Сценарий вечера на День Святого Валентина

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Сценарий вечера ко дню святого Валентина


• повышение эффективности учебно-воспитательного процесса;

• повышение культурного и образовательного уровня учащихся;

• разнообразие и внедрение новых форм и методов работы по дисциплинам "Иностранный язык" и "Страноведение";

• углубление знаний учащихся по истории, культуре, обычаям и традициям стран изучаемого языка.



• Познакомить учащихся с историей дня св. Валентина, с обычаями и традициями празднования дня в англоязычных странах, с символикой праздника.


• Прививать интерес к иноязычной культуре, развивать интерес к предмету.

• Расширять кругозор учащихся;

• Совершенствовать навыки сценического поведения, способствовать преодолению скованности и неуверенности.

• Развивать культуру публичного выступления.


• Способствовать воспитанию учащихся уважения к носителям иноязычной культуры.

• Развивать учащихся эстетически.

Подготовка к вечеру:

1день. Работа над сценарием.

2 день. Выбор участников, ведущих.

3 день. Подготовка декораций.

4-6 день. Репетиции.


Teacher: Love! Happiness! Beauty! There're not so many days in a year when we pronounce these pleasant words. Today you have an excellent chance to plunge into the atmosphere of love and camaraderie, to take part in party-games, to practice the use of some pleasant words and expressions on this special occasion. Happy St. Valentine's Day!

По сцене навстречу друг другу медленно идут юноша и девушка (ведущие праздника). При этом юноша читает стихотворение и дарит розу девушке. Here's a special valentine With lots of love for you And since you're very special Here are hugs and kisses, too! Затем ведущие поворачиваются к публике и здороваются с ней.

Ведущий 1 (B1): Ladies and gentlemen! Good evening!

Ведущий 2 (B2): It's lovely to meet you here, at Valentine's party!

B1: Love, love me do, You know I love you, I'll always be true, So please, love me do, Wo-ho, love me do.

B2: Someone to love, Somebody new, Someone to love, Someone like you. Bl: I hope that Valentine's Day Will bring you lots of fun! He thinks you're extra-specially nice, And so does everyone!

B2: You're just the nicest kind of boy/girl. So very grown-up, too. No wonder that this Valentine Brings lots of love for you.

B1: It's here again, the day when boys and girls, sweethearts and lovers, husbands and wives, friends and neighbours, and even the office staff will exchange greetings of affection undying love or satirical comment.

B2: St. Valentine's Day, February 14, has been a customary day for choosing sweethearts and exchanging love-tokens from time immemorial. The method of choosing sweethearts on St. Valentine's Day varied in different times and places. It could be a serious matter leading to marriage, or it could be a kind of game. Countless generations of young people have acknowledged St. Valentine as the friend and patron of lovers.

B1: What kind of holiday is St. Valentine's Day?

B2: St. Valentine's Day is a religious holiday, which is celebrated in Great Britain, in many European countries and in the USA. St. Valentine's Day has roots in several legends.

B1: One of the early symbols of love is Cupid, the Roman God of Love, who is represented as a young boy with a bow and arrow.

Звучит музыка, выключается свет, зажигается прожектор, в лучах которого появляется священник. Он идет медленно. В это время звучит голос из-за кулис: "Valentine was a Christian priest in the Roman Empire 300 years after the death of Jesus Christ".

B1: My sweetheart, look! I can't believe it. Is it St. Valentine himself?!

B2: You're welcome, patron of lovers.

Священник: My children! I've come from the distant past, to remind you of kindness and love, friendship and patience in your wicked world. Not only when it's Valentine's Day But always, all year through You're thought about with words of love And wished much gladness, too!

B1: Do please take us back to the 1st century when the Roman Emperor Claudius II ruled our country.

Священник: All right! I see you love each other and may your dreams come true!

Свет выключается, из-за кулис слышится голос: "This is the legend of how St. Valentine's Day began. When the Roman Emperor Claudius II needed soldiers, he made a law against marrying because he felt that marriage made men want to stay at home instead of fighting wars. But at that time there was a kindly priest named Valentine. He couldn't agree with the emperor's decision. When he saw that young couples were truly in love, he married them secretly".

Далее следует инсценировка легенды. Выходят юноша и девушка. Они падают на колени и жестами умоляют священника совершить обряд бракосочетания. Священник выполняет их просьбу.

