Конспект-план по английскому языку на тему Theatre (9 класс)

Бұл сабақтың мақсаты оқушыларға Уильям Шекспирдің туралы кеңінен таныстыру. Глобал театры жайында мәлімет беру. Сабақ жоспары жаңа үлгіде жазылған. Оқулық авторы Т.Аяпова. Сонымен қатар оқушылардың тыңдау дағдысын қалыптастыра отырып, топтық жұмыста белсенділін көтеру. Ағыдышын тілінде сөйлеу тілін жетілдіру.
Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 9 класс
Тип Конспекты
Формат docx
Изображения Нет
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Date: 12.02.15

English Baibosynova A



Theme of the lesson

Step 5 Theatres.

Aim of the lesson

Give information about theatres.

Visual aids

Presentation, pictures, markers, masks other materials

Additional materials

English book

Procedure of the lesson

Teacher`s reaction

Pupil`s reaction

Operation moment


Dividing group

Divide into 4 groups

Checking up the home task

Marat Bisengaliev is a violinist

Find unnecessary answer

1 He was born - in Akmola

2 He gave concerts-Kazakhstan

3 he played while he was living in England- Artistic Director of Symphony

4 He founded in 2003- South Kazakhstan

Pupil`s find unnecessary answer and show their numbers.

Warm up

Look at the picture and say what are they?

Looking at the picture pupil`s say their ideas or opinions.

Motivation moment

Group work



Gallery work

We have gallery work.

Now, Let`s watch a video.

What did you know of new add it in your poster. Discussing in pairs.

Read the information and make a poster. Give a title.



Ex.5 Match each part of a theatre on the right with a definition on the left.

Go a glossary word. Exchange with another group and read it in a class.


Fill the two list diary

Fill the diary and read.

Reflection moment

Next task


Now, pupil`s

What did you found at this lesson?

What you can?

What did you Learn?

Write answers on stickers and put it in a basket.

Ex.4 Find information about M. Auezov Kazakh Drama Theatre.

Marking with Criterion SRLW

Pupils write answers on stickers and put on basket.

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