Ағылшын тілінен 8 сыныпқа арналған тест

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Тест по английскому языку для 8 класса. 1 четверть

Variant 1

1. Fill in the pre";"> Don't judge____ appearances.

A) to B) by C) with D) at E) of

  1. Find the odd word:

A) the flu B) doctor C) medicine D) sport E) temperature

. 3. Choose the phrasal verb with the meaning « продолжать »:

A) go round B) go away C) go back D) go on E) go in for

4. Answer the question: What problem is not an ecological one?

A) land pollution B) air pollution C) water pollution D) bad marks E) protection of the environment

  1. Choose the right translation of the word « невозможный »:

A) inpossible B) impossible C) unpossible D) possiblel E) irpossible

  1. Choose the right translation of the proverb: О человеке судят не по словам, а по делам.

А) Appearances are deceitful. D) Handsome is as handsome does.

B) All is not gold that glitters. E) Still waters run deep.

C) Custom is a second nature.

7. Say is not used with the following phrases

A) … "hello". B) …you are sorry C) … " thank you" D) …the truth

8. Complete the sentence using the phrasal verb: ___ the corner and you will see a big apple tree.

A) go back B) go down C) go away D) go round E) go through

9. Answer the question: What is Wimbledon famous for?

A) It's the center of lawn tennis. D) It's the capital of Great Britain.

B) It's a famous museum. E) It's the center of football.

C) It's a popular football team.

10. Find the verb in the Future Continuous Tense:

A) will be wearing B) will be wear C) will wearing D) will wear E) wearing

11. Use the appropriate article: Ann is … interesting personality.

A) an B) a C) the D) zero article

12. Find the sentence with Future Continuous:

A) They will watch TV tomorrow. D) They are watching TV now.

B) They will be watching TV. E) They would be watching TV.

C) They watch TV

13. Complete the sentence using the right time expression She will be working in the garden _____.

A) yesterday B) tomorrow C) this time next week D) now E) today

14. Choose the right translation of the sentence: They will be writing a test from 5 till 6 tomorrow.

  1. Они напишут тест завтра с 5 до 6. D) Они писали тест с 5 до 6.

В) Они будут писать тест завтра с 5 до 6. Е) Они пишут тест сейчас.

С) Они любят писать тест с 5 до 6.

15. Choose the sentence with the right word order: will/ tomorrow/ my sister / be / at this time /swimming/

1 2 3 4 5 6

A) 315624 B) 341562 C) 231456 D) 314652 E) 123456

16. Choose the odd sentence:

A) You should take care of living things. D) You shouldn't pollute the atmosphere.

B) You shouldn't cut trees. E) You shouldn't preserve natural resources.

C) You should protect the environment.

17. Choose the right form of the verb They said that they____ trees the next day.

A) will plant B) will be planting C) would plant D) planted E) would planted

18. Put the sentence in the reported speech : " The trees in the park are yellow", he said.

A) He said that the trees in the park are yellow D) He said what the trees in the in the park are yellow

B) He said that the trees in the park were yellow. E) He said what the trees in the in the park were yellow

C) He said that the trees in the park would be yellow.

19.Choose the right word: She said ___ it was true.

A) what B) when C) that D) who E) then

20. Choose the right sentence:

  1. He said that he would return tomorrow. D) He said that he will return the next day.

  2. He said that he will return tomorrow. E) He said that he return the next day.

C) He said that he would return the next day.

Тест по английскому языку для 8 класса. 1 четверть

Variant 2

1. Find the common word:

A) the flu B) a fever C) cough D) to sneeze E) a runny nose

  1. Find the odd word:

A) gardening B) collecting C) reading D) sleeping E) singing

  1. Complete the proverb: Early to bed early to rise makes a man healthy, __ and __ .

A) clever/wise B) wealthy/ wise C) wealthy / serious D) serious / wealthy E) clever/ wealth

4. Answer the question: What problem is an ecological one?

A) going in for sport B) keeping fit C) bad marks D) sitting up late E) land pollution

5. Choose the right translation of the word «невнимательный»

A) inattentive B) imattentive C) unattentive D) disattentive

6. Choose the right translation of the proverb: Привычка - вторая натура.

А) Appearances are deceitful. D) Handsome is as handsome does.

B) All is not gold that glitters. E) Still waters run deep.

  1. Custom is a second nature.

7. Make up the word from the letters: s, c, r, r, e, e, o, u.

A) recourse B) resource C) sorecure D) resurceo E) resource

8. Complete the sentence using the phrasal verb: Rain, rain ! ___, come again another day.

A) go away B) go down C) go back D) go off E) go through

9. Choose the phrasal verb with the meaning « возвращаться»

A) go round B) go away C) go back D) go on E) go in for

10. Put a pre";"> A)before B) of C) into D) with E) without

11. Find the verb in the Future Continuous Tense:

  1. will be swimming B) will be swim C) will swimming D) swim E) would swim

12. Find the sentence with Future Continuous:

  1. You will be playing. D) You be playing.

  2. You will playing. E) You will be play.

  3. You will play.

13. Complete the sentence using the right time expression He will be preparing for the exams ___.

A) today B) tomorrow C) from 5 till 9 tomorrow D) now E) last week

14. Choose the right translation of the sentence: She will be doing domestic chores at midday tomorrow.

  1. Она будет делать домашние дела в полдень завтра. D) Она обычно делает домашние дела в полдень.

  2. Она сделает домашние дела в полдень завтра. Е) Она делает домашние дела сейчас.

  3. Она собирается делать домашние дела в полдень завтра.

15. Choose the sentence with the right word order: will/ my mother/ going to the shop/ tomorrow/ be/ at 5 o'clock

1 2 3 4 5 6

  1. 215364 B) 215346 C) 123564 D) 213564 E) 123456

16. Choose the odd sentence:

A) We should learn how to become environment-educated people.

B) We should use less energy. D) We shouldn't set forests on fire.

C) We should pollute land. E) We should be friendlier to the environment.

17. Choose the right form of the verb She said that they ___English better.

  1. would learn B) learn C) will learn D) would be learning E) will be lerning

18. Put the sentence in the reported speech : "I like this book ", he said.

  1. He said that he like that book. D) He says that he liked that book.

  2. He said that he liked that book. E) He said that I liked that book.

  3. He said that he like this book.

19. Choose the right word: We knew ___ they were right.

A) what B) then C) that D) who E) would

20. Choose the right sentence:

A) She said that they would write a test tomorrow.

  1. She said that they will write a test tomorrow.

  2. She said that they would write a test the next day.

  3. She said that they write a test tomorrow.

  4. She said what they would write a test tomorrow.

Keys to the Tests 8th Form (I Quarter)

I variant

II variant





























































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