Священник: My daughter! My son! I declare you husband and wife!

Звучит марш Мендельсона. Врывается стража.

Стражник 1: Priest, you have been discovered and condemned to death!

За несколько дней до проведения праздничного вечера желательно ознакомить учащихся с информацией, связанной с Днём Валентина. Это можно сделать в виде настенной газеты для всех учеников, либо ознакомить на уроках в виде лекций или текстов для чтения.

Перед началом праздника все участники пишут на маленьких кусочках бумаги в виде сердечек свои имена и опускают их в коробку( для игры «тайный друг»). Во время вечера ребята отправляют« Валентиновскую почту»(Valentine post), для которой используются маленькие открытки в виде сердечек, их отправляют тем, кому дети хотят отправить, кто им нравиться, а также отправляют послания своим тайным друзьям. Перед праздником все учащиеся прикрепляют сердечки со своими именами себе на одежду.

Выходят два ведущих.

1leader. Today we are going to celebrate the most romantic holiday-St Valentine's Day.

2leader. As it is a holiday of sweethearts, you will see some scenes from "Romeo and Juliet" who are, perhaps, the most famous couple. Also it is a good chance for you to enjoy listening to very charming love poems and love confessions.

1.But it is as well a merry and funny day and you are supposed to have different contests and games.


Some people just know

Right from the start,

How to bring joy

To another heart.


Some people just know

How to love and to give

And they do such nice things

Every day that they live.

2. Valentine's Day is a special time when people tell each other that they love them and care about them. To celebrate this holiday people send special cards with romantic messages and give their sweethearts small gifts.

1. We'll not break this tradition, you may post messages or presents to your friends and sweethearts during the party; but as well you are supposed to send notes or small gifts to your secret friends. Now let's choose your secret friends. But are not to tell anybody the name of your secret friends.

(Учащиеся вытаскивают из коробки сердечки с именами всех присутствующих по очереди, это-их тайные друзья, эти карточки никому не показываются и имена тайных друзей не говорят никому.)

2. Everybody of you has got a Valentine's card pinned onto your clothes. It is for your secret friends who don't know you. You should find your secret friend and show attention to him or her, but your secret friend mustn't learn you. At the end of the party we'll reveal our secret friends and we hope you will be pleasantly surprised.

1. What do you remember of this holiday? Which legends connected with St. Valentine's Day do you remember?

2. When did the first known Valentine card appear? Who was the writer of it? ( in 1415, it was created by Charles, Duke of Orleans, he was imprisoned in the Tower and he wrote Valentine poems there.)

1. Which century did the custom of sending Valentine cards start in Europe? ( in the 18th century) how did they look like?

2. Before Valentine's cards appeared, people had used different ways to draw attention of their sweethearts because love is old as humanity. People of different ages fall in love and lose their heads from it.

2. Now it's the time to review other famous pairs of lovers. At first we need four boys volunteers. You have a part of "a broken heart", you should find your pair.

(Выбирают 4 мальчиков, дают им часть « разбитого сердца».Ведущие обходят всех участниц вечера и раздают другие половинки сердец, только четыре из них имеют пару, которые у мальчиков.

Четыре мальчика подходят к девочкам, у кого из девочек половинка сердца подойдёт, та будет партнёршей мальчика в конкурсе изображения знаменитой пары влюблённых пантомимой)

1. Now you have found each other and we are waiting for you to pantomime famous pairs of lovers. Other students should guess them.


Vasilisa the Beautiful- Ivan Tsarevich

Malvina- Pierro

Cinderella- Prince

Desdemona- Othello

2. Do you know any other famous couples? Say their names.

Possible answers:

Sir Lancelot- Guenever

Ivanhoe-Lady Rovena


Tristan- Isolda

Natasha Rostova - Andrei Bolkonsky

Master- Margarita

Tatiana Larina- Evgeny Onegin


Cleopatra- Mark Antony/ Ceasar

D'Artanian- Constance

1. We see that you are tired of just listening of love, let's try to move. Imagine you are not people, you are molecules being boiled. At first you move very slowly than a bit faster than more and more faster. Suddenly you must stop and join in the group of several molecules. If you failed to do it you should leave.

