План внеклассного урока Happy chance на тему The 24th anniversary of Kazakhstan

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 8 класс
Тип Другие методич. материалы
Формат docx
Изображения Нет
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8 th forms

The theme

The 25th anniversary of Kazakhstan

The main objectives

To develop communicative skills and abilities, to develop the students' interest in the subject of English and Kazakh, to educate the feeling of love and responsibility to our country.

Visual aids

An interactive board, cards.

Type of the lesson

A competition " Happy chance"

The procedure of the competition

-Good morning dear teachers and students! Welcome to our competition "Happy chance".

The theme of our competition is "The 25th anniversary of Kazakhstan"

At first our participants must introduce themselves.

Our game consists of 5 rounds.

  1. Who is quicker?

  2. Who knows more?

  3. Proverbs

  4. Polyglot

  5. Is it true?

-And now let me introduce our esteemed jury members.



-Let's begin! Good luck dear students!

-Good morning!








-Thank you!

I.Who is quicker?

In this round you must listen to the questions and try to answer them quicklier than other participants. For each right answer you'll earn 10 points.

1.Where is the Republic of Kazakhstan situated?

2. How many people are there in our country?

3. What is the official language of the country?

4. Name the main rivers of the country?

5. Name the biggest lakes.

6. Who is the head of our country?

7. Where have the last Olympic games held?

8. What birds are used in Kazakh national hunting?

9. What part of the country do you live in?

10. Which holiday do people celebrate on the 16th of December?

- Very well. Let's listen the result of the 1st round.

It is situated in the central Asia.

There are about 16 million.


The Ile, the Syr- Darya, the Ural.

They are Balkash, Alakol, Sasikkol, and Markakol.

N. Nazarbayev



West Kazakhstan.

The Independence Day.

II. Who knows more?

The 2nd round. Who knows more? You must find the missing word to complete the sentence.

  1. Astana is the …. of Kazakhstan.

  2. We celebrate the … anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate.

  3. The authors of the State Emblem are Kazakhstan's famous architects …….

  4. The Flag of sovereign Kazakhstan was officially adopted in……

  5. The flag was designed by ……

  6. The flag of Kazakstan has … colours; blue and yellow; it has the sun; the eagle and the national ornament.

  7. Almaty is a ….. center of Kazakhstan.

  8. Population of Kazakhstan is …. .

  9. There are … regions and …. cities in Kazakhstan.

  10. The state language of Kazakhstan is …. .

-Let's count the participants point. Who has got more points?



Zhandarbek Malibekov and Shot-Aman Ualikhanov.


Shaken Niyazbekov.



more than 16 million

14/ 84


III. Proverbs

  • The 3rd round is proverbs. I'll read the proverbs. You must guess the missing word and say Kazakh equivalent of the proverb.

Let's begin!

1. East or West …. is best.

2. It's never too … to learn.

3. So many …. , so many customs.

4.There is no … like home.

5. Better late than … .

6.There is no … without fire.

7. My house is my …








IV. Polyglot

The next round is Polyglot. You'll see the word on the board. Give the translation of the words into Kazakh, Russian and English.

1. Independence

2. жетістік - достижение.

3. процветание.

4. Customs and traditions

5. әнұран

6. күн жүйесі

7. народ

8. Agriculture

9. қоршаған

10. государствa

тәуелсіздік - независимость

achievement- достижение

prosperity - гүлдену

әдет-ғұрып- обычай традиция.

Anthem - гимн.

Solar system -солнечная система

Population - халық

ауыл шаруашылығы - сельское хозяйство

Environment - орта -

мир окружение.

State -- мемлекет.

V. Kokpar

Our next round is called "Kokpar". The task is to answer the questions as quickly as you can..

1. Is Kazakhstan multinational state?

2. At what age do people vote in Kazakhstan?

3. When is the Capital City Day?

4. What was Abay Kunanbayev?

5. What chambers does Kazakhstan parliament consist of?

6. What is the state language of Kazakhstan?

7. What is the highest mountain peak in Kazakhstan?

8. What is the symbol of freedom in Kazakhstan?

9. When was the Declaration of Independence proclaimed?

10. In what month is celebrated Kazakh New Year?


6 July

A poet, composer.

The Senate and Majilis


Khan Tangry

an eagle

16th of December 1991

in March


-Let's count the points of participants. -Now it's time to say results of our competition, while our juries count your scores, you may sing a song.

The members of jury make a conclusion.

Rewarding the best student.

-Thanks a lot to our participants. Also thanks to our juries.

Our competition lesson is over!

Good bye!

-Let's sing a song "Eternal flame`"

Жаңаөзен мектеп - гимназиясы


пәні бойынша сыныптан тыс сабақ


« The 24th anniversary of Kazakhstan »

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