Упражнения по теме Страдательный залог

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 8 класс
Тип Другие методич. материалы
Формат doc
Изображения Нет
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Passive Voice Exercises

I. Concentrate on The Passive Voice. Translate the sentences

1. Electric signals are amplified with the help of a semiconductor device.

2. In the report these phenomena were often referred to.

3. No changes can be made in that branch of industry without introducing the most up-to-date technology.

4. Numerous methods have been used for this type of measurement, and new methods are still being developed in attempts to overcome the limitations of existing techniques.

5. For more complete information the reader is referred to the references given at the beginning of this section.

6. The words "velocity" and "speed" are considered as "synonyms", unless they are used in technical literature.

7. I was told that meeting had been attended by the dean.

8. We were joined by a group of our students in the Crimea.

9. These events were followed by lots of changes.

10. This matter has been settled.

11. These experiments have been carried out in our laboratory since the beginning of March.

II. Translate the following sentences:

1 .The new film is much spoken about.

2. We are taught to read and speak English.

3. A new school is being built in our street.

4. I was met at the airport by Mike.

5. He was listened to with great interest.

6. The other speaker was laughed at.

7. The room has not been lived in for a long time.

8. The work will have been finished by the end of the lesson.

9. I was told that I would have to go to Paris to take part in the conference.

10. The reaction is followed by the temperature rise.

11. This experiment has just been carried out.

12. This must be taken into account when comparing various data.

  1. He was awarded for his research in biology.

  2. Many famous scientists are associated with early days of the College, such as Volkov U.A., Sherchenkov A.A., Matyna L.I., Barhotkin V.A.

  3. Were you asked to participate in the experiment?

V. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English:

  1. Эта книга была прочитана всеми.

  2. Письмо будет отправлено завтра.

  3. Ее часто спрашивают.

  4. На ваш вопрос ответят завтра.

  5. Текст переводили вчера с 2-х до 3-х.

  6. Работа только что завершена нами.

  7. Эти книги уже будут опубликованы к концу года.

  8. Нашу контрольную работу сейчас проверяют.

  9. О новой книге будут много говорить.

  10. В нашем городе сейчас строится много новых зданий.

  11. Ключи были утеряны вчера.

  12. Мальчика возьмут в кино.

  13. Вам сказали об этом?

  14. Телеграмма уже получена.

  15. Он сказал мне, что текст будет переведен к 10 часам завтра.

  16. Все картины, которые вы здесь видите, написаны одним и тем же художником.

  17. Работа будет закончена в срок.

  18. За доктором послали?

  19. Эта книга была написана до того, как автор стал знаменитым.

  20. Сотни новых домов будут построены к концу этого года.

  21. Мне предложили очень интересную работу.

  22. Он серьезный человек. На него всегда можно положиться.

  23. На вечере нам показали прекрасный фильм.

  24. Об этой пьесе много говорят.

  25. Вам зададут несколько вопросов на экзамене.

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