Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку Звездный час на тему The Great Patriotic War

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Внеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку Звездный час на тему The Great Patriotic WarВнеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку Звездный час на тему The Great Patriotic WarВнеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку Звездный час на тему The Great Patriotic WarВнеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку Звездный час на тему The Great Patriotic WarВнеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку Звездный час на тему The Great Patriotic WarВнеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку Звездный час на тему The Great Patriotic WarВнеклассное мероприятие по английскому языку Звездный час на тему The Great Patriotic War

Конспект конкурсного внеклассного мероприятия

по английскому языку


посвященного 70-летию Победы в Великой Отечественной войне


Тимирова Марина Олеговна,

учитель английского языка

ООШ д. Бурнюш - филиал МБОУ

Школа-интернат с. Новый Каинлык


Цель: воспитание чувства гордости за свою Родину Россию через освещение темы Великой Отечественной войны; повторение, а для некоторых и узнавание основных дат, героев, памятников, наград, известных личностей времен Великой Отечественной войны.


1) обобщение материала по изученным темам «Даты ВОВ», «Города-герои», «Крупные сражения», «Военные награды», «Военачальники», «Пионеры-герои», «Памятники».

2) автоматизация лексического, грамматического материала;

3) воспитание познавательного интереса к английскому языку;

4) формирование умений осуществлять взаимосотрудничество;

5) установление связей между понятиями;

6) закрепление и углубление знаний;

7) умение работать самостоятельно;

8) развитие мотивации к изучению английского языка и истории России - своей Родины.

9) воспитание уважения к подвигу своего народа, к памяти участвовавших в ВОВ, памятным датам и памятникам.

10) патриотическое воспитание.


  • Звезды-жетоны,

  • Карточки с цифрами 1 - 6 по количеству участников,

  • Медиапроектор,

  • Мультимедийная презентация,

  • диплом победителя,

  • подарок

Слайд 1

Teacher: Glad to see you, dear boys and girls, guests and teachers! Today we are having a competition "The Star Hour". Each of you has 6 cards in front of you. You must raise the right card. Do you understand me? All right. We begin our game. Good luck!

Слайд 2

I. The first tour is HISTORY.

Слайд 3

Task 1. "Dates"

1. February 23 1918

2. June 22 1941

3. February 2 1943

4. May 9 1945

5. September 1 1939

6. August 23 1943

Слайд 4

Teacher: I ask the questions and you must raise he right card. It will be your answer.


1. When did the World War II begin? (5)

2. When did the Great Patriotic War begin? (2)

3. When is Victory Day? (4)

4. On this day the Russian Army started its offensive (наступление). (3)

Слайд 5

Task 2. "Great Battles"

1. Moscow defense

2. Kurskaya Duga

3. battle of Stalingrad

4. battle of Berlin

5. breaking off the blockade of Leningrad

Слайд 6

Teacher: Now I read the description of the battle, you raise the right card.


1. The Russian Army won this battle on the 2nd of February 1943. (3)

2. The Russian Army won this battle on the 23rd of August 1943. (2)

3. What happened on the 27th of January 1944? (5)

4. This battle was very difficult but very important because the capital of our country was in danger. (1)

Teacher: Count your cards. How many cards do you have? You don't have enough cards. You may be free (один участник выбывает).

Слайд 7

Task 3. "Hero-Towns"

1. Moscow

2. Sevastopol

3. Oryol

4. Stalingrad

5. Brest

6. Leningrad

Слайд 8


1. This Russian town was the first to meet the fascist invaders? (5)

2. This Russian town was hated for its name - the name of the Russian leader of that time? (4)

3. This town is the home of the first war salute? (3)

4. It was very important for the Fascists to take this town quickly, because doing that they wanted to break the will (воля) of the Russians? (1)

5. This town fought for 872 days and it wasn`t conquered? (6)

Teacher: Count your cards. How many cards do you have? You don't have enough cards. You may be free (еще один участник выбывает).

II. The second tour is FAMOUS PEOPLE.

Слайд 9

Task 1. "War Generals"

1. Zhukov

2. Vassilevskiy

3. Malinovskiy

4. Konev

5. Rokossovskiy

Слайд 10


1. This Russian marshal fought at the battle of Berlin, he became the Soviet Union Hero two times, and also he was the commander of the Kalininskiy Front. (4)

2. This Russian marshal became the Soviet Union Hero four times. He is a symbol of Victory. (1)

3. This Russian marshal became the Soviet Union Hero two times, he commanded the Russian Army at the battle for Stalingrad together with Zhukov, and he finished the World War II. (2)

4. This Russian marshal became the Soviet Union Hero two times; he commanded the Victory parade in Moscow in 1945. (5)

Teacher: Count your cards. How many cards do you have? You don't have enough cards. You may be free (еще один участник выбывает).

