Сценарий праздника Путешествие в английский алфавит

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 2 класс
Тип Конспекты
Формат doc
Изображения Нет
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Путешествие в страну «Английский алфавит»

Предмет: Английский язык

Классы: 2,3,4,5

Цели мероприятия:

  1. Активизация фонетических и графических навыков.

  2. Совершенствование навыков выразительного рассказывания стихотворений.

  3. Закрепление лексических навыков.

Оборудование: картинки с буквами алфавита, костюмы для инсценировок, компьютер, презентация, фонограммы песен, плакат «Welcome to ABC party!», плакаты с названиями продуктов и животных, разрезная азбука

Ход праздника:

Teacher: Good morning, dear boys and girls! Welcome to ABC party! There are a lot of us!

How are you today? Let's sing!

(видео « How are you today? »)

And who is coming?

(Появляется девочка, исполняющая роль буквы A)

Буква А:

Hello. I am the letter A.

A is for Alphabet and for ABC.

Can you say the alphabet from A to Z?

Children. Yes, we can.

Буква А: Let's sing «The Alphabet» song.

(Дети поют песенку про алфавит)


A, B, C, D, E, F, G,

H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P,

Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, - 2 РАЗА

X, Y, Z. Oh, well you see

Now I know the ABC

(Учитель показывает на плакат «Животные»)

Teacher: Who is it? Is it an alligator?

Children: Yes, it is.

Teacher: Children, stand up! Let's remember "the Alligator"

Физкультминутка: Here is the alligator.(показываем руками пасть крокодила)

Sitting on a log, (правую руку на левое плечо)

Down in the pool, (круг руками)

He sees a little frog, (бинокль руками показываем)

In goes the alligator,

Round goes the log, (круги плечами)

Splash goes the water, (руками импровизируем всплеск по воде)

Away swims the frog.

Буква А: Do you know how many letters there are in the English Alphabet?

Children : There are twenty six letters in the English Alphabet (26)

Teacher: And now our children will recite the poems about the letter A and her friends.

Ученик 1: A is for apples and apple-trees.

You can see apples on apple-trees

Ученик 2: B is for books and for bookcase.

I have many books in my bookcase

Ученик 3: C is for cat. My cat is grey,

And with me it likes to play

Ученик 4: D is for dog and for doggy.

I have a dog, not a doggy.

Ученик 5: E is for eight and for eleven.

How much is eight and eleven?

Teacher: Can you count? How much is 11 plus 8? (Давайте спросим 3 и 4 класс?)

Примеры на экране: 10+2=





Well done! And the second form, count please:






Brilliant! How clever of you!

Входит буква F: Flowers here, flowers there

Flowers are growing everywhere.

Teacher: Who are you? Кто ты?

Буква F: I am the letter F.

F is for flowers, red and blue,

White and yellow and rosy, too.

Teacher: But I think, F is for family.

(спрашивает детей)

Have you a family? Yes, I have.

Have you a mother? Yes, I have.

Have you a father? Yes, I have.

Давайте спросим сказочных героев:

  1. (учитель показывает картинку Айболита)

Has he a father? Has he a mother?

Children: No, he has not.

  1. (учитель показывает картинку Буратино)

Has he a father? Has he a mother?

Children: Yes, he has a father. No, he has not.

  1. (учитель показывает картинку Дюймовочки)

Has she a father? Has she a mother?

Children: No, she has not father. Yes, she has a mother.

(Входят буквы G и H)

Буква G: Look at me! I am the letter G. G is for girl and also for garden.

Буква H: I am the letter H. H is for hand. I have two hands. Stand up, please.

Two little hands

Go clap,clap,clap

Two little feet

go tap, tap, tap

Two little feet

Go jump, jump, jump

Two little hands

Go thump, thump, thump

One little body goes round, round, round

One little child sits quietly down.

Teacher: Let's sing a song "Clap your hands" (поем песню"Clap your hands")

(Входят буквы I, J, K, L, M; учитель показывает на плакат с продуктами спрашивает уч-ся 3 и 4 классов)

Teacher: Tell me, please, little children, what do you like?

Children: Sweets, apples, ice-cream, cakes

Буква I: Ice-cream starts with the letter I.

But I think, I is for I.

I am a boy, and I am ten.

I like to play with my brother Ben.

Буква J: J is for Jam.

This is an apple jam

Jimmy likes it and so does Sam.

Буква K: K is for kite.

Kate has a kite.

It is little and it is white.

My kite is white.

My kite is light.

My kite is in the sky

Now left, now right

We fly the kite,

We fly it, you and I.

Буква L: I see a big yellow lion, a big yellow lion!

