Тест по английскому языку по теме «Канада»

"Описание материала: Тест по английскому языку для проверки общих знаний учащихся по страноведению Канады. Тест содержит "15 вопросов, к каждому из которых предлагается по пять вариантов ответов, причем правильным является только один из вариантов. Предлагаемые вопросы касаются географии и политического устройства страны. Данная работа может быть полезна учителям и учащимся при подготовке к ЕГЭ (ЕНТ) по предмету, а также проведении различных проверочных работ по страноведению Канады. В тексте...
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Класс -
Тип Тесты
Формат docx
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Test "Canada"

  1. The capital of Canada is

  1. Chester

  2. New York

  3. Washington

  4. Canberra

  5. Ottawa

  1. Formally the head of Canada is…

  1. President

  2. Prime Minister

  3. Queen of Great Britain

  4. Vice-President

  5. Princess

  1. What is the basic currency in Canada?

  1. Dollar

  2. Franc

  3. Pound sterling

  4. Euro

  1. Canada's western coast is washed by the … ocean.

  1. Pacific

  2. Indian

  3. Caribbean

  4. Atlantic

  5. Arctic

  1. Canada has an area of nearly … million square km.

  1. Ten

  2. Eight

  3. Nine

  4. Eleven

  5. Twelve

  1. Canada is a country of … .

  1. Rivers

  2. Lakes

  3. Forests

  4. Ducks

  5. Sheep

  1. The largest river in Canada is … .

  1. The St Lawrence River

  2. The Mackenzie River

  3. The Yukon River

  4. The Nile River

  5. The Columbia River

  1. The population of Canada is over … million people.

  1. 30

  2. 25

  3. 21

  4. 80

  5. 55

  1. Canada consists of … provinces and … territories.

  1. 3 and 10

  2. 10 and 3

  3. 7 and 2

  4. 2 and 12

  5. 10 and 8

  1. The seat of the Federal Parliament and government is … .

  1. Toronto

  2. Quebec

  3. Ontario

  4. Ottawa

  5. Vancouver

  1. The … Parliament consists of the Senate and the House of Commons.

  1. Australian

  2. British

  3. American

  4. Canadian

  5. French

  1. The cabinet is headed by …

  1. The Governor-General

  2. The President

  3. The Prime Minister

  4. The Vice President

  5. The Minister

  1. The members of the Senate …

  1. Are elected for 2 years.

  2. Are elected by the people.

  3. Are appointed by the Governor-General

  4. Are appointed by the President

  5. Are chosen by the Queen

  1. What is the emblem of Canada?

  1. Kangaroo

  2. Koala

  3. The maple leaf

  4. The leek

  5. The birch

  1. Horseshoe Falls on the Canadian side and American Falls on the U.S. side comprise … Falls.

  1. Anchel

  2. Niagara

  3. Boyoma

  4. Victoria

  1. Saterland


















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