(Под музыку участники двигаются, по команде ведущего-"Join in five/ four/ /three/ two" они соединяются в группы с заданным количеством людей, кто не успел, тот выбывает из игры. Когда выполняют последнее задание- объединиться по двое, ведущие выбирают три пары- мальчик с девочкой для следующего конкурса- сделать статую любви.)

Now you should make a statue of love.

(Students do it, when the statues are ready, the leader offers the makers to take the position of their statues.)

2/ Now, please, take the position of your statues.

(The students change their positions and the leaders encourage students to choose the best statue)

Dear friends, choose the best statue by clapping your hands. Clap as loud as possible to the favourable statue.

You can express your feelings with the help of a statue of love. But the traditional way is to confess to your sweetheart. Now you have a good chance to learn how to do it.

(The students make declarations in love)


Love confessions


Boy: You have no equal in beauty and grace. In addition to your lovely look you are brilliant and feisty and I take great pleasure to see you. You are so beautiful. I have to confess that I have never seen a lovelier creature. Your skin is delicate and soft, your waist is so slender. From under your dark long eyelashes smiles a pair of blue faithful eyes.

Girl: My heart is sinking while I am listening to you. You treat me like I'm a princess. I think only about you. I cannot sleep, I cannot eat. All my thoughts are only about you. Tell that you love me, just say that you need me.

Boy: With your lovely figure, your grace of movement and your sparkling eyes you can enchant any mortal heart. When you enter, the place is illuminated by your beauty. Your voice is sweeter than that of any girl. I enjoy it when I hear it.

All my heart is yours. It belongs to you and with you it would remain.

Girl: Don't be surprised if I love you for all that you are. I couldn't help it- it's all your fault. Your love is thick and it swallowed me whole.


My Valentine

Has eyes of green

With twenty eyebrows in between.

Her skin is blue

Her head is square.

She hasn't got a brain in there.

Her four ears twitch.

Her noses shine

But still,

(I think)

I'll make her mine!

Except making a declaration of love you can confess about your feelings with the help of valentine symbols. Which of them do you remember?

(fan-open your heart

Ribbon- you are tied up/you are my girl

Lace-you are tied up /you are my girl/(on the valentine card)-you have caught my heart in a net

(in a valentine cake)-rice-wedding


Coin-the person would marry someone wealthy

Red mitten (for boys)-meant his girl doesn't like him )

2. Today people still keep to many of the old valentine customs girls, let's tell your fortunes. Count the buttons of your clothes and repeat after me:

-Rich man, poor man, beggar man, thief,

Doctor, lawyer, merchant, sailor, chief.

The last button is supposed to tell which man the girl will marry.

1. Now we see that you are ready to enjoy listening the love poems which were created in different times.

2. Some of them were written two or even more hundred years ago. Others-just recently by students of your age.

Possible poems for reciting


What must unite two separated parts?

What is the bridge between two souls and hearts,

Whose aim is not to ruin, but create?

And there's no sign on the entrance: "For private",

The snow and roses here coexist,

You here sweet song but there's no snake's hiss,

Destroyed not by time, but with time strong,

The truth walks here, and isn't known as wrong,

Though separated by the sea of Hate and Lie,

Above it shining bridge of sun does lie.

And who, on Earth, will dare to shake its stone

Will live his life in torments, all alone.

A path is sparkling in the blue of holy sky

Where love and joy do flourish, but not die.

By Anastasia Lobanova (school № 1208, Moscow)

"How do I love thee? Let me count the ways".

My love is not expressible in words,

And if pray to all my Gods,

They'll give me love for all my days.

Respects me not and with my love he plays

And me? I can't but fight with swords

To gain his love. But we are still at odds.

What should I do? I cannot find a place

Where it is possible just not to think about

My deepest love and his contempt.

Oh, God, how can I doubt

That is really able to attempt

His love?

Oh, yes, the bridge of hate is still around

And though he does not love, I must be


By Tania Kopalkina ( school № 1208, Moscow)

A symbol of love

Red rose is a beautiful symbol of love.

Love is a beautiful symbol of life.

But this beautiful thing

May bring into our life

Some tears, some sorrow,

Some smiles and some horror.

But people love this beautiful thing

Because love in our life is unforgettable.