What a big yellow lion!

What a lion! What a lion!

L is for lions!

Буква M: I am the letter M. M is for mouse.

(Буква M одевает маску мыши. Начинается инсценировка стихотворения «Cat and Mouse»)

Cat: Little mouse, little mouse

Where is your house?

Mouse: Little cat, little cat, I have no flat.

I am a poor mouse, I have no house.

Cat: Little mouse, little mouse

Come into my house!

Mouse: Little cat, little cat,

I do not do that

You want to eat me!

Кошка и мышка уходят. На смену им выходят буквы N и O.

Буква N: N is for numbers.

N is for nine, ninety and ninety-nine.

Children, how much is ninety and nine?

Children: Ninety-nine

Буква O: O is for one.

One and two is three

Three little cats in a tree.

Давайте посчитаем вместе

Кто помнит считалочку? Считаем хором:

One, one, one little dogs run,

Two, two, two cats see you

Three, three, three, birds on a tree

Four, four, four, four toys on a floor

Ученики встают и хором рассказывают стихотворение.

(Входят буквы P и Q)

Буква P: I am the letter P.

P is for pencils.

With them I can draw:

A red pen, a green tree or a blue door.

P is for picture.

In it you can see

A car or a bus, a street or a tree.

Буква Q: I am the letter Q.

Q is for questions: How are you?

How old are you? And how do you do?

Teacher: какие вопросы нам задала буква Q, вопросы мы задаем в песенке «What is your name?»

(Поем песню «What is your name?»)

Teacher: Давайте, ребята, поиграем в игру «Печатная машинка», приглашаются ученики второго класса.

(на столе разложены карточки с алфавитом, учитель быстро называет букву, ученики должны показать их)

(Входят буквы R и S)

Буква R: I am the letter R.

R is in brown, grey and green, too,

But not in white, yellow or blue.

Teacher: Ребята, назовите вещи коричневого цвета?

Ребята, назовите вещи серого цвета?

Ребята, назовите вещи зеленого цвета?

Буква S-полицейский: Street begins with the letter S. S is for street. This is my street!

Stop! Look! Listen!

Before you cross the street,

Use your eyes,

Use your feet.

(Появляются буквы T, U, V, W)

Буква T: T is for tick and for tock.

"Tick-tock," says the clock.

It can tell you all the day:

Time to sleep and time to play

Буква U: U is for under, but not for at,

"I am under the tree," says Pat.

"Little children," come to me.

Let us play under the tree.

Буква V: V is for vegetables!

This is the season

When vegetables grow.

I come to the garden

And make water flow.

Буква W: W is for where, who and what.

Who is in the garden and who is not?

Teacher: Ребята, второй класс, разделитесь на две команды, посмотрите на плакат с английским алфавитом, угадайте какие буквы пропущены. (Выигрывает та команда, которая быстрее находит буквы)

(Входят буквы X и Y)

Буква X: X is in six. Let's count up to six!

Children: One, two, three, four, five, six!

Буква Y: Y is for yard where children play.

Welcome to our yard!

We all can play here.

You are my good friends,

We are your good friends,

We are all friends here.

Ученики исполняют песню "The more we are together"

The More we are together,

Together, together,

The More we are together,

The happier we are.

For my friend is your friend

And your friend is my friend

The More we are together,

The happier we are.

Ребята, встречаем последнюю букву.

Входит буква Z.

I'm the last letter, the letter Z.

Z is for Zoo.

Let's go to the Zoo.

I like to go to the Zoo

And you?

Children: Yes!

Ребята вспомним нашу любимую физкультминутку

Can you hop like a rabbit?

Can you jump like a frog?

Can you walk like a duck?

Can you run like a dog?

Can you swim like a fish?

Can you fly like a bird?

Can you be like a good child,

As still as you wish?

Teacher: Теперь мы знаем алфавит. Now we know the alphabet!

(Ученики пятого класса поют песню про алфавит)

Песенка про алфавит

A - an apple

B - a bat

C - a clever city cat

D - a dog and

E - The East

F - a fat and funny fish

G - a gloomy gentlemen

H - a happy hippy hen

I - an iceberg very far

J - a jinni in the jar







K - a kite and

L - a log

M - a monster on the mop

N - a net and

O - an ox

P - a postman with a box

Q - Elizabeth the Queen

R - a ruby in the ring

S - a seagull in the sea

T - a tiger in a tree


U - a UFO

V - a van

W - a women in the wood

X - an X-ray

Y - a yak

Z - a zebra in the zoo


Children: We can read, we can write

We can sing, we can dance,

We can swim, we can't fly

It's time to say "good-bye!"

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