Конспект урока английского языка. Тема Составление планов на будущее

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Конспект урока английского языка в 5 классе МОУ Михалевская СОШ.

Учитель: Морозова Ксения Федоровна

Тема: «Составление планов на будущее».

Тема для изучения: «Социально-культурная сфера. Досуг и развлечения».

Цели урока:

  1. Общеучебные умения и универсальные сп. деятельности:

  • формировать лексико - грамматические навыки говорения по теме урока.

  1. Компенсаторные умения:

  • развивать мышление, память, языковую догадку, умение работать в группах.

  • Использовать в качестве опоры при построении собственных высказываний ключевые слова, план к тексту.

  1. Социокультурные знания и умения:

  • воспитывать чувство уважения друг к другу, умение слушать друг друга.

Речевой материал:

Оборот «to be going to…»

Оснащение урока: мультимедийная установка, компьютер, презентация, ватман, маркеры, картинки по теме урока.

Ход урока.

Methods or steps

Patterns or interaction

I. Начальный этап. 2 min

Greeting. Class organization.

Good morning! I'm very glad to see you. Sit down please. How are you today?

Individuals and the whole class

Warming up 3 min

Your name is …, isn't it?

You are in the 5th form, aren't you?

You live in Russia, don't you?

You don't like to play football, do you?

…likes to ride a bike, doesn't he/she?

His/her surname is…, isn't it?

Вижу, вы хорошо помните как отвечать на разделительные вопросы..


Phonetic drill. 1 min

Let's continue our lesson with phonetic drill "What are you going to do?"


What are you going to do?

What are you going to do?

I' m going to read a book.

That's what I' m going to do.

What is she going to do?

What is she going to do?

She is going to write a letter.

That's what she is going to do.

the whole class

Let's check your homework. Ex.12 p 15 (slide2) 3 min

Aim of the lesson (slide3) 1 min

What are we going to speak about, today?

(We are going to speak about our plans.)

You're right. We are going to speak about our plans for winter and summer.

We'll repeat the words and play doing your projects.

II. Основной этап. 2 min

1. Закрепление лексики.

First we have the words' tour. I'll give you the cards with the words. You have 2 minutes to write the missing letters.

Cin_ma, par_n_r, in_it_tion, p_cnic, p_ogramm_, si_uation, we_ke_d, to be _o_ng to

Let's check your cards.(slide4)

Individuals and the whole class

2. Тренировка РО to be going to. 3 min

The second tour is "Sentence". Look at the screen. Make your own sentences. Pictures will help you. What are people going to do next weekend?(slide5-.19)

pictures on screen: ski, play hockey, play snowballs, skate, sledge, make a snowman, skate, play computer games, write, do homework, watch TV, do the room, go shopping.

Your sentences are good.

Now we know how to tell about plans on weekend.


And now, answer my question, please. What are you going to do next weekend? Word combinations will help you. (slide 20) 2 min

Now I know about your plans on weekend.


4. Работа над проектом + физкультминутка. 7 min

The third tour is "Project". Let's divide into two groups. You have markers and а sheet of paper. Also you can see cards with different words on the walls and furniture. Do projects about your plans for summer holidays (group 1) and winter holidays (group 2). Take only the cards you need. After that write the sentences about your plans using "to be going to". If you are ready, go to the blackboard and tell what you're going to do. You have 5-7 minutes.

Listen to every one of the adversaries very attentively because later you'll tell us about their plans.

Group work

5. Защита проекта. 5 min

Every group goes to the blackboard, hangs the project on it and tells about the plans. Every group tells about their plans for weekend or holidays. Listen to them very attentively and tell about their plans.

Group work

Tell us what … is going to do? Tell us what …and … are going to do? 2 min

Now we know everything about your plans on holidays.

Let's write a letter to our British friend Linda about your plans for spring holidays. We need a plan of the letter for it. (подстановочное упражнение) 2 min

You've got a plan of the letter.

What do we write first?

What do we write then?

Please, write the name of your friend. Don't forget to write about your plans for the spring holidays and about plans of your family.




Dear __________,

Thank you for your letter. You asked me to write about my plans for my spring holidays. My family is ____________________________________________. We are a close family and get well with each other.

We are going to spend our spring holidays together.

I _________________________________________ . My ______________________________________. My ____________________________________________. My_______________________________________________________.We____________________________.

What is your family like? What ____________ going to do during your ________________?

Hope to hear from you soon.

Your friend,


You have 4-5 minutes. 5 min

Are you ready with your letters?

Who wants to read the letter? 4 min

the whole class

III. Заключительный этап. 3min

1. Подведение итогов.

Чему мы научились на уроке?

Was this lesson interesting for you?

2. Оценивание.

Your work was excellent/ good/ satisfactory.

3. Домашнее задание.(slide21)

Open your diaries and write down your home task. Write about your plans for the next week in 5 - 6 sentences. Ex.11 p.29 will help you.

the whole class

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