Сценарий праздника The ABC party во втором классе

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 2 класс
Тип Другие методич. материалы
Формат docx
Изображения Нет
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Сценарий праздника « The ABC PARTY» во втором классе

Цели и задачи урока:

  • повторение букв английского алфавита;

  • совершенствование навыков выразительного чтения стихотворений;

  • активизация и обобщение материала по темам: "Английский алфавит", "Цвета", "Счёт";

  • повторение изученного лексического материала;

  • поддержание интереса к изучению английского языка;

  • развитие творческих способностей;

  • развитие мышления, памяти, внимания, логики, воображения и наблюдательности.

Оборудование : презентация (буквы и стихи), рисунки букв у детей в руках , видеодиск с записями, плакаты (алфавит, счёт), карточки (семья), ёлочка с разноцветными игрушками.

I. Организационный момент, приветствие (Слайд 1)

- Good morning, boys and girls, parents and teachers!

- Good morning!

-I am glad to see you! Welcome to our ABC party! Sit down, please.

II. Фонетическая зарядка (Слайд 2)

- Well, let`s begin our English party. Today we shall make an interesting and funny travelling from A to Z. Do you want to start?

Let`s sing the ABC song first.

Дети смотрят видео и поют песенку про английский алфавит.

- That`sfine!

III. Повторение изученных букв алфавита. Выступления учащихся (Слайды2-27)

T: Thank you very much. Do you like poems? Let's listen what you have learnt.

У доски остаются 7 человек, рассказывают стихи, на буквы алфавита.(A,B,C,D,E,F,G)

Letter A(Слайд 2)

Apples here, apples there,
Apples, apples everywhere!

Letter B (Слайд 3)

Bounce! Bounce! It is my ball!
It doesn`t want to stop at all.

Letter C (Слайд 4)

I`m the cat. My name is Hat.
I`m not fat. I like to chat!

Letter D (Слайд 5)

I`m the dog. My name is Jack.
My coat is white. My nose is black.

Letter E (Слайд 6)

Little yellow bee, bee, bee!
How many flowers can you see?

Letter F (Слайд 7)

One, two, three, and four, and five!
I have got a fish alive!

Letter G (Слайд 8)

I`m a girl. I`ve got a doll.
Her name is May. We like to play.

Т: Very well, take your seats. Oh! Now I see You have learned a lot of poems! Now help me to tell you poems.

Учитель показывает на картинки членов семьи, рассказывая стишок, делая паузы, дети дополняют.

I have a father, I have a mother,

I have a sister, I have a brother.

Father, mother, sister, brother

Hands in hands with one another!

Red and yellow,

Green and blue,

Lots of colours

For me and you.!

T: учитель достаёт коробочку с украшениями для ёлки.

I have a New Year decoration. Guess what colour is it?

S: Is it blue?

T: No, it sin't.

S2: Is it red?

T: Yes, it is. Учитель достаёт ещё одну и т.д.

Т: You are so clever children! Letters H, I, J, K, L, M go to the blackboard, please.

Letter H (Слайд 9)

Little mouse, little mouse!
Where is your house?
I`m a poor mouse, I have no house.

Letter I (Слайд 10)

Spring is coming. Warm and nice.
Ice is melting. Poor ice!

Letter J (Слайд 11)

Merry Jimmy Jinn
isjumping in his jeans.

Letter K (Слайд 12)

The king is strong. The king is brave.
What is his name? He is Nick Grey.

Letter L (Слайд 13)

Who lives in Africa?
He, she or me?
One lion, two lions, three...

Letter M (Слайд 14)

Little mice, little mice!
Would you like a piece of ice?
We would like a piece of cheese. Yes, please!

Дети рассказывают свои стихи по очереди.

Т: Take your seats. Now girls are ready to sing a song "Snowflakes."

Девочки поют и танцуют.

T: Very good! And now our children will recite the poems about the English letters N, O ,P, Q, R,S

Letter N (Слайд 15)

How much is one plus one?
Two big nuts for little son.

Letter O (Слайд 16)

"Tick-Tock! Tick-Tock!
Play and walk," says the clock.

Letter P (Слайд 17)

I`v got a pet. My pet is a pig.
His name is Pick. He is not big.

Letter Q (Слайд 18)

Mary the Queen can dance and sing.

Letter R (Слайд 19)

One, two, three! One, two, three!
Nice red roses you can see!

Letter S (Слайд 20)

Oh, Mary! Come and see!
A big snake is in the tree!


T: Are you tired? It's time to dance Hokey-Pokey! Stand up class. Get ready!

Включается видеозапись, класс танцует и поёт хором.

T: Wow! Super, thank you! Letters T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z come here.

Letter T (Слайд 21)

When tigers walk
They like to talk.

Letter U (Слайд 22)

Hurry, hurry Cinderella!
Quickly bring my blue umbrella!

Letter V (Слайд 23)

Can you dance? Can you sing?
I can play the violin.

Letter W (Слайд 24)

Hey, Letter W!
I like the words with you!
Whу, what, who,
Window, wall, two,
Swim, white, owl,
Down, town... Wow!

Letter X (Слайд 25)

I see two funny foxes
With two small boxes.

Letter Y (Слайд 26)

Fly! Fly! In the sky!
My nice and funny kite!

Letter Z (Слайд 27)

We go, we go, we go to the zoo!
We can see a tiger and a zebra, too.

T: I see that you know the ABC, the names of the colours. But can you count in English? (Yes, we can). O.K. Let`s count from one to ten. Altogether.

Our boys are ready to sing. Boys come here.

Мальчики танцуют и поют "Santa is his name-o!"

IV. Подведение итогов.

Т: Dear friends! Thank you for your work. We have finished our first English party - the ABC party. My pupils are very bright and smart. Lear English with fun, goodbye!


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