing in the shop! (expensive)

Poor (2)


Good (4)


I can read the text and translate it.

I can describe people, things.

I can compare people, things

I can use comparatives and superlatives.

I can ask questions to get missing information.

Poor (2)


Good (4)


I can read the text and translate it.

I can describe people, things.

I can compare people, things

I can use comparatives and superlatives.

I can ask questions to get missing information.

Poor (2)


Good (4)


I can read the text and translate it.

I can describe people, things.

I can compare people, things

I can use comparatives and superlatives.

I can ask questions to get missing information.

Poor (2)


Good (4)


I can read the text and translate it.

I can describe people, things.

I can compare people, things

I can use comparatives and superlatives.

I can ask questions to get missing information.

Poor (2)


Good (4)


I can read the text and translate it.

I can describe people, things.

I can compare people, things

I can use comparatives and superlatives.

I can ask questions to get missing information.

Poor (2)


Good (4)


I can read the text and translate it.

I can describe people, things.

I can compare people, things

I can use comparatives and superlatives.

I can ask questions to get missing information.

Poor (2)


Good (4)


I can read the text and translate it.

I can describe people, things.

I can compare people, things

I can use comparatives and superlatives.

I can ask questions to get missing information.

Poor (2)


Good (4)


I can read the text and translate it.

I can describe people, things.

I can compare people, things

I can use comparatives and superlatives.

I can ask questions to get missing information.

Poor (2)


Good (4)


I can read the text and translate it.

I can describe people, things.

I can compare people, things

I can use comparatives and superlatives.

I can ask questions to get missing information.

Poor (2)


Good (4)


I can read the text and translate it.

I can describe people, things.

I can compare people, things

I can use comparatives and superlatives.

I can ask questions to get missing information.

Poor (2)


Good (4)


I can read the text and translate it.

I can describe people, things.

I can compare people, things

I can use comparatives and superlatives.

I can ask questions to get missing information.

Poor (2)


Good (4)


I can read the text and translate it.

I can describe people, things.

I can compare people, things

I can use comparatives and superlatives.

I can ask questions to get missing information.

Poor (2)


Good (4)


I can read the text and translate it.

I can describe people, things.

I can compare people, things

I can use comparatives and superlatives.

I can ask questions to get missing information.

Poor (2)


Good (4)


I can read the text and translate it.

I can describe people, things.

I can compare people, things

I can use comparatives and superlatives.

I can ask questions to get missing information.

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