Итоговый контрольный тест за курс 2 класса по УМК Spotlight

Итоговый контрольный тест за курс 2 класса по УМК "Spotlight" разработан по мотивам сценария сказки "The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse",которая лягла в основу данного учебника. В данной разработке теста предусмотренны многие виды контроля. Ученикам предоставляется выполнение следующих видов работы: 1.Расставь предложения по порядку.  2.Прочитай выразительно последний абзац. 3.Продолжи предложения, не заглядывая в текст. 4.Agree or disagree.  5.True/False 6.Разыграй диалог между мышками. 7.Как...
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Класс 2 класс
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Итоговый контрольный тест за курс 2 класса по УМК SpotlightИтоговый контрольный тест за курс 2 класса по УМК Spotlight

Once there were two mice who were friends. One mouse lived in a city, the other mouse lived in the country. One day the Country Mouse asked the City Mouse to come to see him in the country.

The Country Mouse took his friend to his home in a field* and gave him some wheat* to eat. It was very good wheat. The City Mouse said, "This wheat is not good and your home is not good. It is cold in winter and hot in summer. I live in a nice house made of stone and eat nice food. Come to see me at my home in the city."

SИтоговый контрольный тест за курс 2 класса по УМК SpotlightИтоговый контрольный тест за курс 2 класса по УМК SpotlightИтоговый контрольный тест за курс 2 класса по УМК Spotlighto the Country Mouse went to the home of the City Mouse. The house was very good and there was nice bread and butter to eat. But when they began to eat they heard something. The City Mouse said quickly, "Run! Run! The cat is coming!" And they ran away. In a few minutes they came back. Then the Country Mouse said, "This is a fine house, but I do not like to live in the city. I only want to live in my field. It is better to be poor* and happy in a field than to be rich* and unhappy in a fine house."


Task 1

  1. Найди в рассказе все глаголы в прошедшем времени. Воспроизведи начальную форму этих глаголов.

  2. Слова, отмеченные * , внеси в словарик с переводом и транскрипцией.

  3. Переведи письменно предложение, в котором есть словосочетание, выделенное курсивом.

  4. Назови или прочитай прилагательные, которые встречаются в рассказе. Каких из этих прилагательных нет в рассказе: hot, nice, warm, fine,brilliant.

  5. Переведи предложения, обращая внимание на подчёркнутые слова. "Run! Run! The cat is coming!" And they ran away. In a few minutes they came back.

Какой смысл придают глаголу слова "away" и "back"?

Попробуй перевести: go away, put away, take away, go back;

Task 2 True/False

  1. Three mice were very good friends.

  2. They all lived in a country in summer.

  3. The City Mouse didn't like the Country Mouse home.

  4. The Country Mouse lived in a house made of stone.

  5. The cat lived in the city.

Task 3 Agree or disagree.

1. These two mice were brothers.

2. One day the Country Mouse asked the City Mouse to see him on his birthday.

3. The Country Mouse gave the City Mouse some cheese to eat.

4. The City Mouse didn't like the food.

5. The Country Mouse didn't go to the home of the City Mouse.

6. The house of the City Mouse was really good.

7. The City Mouse gave some bread and butter to the Country Mouse.

8. When they began to eat they heard something: it was a man.

9. The two mice ran away when they heard something.

10 In a few minutes the two mice came back and had a good supper with bread and butter.

11. The Country Mouse wanted to stay with the City Mouse to live in a city.

Task 4

Какая из пословиц не подходит для этого рассказа?

East or West, home is best.

There is no place like home.

The appetite comes with eating.

Task 5

Прочитай выразительно последний абзац.

Task 6

Продолжи предложения, не заглядывая в текст:

The Country Mouse took his friend…

The City Mouse said quickly…

"I do not like to live in the city because it's better to be… ".

Task 7

Расставь предложения по порядку.

1. He gave him some wheat to eat.

2. The Country Mouse took his friend to his home in a field.

3. Once two friends - the City Mouse and the Country Mouse - asked each other to come to see their homes.

4. So the country mouse said:" It is better to be poor and happy in a field than to be rich and unhappy in a fine house."

5. When two mice went to the home of a City Mouse there was nice bread and butter to eat but they were afraid of a cat.

6. The City Mouse didn't like his home and the food. His home was made of stone.

Task 8

Разыграй диалог между мышками:

1.В гостях у City Mouse.

2. В гостях у Country Mouse.

Task 9

Подготовься к диктанту по сюжету сказки.


Task 2

1. -

2. -

3. +

4. -

5. +

Task 3

1. -

2. -

3. -

4. +

5. -

6. +

7. +

8. -

9. +

10. -

11. -

Task 6







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