Внеклассное мероприятие, посвященное Дню Первого Президента РК Полиглот

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Тип Другие методич. материалы
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The game «Polyglot»

Цель мероприятия: развивать познавательный интерес у учащихся к предметам, повышать творческую активность, развивать память, внимание, уважение к сопернику, находчивость, волю к победе.

Оборудование: карта Казахстана, карточки, мультимедийное оборудование, раздаточный материал, слайды.

Ход урока:

Учащиеся рассаживаются в группы

Good afternoon, dear teachers, guests and participants! I'm glad to see you at our competition "Polyglot". This year we celebrate the day of the 1st President of Kazakhstan. You know much about Kazakhstan. The competition consists of 7 tasks. Good luck all to you! I let the teams to introduce themselves.

  1. Introducing the participants.

(My name is …, my surname …, I'm in the … form)

  1. What do you associate with Kazakhstan?

Внеклассное мероприятие, посвященное Дню Первого Президента РК Полиглот

  1. Anthem of Kazakhstan

All is good, all is fine,

Our sun always shines,

And my land is nice and green.

And today we are free.

Our capital new

Astana is the best

And we have only one

Native land - Kazakhstan.

My Kazakhstan.

Dear Kazakhstan my lovely land.

Country number one.

Be always strong.

Carefree and sunny,

Our dear country

Native Kazakhstan.

4. Topics and stories about Kazakhstan.

S.1 Kazakhstan is my motherland. Astana is the capital of Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan is situated on the crossroads of two ancient cultures - Europe and Asia. Kazakhstan borders with Russia, China, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan and Turkmenistan. The population of Kazakhstan is 1.670000 people. The area is 2.724900 square km.

Kazakhstan is the democratic and independent republic. I'm very proud that I'm the citizen of Kazakhstan. I like my country very much.

S2 I'll tell about the symbols of Kazakhstan. The flag and the national song of every country show its independence. Our country Kazakhstan has its own flag and national song. On the flag in the middle of the blue rectangle there is an eagle with wings spread under the sun. Those symbols and the national Kazakh ornament koshkar on the left side of the flag are in the golden yellow colour. The flag colou red in blue to wish our country the clearness, the goodness, the freedom, being independent, and the golden sun is the symbol of the bright future. I love my country very much.

5. "Baiga" answer the questions correctly. For each correct word- 2 points.

1. Что является источником знаний? (книга, book, қітап)

2. Кто познается в беде? ( друг, friend, дос)

3. Птица, которая является символом мира (голубь, pigeon, көгершін)

4. Продолжите поговорку: «Крылья джигита - это …. (конь, ат, horse)

5. Назовите одним словом, например Иртыш, Или- ( река)

6. Продолжите поговорку: «Терпенье и ______ - все перетрут» ( труд, work, еңбек )

7. Что вечера мудренее? ( утро, morning, таңертең )

8. Подберите антоним к слову «война» (мир, peace, бейбітшілік)

9. Как называется главный город любой страны? (столица, capital, астана)

10. Восстановите фразеологизм: «Брать ____ за рога» ( бык, bull, өгіз ).

6. True or false questions

  1. Kazakhstan is situated in the centre of Europe.

  2. The population of Kazakhstan is 10 million people.

  3. The climate of the country is strongly continental.

  4. The capital of the country is Almaty.

  5. The president of the country is Nursultan Nazarbayev.

  6. Kazakh is the state language of Kazakhstan.

  7. As a sovereign state Kazakhstan has its own national flag and anthem and national traditions and holidays.

  8. The national flag of the country is red.

  9. The country is not rich with mineral resources.

7. Match English, Russian and Kazakh proverbs.

  1. East or West, home is best.

  2. Business before pleasure.

  3. Where is a will there is a way.

  4. Everything is good in its season.

  5. First think, then speak.

  6. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.

  1. Где хотенье, там и уменье.

  2. Дареному коню в зубы не смотрят.

  3. Слово не воробей, вылетит - не поймаешь.

  4. Сделал дело - гуляй смело.

  5. Всему свое время.

  6. В гостях хорошо, а дома лучше.

Әр нәрсенің өз уакыты бар

Бейнет түбі - зейнет

Айтылған сөз атылған окпен тең

Іздеген жетер мұратка

Өз үйім - өлең төсегім

Dear pupils and guests! Our competition is over. Jury, please count the points. Your points will be announced and you may take your marks. Thank you for attention!

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