Конспект урока по английскому языку для 8 класса по теме «Welcome to Great Britain»

"Описание материала: »Қазіргі қоғам талабына сай адам - рухани интеллекті, шығармашылық қабілетті болу керектігі өмір талабынан туындап отыр. Сондықтан білім беру жүйесі де қоғам дамуымен байланысты дамып, жетіліп отыруы анық. Ендеше еліміздің болашағы мен қазіргі кезеңі үшін жас ұрпаққа сапалы білім, ұлағатты тәрбие беру, жалпы адамдық құндылықтар болып саналатын адамгершілік мұраларды, рухани адамгершілік қасиеттерді бүгінгі ұрпақтың бойына сіңіру, ата-бабаларымыздың дәстүрлері мен ұлттық қолө...
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Класс 8 класс
Тип Конспекты
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Конспект урока по английскому языку для 8 класса по теме «Welcome to Great Britain»

Шығыс Қазақстан облысы, Аягөз қаласы

«№5 жалпы білім беретін орта мектеп»

коммуналдық мемлекеттік мекемесінің

шет тілі пәні мұғалімі Уалиева Оралғайша Жалғасбековна

Қазіргі қоғам талабына сай адам - рухани интеллекті, шығармашылық қабілетті болу керектігі өмір талабынан туындап отыр. Сондықтан білім беру жүйесі де қоғам дамуымен байланысты дамып, жетіліп отыруы анық. Ендеше еліміздің болашағы мен қазіргі кезеңі үшін жас ұрпаққа сапалы білім, ұлағатты тәрбие беру, жалпы адамдық құндылықтар болып саналатын адамгершілік мұраларды, рухани адамгершілік қасиеттерді бүгінгі ұрпақтың бойына сіңіру, ата-бабаларымыздың дәстүрлері мен ұлттық қолөнер тәжірибелерін үйрету, өміріне жолдама алуына барлық жағдай жасау үшін білім беру ісін әлеуметтендірудің маңызы зор.

Ғылым мен техниканың даму кезеңінде оқушыларды оқыту мен тәрбиелеудің әр түрлі әдіс-тәсілдері оқыту барысында кеңінен қолдануда. Оқушылардың топтық жұмыс негізінде сөйлеу дағдыларын дамыту мақсатында өз сабақтарымда «жобалау технологиясын» кеңінен қолданамын. 8 сыныпта «жобалау технологиясын» қолданып «Welcome to Great Britain» тақырыбында өткізген семинар сабағымның жоспарын ұсынып отырмын.

Сабақтың барысы:

  1. Organization moment:

T.: - Good morning, dear children!

P.: - Good morning!

T.: Sit down, please! How are you?

P.: Fine, tank you!

II. Мұғалімнің кіріспе сөзі:

T.: Boys and girls, today at the lesson we are going to talk about Great Britain. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated to the north - west coast of Europe. The United Kingdom consists of four parts. They are: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. The United Kingdom is also washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the north and North Sea in the east. You know, that the Capital of Great Britain is London.

III. Brainstorming.

First I'd like you to answer some question about the UK.

  1. What is a Kingdom?

  2. Where does the UK lie? (on the British Isles)

  3. What are main Islands? Can you name? The main Islands are Great Britain and Ireland.

  4. What can you say about the size of the UK? The UK is one of the smallest countries in the world. It is twice than France and Spain.

  5. What are the main rivers? (The Severn and the Thames)

  6. What is the population of Great Britain? The population of Great Britain is over 60 million.

Thank you, very good

IV. Let's we continue our Lesson. Look at the computer. We'll work with computer. Listen to the text about Great Britain. The next tasks complete the sentences.

  1. The UK of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ….. the Northwest coast of Europe.

  2. The UK consists of four parts; …..... , and ………….

  3. ……. Is the official language, but only language which people speak in the country.

  4. The country is not very rich…….. .

  5. The …. is the largest river, the ….. is most important one.

  6. The Atlantic Ocean and the warm waters of the …. influence the weather on Britain Isles

  7. The climate of Great Britain……. .

Thank you, very well.