By Yaroslava Savitskaya

(Linguistic school, Amursk, Khabarovsky krai)

Declaration of Intent

She said she'd

Love me for eternity,

But managed to reduce

It to eight months

For good behaviour.

She said we fitted

Like a hand in a glove,

But then the hot

Weather came and such

Accessories weren't needed.

She said the future

Was ours, but the deeds

Were made out in

Her name.

She said I was the only one who

Understood completely,

And then she left me

And said she knew

That I'd understand completely.

By Steve Turner (a British poet, biographer and music journalist)

1. And now it's the time to decide which class is the most friendly on this holiday. You need to join your classmates, and at first make the puzzle- you should put all the pieces together for the purpose to have a valentine card.

(Учащиеся складывают головоломку- разрезанные части картинок-«валентинок»

Кто сложит быстрее и правильно, тот выиграл)

2. And the next contest for you - you need to match two columns of word combinations, connected with love.

(Correct answers- go out- dating

Fall in love-to begin to love someone

True blue-faithful, honest

Tie the knot- get married

Turns me on-excites me, interesting

See eye to eye -to understand each other very well from the first word

On the same wave length-have the same sort of idea)

(Класс, который быстрее всех и правильно сделает - выиграл, подводят итоги-какой класс или классы оказались лучше)

1. We would like to suggest you to choose Mister Valentine and Miss Valentine. For this competition you are to divide into two groups: the girls and the boys.

(When the students are separated they need to count their valentine cards. The boy that has the most -is Mister X; 5 girls that have the most cards will compete to be his sweetheart.)

Then all the students come back to the hall but boys mustn't say who is Mister X. The girls are invited to compete. They don't know who Mister X is. He doesn't come back he stays separately from the girls.

Tasks for the girls:

1. Make a valentine card for Mister X. (The boy is asked to choose the 4 best ones in the separately room)

The girl whose card wasn't chosen, should leave.

2. What can you do for your Valentine. ( Mister X listen in the room and chooses 3 best statements, one girl leaves.)

3. Mister X appears in other clothes with some added details-a scarf/a hat/a tie etc, the girls look at him and must remember his appearance , then they answer the questions without looking at him.

-What colour is his eyes?

-What colour is his socks?

-How many pins has he got?

-What colour are his shoes?

-What is on his ears?

2 girls who answer mostly are chosen for the last contest.

The boy and the girls need answer the questions about the boy. They don't see the answers of each others. The boy writes his answers on the blackboard, the girls-on sheets of papers, then they are compared with the boy's answers.

Questions for the boy:

What is your favourite food?

How many rooms are in your flat?

Have you got a pet?

What do you prefer for reading?

What is your favourite colour?

Then at the end only one girl stays. The boy confess her in love and she guess the language from the suggested.

Spanish/Italian/Irish: Te amo( Spanish)

Chinese/ Japanese/ Jewish: Ai shite imasu(Japanese)

German/Swedish/Greek:Jag alskar dig(Swedish)

French/ Polish/Hawaiian:Aloha(Hawaiian)

1. So, dear friends, you are Mister Valentine and Miss Valentine, we congratulate you and wish you to be if not sweethearts at least to be friends.

2. Our party is going to be finished. It's the right time to reveal who your secret friends are. At first say who do you think your secret friends are.

(Ученики называют кто по их мнению является их тайным другом, если они не угадали- настоящий тайный друг называет себя.)

Our party has been finished. At the end say something very pleasant to your neighbours.

Contests during the dancing.

We need 2 boys and 1 girl.

Boys, you need at first to blindfold you and then one of you will tie a ribbon on the girl's head, and another boy need untie it. The girl mustn't help them.

2. Now let's move a bit. We need 8 volunteers to play a very merry game you should touch something that we are going to tell you.

(Выходят участники игры и выполняют команды ведущего- дотронуться до человека у которого что-то есть или надето, если кто не успевает- тот выбывает из игры.)

1.Touch something black in clothes.

2. Touch a blouse.

1.Touch earrings.

2.Touch shoes.

1.Touch your neighbour's shoulders.

2.Touch your neighbour's knee.

1. Touch something yellow in clothes.

3. Several blindfolded pairs (a boy and a girl) try to take away the clothes-pegs from the clothes of each other.

Сценарий вечера на День Святого Валентина

Сценарий вечера на День Святого Валентина

Сценарий вечера на День Святого Валентина

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