Презентация и план-конспект к уроку в 6 классе по теме Дом, милый дом

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 6 класс
Тип Презентации
Формат zip
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Поделитесь с коллегами:
  1. Орг. Момент. Дата. 1 мин.

  2. Тема. Тема последнего урока. 1мин.

  3. Лексика (повторение) общая. (the odd word) 2 мин.

  4. Have you ever heard about living in a houseboard?

  5. The basket of ideas. 2 мин.

  6. Новые слова из текста. Доска. 2 мин. 10 мин.

  7. While reading think about the title of the text. THE TITLE.

  8. Let' start reading the text. This is the task for the first paragraph.



  1. The most interesting living.

  2. An ordinary living.

  3. A comfortable living.

I'm Mark. Some years ago we lived in a boat! It was our house and our home. It was the best time in my life! Many people dream about living in a large country mansion or picturesque country cottage, but I think that living in a houseboat is a lot more exciting.

2 абзац ЗАКРЫТЬ 2 мин.

Our houseboat was not an ordinary house. There were two small bedrooms, a sitting room in the house and a place where we cooked. However, they were cosy and convenient. Our sitting room was not bigger than a modern bathroom with four round windows. For furniture there was a small table and a soft sofa there. I loved it especially in the evenings when I was sitting on the sofa and my father was telling me stories. There was electricity and gas in the houseboat but we had no running water and central heating. Sometimes it was difficult to wash our clothes and the dishes but I was happy because it was very romantic and unusual! СЛАЙД

  1. What was good about living in the boathouse?

What was bad about living in the boathouse? ЗАКРЫТЬ

  1. Were there more advantages or disadvantages in his living?

Can you find the adjectives to prove it? Read them out. What do the adjectives help us to understand?

  1. СЛАЙД Look at this photo. Is this a photo of Mike's sitting room? Why? 5 мин.

Don't forget to use there is/are was/were

3 абзац СЛАЙД

Look at these photos. Охарактеризуйте их с помощью одного слова .

Please read it individually and find the description for the first and the second ones.


We could stay in one area for a few months and then moved somewhere else. England is just perfect for that because it has lots of canals. We preferred to stay in a green area with fresh air and beautiful nature. I felt completely independent.


The question for the most attentive. Did they stay in one certain place only? 3 мин


4 абзац Читают самостоятельно 1 минута


I'd like to live in a houseboat all my life but my mum thinks it's better to live in an ordinary house. That's why we had to move into a nice country cottage 3 мин.


1. England is a good place for …..

2. Many people's dream is…..

3. Mark lived in …..

4. They had to change their house because …

5. The houseboat had …

6. The life was …

3 2 5 6 1 4 3 мин.


10 . Вопросы по тексту. Работа в парах. 2 минуты. ОТВЕТЫ - БЫСТРО! 5 мин.



13. ПЕРЕВОД . Дом - не только мебель и комнаты и удобства.

IT'S THE PLACE ……………..

Дом задание

I'm Mark. Some years ago we lived in a boat! It was our house and our home. It was the best time in my life! Many people dream about living in a large country mansion or picturesque country cottage, but I think that living in a houseboat is a lot more exciting.

Our houseboat was not an ordinary house. There were two small bedrooms, a sitting room in the house and a place where we cooked. However, they were cosy and convenient. Our sitting room was not bigger than a modern bathroom with four round windows. For furniture there was a small table and a soft sofa there. I loved it especially in the evenings when I was sitting on the sofa and my father was telling me stories. There was electricity and gas in the houseboat but we had no running water and central heating. Sometimes it was difficult to wash our clothes and the dishes but I was happy because it was very romantic and unusual!

We could stay in one area for a few months and then moved somewhere else. England is just perfect for that because it has lots of canals. We preferred to stay in a green area with fresh air and beautiful nature. I felt completely independent.

I'd like to live in a houseboat all my life but my mum thinks it's better to live in an ordinary house. That's why we had to move into a nice country cottage.

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