Контроль навыков письма в 6 классе 1 полугодие (УМК Spotlight)

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 6 класс
Тип Тесты
Формат docx
Изображения Нет
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Control of Writing V - 1

2 четверть

1.Fill in the gaps with the Present Continuous:

1. We…..( have) a meal now.

2.Children and their mother……(decorate ) the house at the moment.

3. I …..(wear) my witch costume.

4.Kids … (enjoy) toffee apples now.

5. He… (make) decorations at the moment.

2. Complete the sentences choosing phrases from the box( one expression is extra):

1. I usually get up at….

2. My favourite day of the week is…

3. On festive days we visit our…

4.On New Year's day we eat ….

5.Our winter holidays last …

Sunday, relatives, seven o'clock, traditional food, two weeks,colourful decorations


Control of Writing V-2

2 четверть

1.Fill in the gaps with the Present Continuous:

1. Twins…. (watch) the fireworks now.

2. Chris … ( wear) his Frankenstein costume.

3. Mum… (make) a special dish at the moment.

4. I … (do) my homework.

5. Whatever you…( do) , have a wonderful time.

2. Complete the sentences choosing phrases from the box( one expression is extra):

1. The 31st of December is the last night of the…

2. I'd like to send some flowers,…

3.Lewis Carroll is a famous …

4. On Monday I usually have …

5.Would you like to include a …?

Sunflowers, card, old year, English writer, six lessons,please

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