V. So, children we know when people of a foreign country they picture in their minds different things. And what do you think first, when picture in their minds different things. And what do think first, when you think of Great Britain or what associate Great Britain with? Understand? Ok. So, children you may associate Great Britain with? Understand? OK. So, children you may use these words. Look at the blackboard. I read these words.

1. Capital

2. President

3. Pop - group

4. Sky scrapes

5. The queen

6. States

7. Big Ben

8. Show

9. Football

Think a bit please

Are you ready? Yes

P.: I associate Great Britain with it's capital of Great Britain is London. It is a very old and a beautiful city.

P.: When I think of it's famous clock Big Ben. The big clock on the Tower of the Palace of the Palace of Westminster in London. It is really the bell of the clock. It is the biggest clock in Britain. It weights 13.5 tons and has nearly 7 meters in diameter.

P.: I associate Great Britain with football club teams such as Manchester United, Chelsea and Liverpool are often successful in Europe. The famous football players are David Becham, Gerald Steven, Mike Own and Frank Lambert.

P.: I associate Great Britain with the queen. The Queen is the head of the country. The Queen of Great Britain is also head of the Commonwealth, and so the Queen of Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

P.: When I think Great Britain first, I usually think of it's pop-group ``The Beatles``.

1. The Beatles were the most successful pop-group in the world.

2. Four came from Liverpool and they became more than just pop stars-they became the voice a new generation.

Very nice Thank you let` s continue our lessen, you` II read the text` Royal Family. `

First you should read and understand the test. And you are given 3 minutes.

So, your time is up. Let` s I'll give you test. Take your pencils and put a tick (√) or cross (Х).

Let's check each other and give marks

And now I'll ask you some questions for you about `Royal Family. `

  1. Where and when was the ceremony of Queens's coronation? ( 1953 Westminster Abbey)

  2. Who is the Queens husband? (The Queens husband is the son of Prince Andrew of Greece ) .

  3. How many children does Prince Andrew have? ( 2)

  4. Who is the youngest Royal Prince? ( Prince Edward)

So, children, very good. Thank you!

Let's play a game. Our game is called ``who knows more``. Here on may table you see 3 flags. They are blue, and yellow. You should choose a flag of your favorite colour. Please come and choose.

The first group has chosen a blue flag. The second has chosen a yellow one. I'll throw the dice. If it, the group with the red flag answers the questions! Understand!

On the blackboard there are different colours. Each of you should answer your colours. If you take your colour, behind this colour there is question!

Now let's start our game. It's blue group I st answers the question. You have made a project work. Now we'll continue to speak about countries of Great Britain.

We know that the UK consists of 4 countries. Each country has its own capital and symbol flag. You are divided into 4 groups. The first group England, the third group Northern Ireland. Let's begin to present the general information.

  1. The country

  2. The Capital

  3. The national emblem of the country.

Scotland is a country in the UK. Scotland lies to the North of England. People who lives in Scotland are Scots. It's population is over 5 million peoples. Scotland is divided into

3 regions: the Highlands, the Lowlands and the Southern Uplands. Is the capital of Scotland. Scotland had been an independent state and was joined into the UK in 1707. Scotland is the birthplace of many famous men of literature and science. And I want to begin with the poem of greatest Scottish poet Robert Burns: ``My heart's in the Highlands``

My heart's in the Highlands

My heart is not here

My heart's in the Highlands

A chasing the dear

A chasing the wild deer

And following the roe

Me heart's in the Highlands

Wherever I go

This poem was translated into Russian by a famous Russian poet - Samuel Marshak and now listened to it.

В горах моё сердце….. Донные я там

По следу оленя лечу по скалам.

Гоню я оленя, пугаю козу.

В горах моё сердце, а сам я внизу.

People associate Scotland with the kilt. The kilt is a relic of the time when the clan system existed in the Highlands. The kilt is a skirt with mane pressed folds at the back and sides. The national musical instrument of the Scots is the bagpipe. The bagpipe was known to the ancient civilization of the Near East. Now bagpipe can seen and heart only in the northern countries of England, in Ireland and in Scotland where it was introduced much later. Bagpipe have been used in most European countries. It is also native to India and China.