Слайд 11

Task 2. "Hero-Pioneers"

1. Marat Kazey

2. Zina Portnova

3. Lyonya Golikov

4. Valya Kotik

5. Lara Mikheenko

Слайд 12

Teacher: : Say, please, who did it?


1. Show me the Soviet Union Heroes from this list? (1, 2, 3, 4)

2. Show me the persons who were killed by the fascists? (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)

3. Show me the person who achieved to take the German general prisoner. (4)

Слайд 13

Task 3. "My Little Homeland"

1. Aleksandr Matrosov

2. Sharif Suleymanov

3. Shaymuratov

Слайд 14


1. Who is the Soviet Union Hero from the Krasnokamskiy Region of Bashkortostan? (2)

2. Who was the commander of the Bashkir Cavalry Division? (3)

3. This man jumped on the enemy`s weapon to save his comrades (mates)? (1)

Teacher: Count your cards. How many cards do you have? You don't have enough cards. You may be free (еще один участник выбывает).

III. The third tour is CULTURE.

Слайд 15

Task 1. "Songs"

1. The Sacred War

2. Zemlyanka

3. Alyosha

4. Victory Day

5. Katyusha

Слайд 16


1. Listen and guess the song. (2)

2. Listen and guess the song. (4)

3. Listen and guess the song. (3)

4. Listen and guess the song. (1)

Teacher: Count your cards. How many cards do you have? You don't have enough cards. You may be free (еще один участник выбывает).

Слайд 17

Task 2. "Movies"

1. "We Are From the Future"

2. "I Am a Russian Soldier"

3. "Dawns (зори) Are Calm There"

4. "Only the `Olds` Go to the Battle"

5. "17 Moments of Spring"

Слайд 18


1. This film is about war and young girls. (3)

2. This film is about Russian spy. (5)

3. This film is about pilots. (4)

4. This film is about Brest defenders. (2)

Teacher: Count your cards. How many cards do you have? You don't have enough cards. You may be free (еще один участник выбывает).

Слайд 19

Task 3. "Literature"

1. Tvardovskiy

2. Berggolts

3. Rozhdestvenskiy

4. Gaydar

5. Turgenev

Слайд 20


1. The author of "Vassiliy Tyorkin". (1)

2. The author of "Timur and His Team". (4)

3. During the Great Patriotic War this poetess was small, she lived in Leningrad. (2)

4. His wise words about Russian written on the wall in one Leningrad`s library supported Leningraders at their difficult times of the war. (5)

Teacher: Count your cards. How many cards do you have? You don't have enough cards. You may be free (еще один участник выбывает).

IV. The fourth tour is MEMORY.

Слайд 21

Task 1. "Monuments"

1. the Alesha Monument

2. Mamayev Kurgan

3. Monument to the Soldier Liberator in Treptower Park

4. Tomb of the Unknown Soldier

5. Eternal Flame

Слайд 22


1. This monument is in Volgograd. (2)

2. This monument is in Bulgaria, the Russian song "Alesha" is about this soldier (1)

3. You can see it almost in every Russian town. (5)

4. It is at Red Square. (4)

5. This monument in Germany commemorates Russian Soldier. (3)

Teacher: Count your cards. How many cards do you have? You don't have enough cards. You may be free (еще один участник выбывает).

Слайд 23

Task 2. "Holidays"

1. Victory Day

2. Memory and Sorrow Day

3. Defender of Fatherland Day

4. People Unity Day

5. Russia`s Day

Слайд 24


1. The 12th of June. (5)

2. The 22nd of June. (2)

3. The 23rd of February. (3)

4. The 4th of November. (4)

5. The 9th of May. (1)

Teacher: Count your cards. How many cards do you have? You don't have enough cards. You may be free (еще один участник выбывает).

Слайд 25

Task 3. "Rewards"

1. (рис.)

2. (рис.)

3. (рис.)

4. (рис.)

5. (рис.)

Слайд 26


1. Show me the Victory Order. (3)

2. Show me the Great Patriotic War Order. (4)

3. Show me the Soviet Union Hero Star. (2)

4. Show me the Glory Order. (1)

The Final

Teacher: In 1 minute make one very important sentence from these letters:

Слайд 27


Start, please.



Слайд 28


















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