Страноведческая игра - викторина на английском языке

Страноведческая викторина на английском языке для учащихся 10-11 классов:  «Полиглот»   Страноведческая викторина представляет собой игру, в которой принимают участие команды, состоящие из 4-5 человек. Викторина состоит из пяти раундов, каждый раунд состоит из пяти вопросов, направленных на развитие интеллектуального потенциала обучающихся, изучающих английский язык.   Образовательные цели: 1.проверка степени сформированности лингвострановедческой компетенции; 2.расширение кругозора; 3.усвоение...
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Проект "Исследуя Великобританию", для учащихся 6-х классов.

Цель: активизировать знания учащихся по географическому положению, истории, традициям Великобритании, интересным фактам.


1.Развивать интерес учащихся к стране изучаемого языка.

2.Укрепить межпредметные связи - английский, география, история.

3.Развивать умение работать в команде.


Класс украшен портретами выдающихся людей Великобритании, висят географические карты Великобритании и карты Лондона, развешаны плакаты с историей и фотографией известных городов Великобритании, символы и гербы всех частей Великобритании.

В ходе защиты проекта могут быть использованы песни, игры, потешки, отрывки из произведений в качестве музыкальных пауз, заранее подготовленных командами. Класс разделен на три команды, каждая имеет свое название.

На доске: Exploring the United Kingdom.

Geography 100 200 300 400 500

Landmarks 100 200 300 400 500

Famous people 100 200 300 400 500

Food 100 200 300 400 500

Mix 100 200 300 400 500

Ход урока.

Good morning, boys and girls! Today we are going to learn lots of new and interesting things about Great Britain. Also we'll learn who knows history, traditions and customs better, and you have a great chance to practice your English. We have three teams and a list of questions on five different aspects: geography, landmarks, famous people, food and mix-different questions on various themes.

Teams in turn choose the topic and the question. The price of the question is different depending on how difficult the question is. The team that gets more points wins. If the team can't answer the question they have chosen, those who know the answer may answer and bring the team additional points.

Quiz + keys.Geography

100 Name all the parts of Great Britain and their capitals( England-London, Wales-Cardiff, Scotland-Edinburgh, Northern Ireland-Belfast). Show them on the map.

200 What is the longest river in the U.K.? Where is it? (The Severn, 290 km, in Northern Wales)

300 Why is English climate warmer than other Northern European countries? (Because of warm air that comes from the Atlantic and Gulfstream)

400 What is the highest mountain in the U.K.? How high is it? Where is it? (Ben Nevis in Highlands of Scotland is 1343 m high)

500 What separates Great Britain from the continent? How wide is the narrowest past? What is its name? (The Northern Sea; The Strait of Dover, 32 km wide).


100 How old is Stonehenge? When was it built? And what for? (5000 years old, in religious purpose, in 3100 BC)

200 What is unofficial name of Royal Botanic Gardens? When were they founded? (Kew Gardens, 1600s)

300 The birthplace of famous English writer W. Shakespeare, the name of his first theater? (Stratford-upon-Avon, "The Globe")

400 Where can you find Poet's Corner? What is it? (In Westminster Abbey, tombs and memorials of famous writers, poets, musicians)

500 What is Big Ben? Where is it? (The name of the biggest ball of the Clock Tower in the Houses of Parliament)

Famous People

100 The monarch who introduced tobacco and potatoes to Europe. (Queen Elizabeth I)

200 A son of a poor farmer. Studied at Cambridge, later became the President of Royal Society. Buried in Westminster Abbey. One of the greatest scientists in the world. (Newton).

300 Born in Africa. Lived and studied in England. Took part in World War I. Later became a professor at Oxford. Wrote many interesting books in style fantasy (or fantastic tales). (Tolkien).

400 A famous traveler and a map maker. He explored the South Pacific, New Zeeland and Australia. He took great care of his people during his voyages. He was attacked by the natives on Hawaii Islands and died. (James Cook).

500 A political leader of Great Britain. The prime-minister from 1940-1951. A British officer and a big political figure who influenced the World War II. (Winston Churchill).


100 What is the biggest and the oldest department store in England? Where is it situated? (Selfridges, Oxford street, London).

200 What do you need to apply for visa to Great Britain? (Passport, additional passport photo, return ticket and permanent address in your own country).

300 When did Celts come to Britain? (500 BC)

400 What does the word "Halloween" mean? (All Hollow's Eve, The Day Before All Saints Day)

500 How old you are to be in Britain to get: driving license(17), leave school(16), vote(18).


100 What do people usually eat at Halloween? (Sweets, candies, toffee apples)

200 Traditional English fast-food. (Fish and chips).

300 What is the difference between English Tea(with milk) and Russian Tea(with lemon)?

400 What is porridge? (A traditional Scottish dish-cereal of oats and milk).

500 What is a full English breakfast? What does it include?

A three-course-meal:

1.Beans or porridge.

2.Eggs and bacon or sausage.

3.Toast and jam.

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