The national emblem of Scotland is "a thistle". The people of that country chose the thistle as their national because it saved their land form foreign invaders many years ago. People say that during a surprise night attack by the invaders the Scottish soldiers were awakened by the shouts of the invaders as their bare feet touched the thorns of the thistles in the field they were crossing. This, of course, was a good reason to choose the thistle as a national emblem!

Edinburg is the cultural center of Scotland. It is associated with the name of George Byron, Walter Scott, Robert Lois Stevenson, Robert Burns and Arthur Conan Doyle, creator of Sherlock Holmes. It is also associated with the world - famous Edinburgh of Music and Drama. The festival was first held in 1947 and has been held annually ever since. The Edinburgh International Festival of 1987 was devoted to this country. Their musicians, dancers and singers were a great success.

England is the largest of the four countries that make up the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. England is the largest, the industrial and most densely populated part of the UK. Over 46 million people live in England. The coasts of England are washed by the North Sea, the Irish Sea, and the English Channel and the Strait of Dover. It is interesting to note that the sea has been important in the history of England. It was a good protection against the attacks of outside peoples. The sea also has great effect on England's climate.

London is Britain's and England's capital and the main communication center, one of the world's three largest cities and one of the largest ports. It's population is about 8 million people. Traditionally London is divided into several parts; the Westminster, the West end and the East End. The City is heart of London. Numerous banks, offices and the stock exchange are here. City is also a market for good form all parts of the world.

Westminster is historic center of government. The West End is the richest and most beautiful part of London. The be 4 st hotels, shops, restaurants and theatres there. Oxford street in the West End is the richest and most beautiful part of London. The be 4 st hotels, shops, restaurants and theatres there. Oxford Street in the West End endless shopping area whish attracts visitors form all over world.

The East End is poorest part of London.

There are many sights in the west end. They are for example, the Houses of Parliament with Beg Ben.

The interesting place is Westminster Abbey, whish founded in 1050. It is situated in the centre of London. Many great Englishmen were buried in the Abbey: Newton, Darwin and others.

The official London residence of the Queen is Buckingham Palace. It was built in the 18th Century. The emblem of England.

The different parts of Britain have their own emblems. They are all plants. In the 15th

Century there was a series of wars in England, which were called the Wars of the Roses.

They were between the Dukes of Lancaster and the dukes of York over who should be King. The Emblem of York was the white rose. The duke of Lancaster won so the emblem of England is the red rose. Another country of UK is Wales. Its capital is Cardiff. The population of Wales is over.

3 million people. Wales is one of the most beautiful parts of the British Isles. There are a lot of mountains and valleys in the north Wales. Snowdon is the highest mountain in Wales.

In Wales people speak Welsh, but most of them speak English too. Wales has been called.

'' A Land of song''. Welsh people like to sing very much.

Existed food is musical festival of culture. It includes competitions in prose, poetry, and singing. Wales has its own flag called the Welsh dragon.

Cardiff is capital of Wales and it's financially, industrially, most important city. Hundreds Of thou sands of inhabitants of Wales live and work there. The symbol of Wales is leek. By the legend St. David the protector of Wales lived many years eating only bread and leek. On the day of St. David Welshman carry leek on their. On the day of St. David Welshman carry leek on their clothes.

Northern Ireland or Ulster occupies the north eastern part of Ireland. Its population is about 2 million. Northern Ireland is separated form Great Britain by the Irish Sea.

The capital of Northern Ireland is Belfast. It is not only a large port, but also an administrative, industrial and cultural center of Northern Ireland. Its chief industries are the production of Linen and other textiles, clothing, shipbuilding, engineering. In Ireland the national musical instrument is the harp.

The shamrock is the emblem of Ireland. There-leaved plant native to Ireland. According.

To Irish legend, St. Patrick used the shamrock to illustrate the doctrine of the holy Trinity

Because of its three leaflets bound by a common stalk. The shamrock was made the.

Irish national badge.

Good, very nice. Tank you!

Our lesson is over. Thank you for talking an active part in it. Your projects are very interesting and useful. It was a great pleasure to listen to you. Mane pupils have got excellent marks today.

VI. Hometask: Write composition about London

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