Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку в 4 - м классе

При проведении контрольных работ с позиции учителя на первый план выходят такие функции контроля как диагностическая, коррекционная, оценочно - воспитательная и организующая. С позиции ученика контроль и самоконтроль призваны сформировать необходимые навыки рефликсии и выполнять мотивационно - стимулирующую, коррекционную и обучающую функции. Данная работа включает в себя задания по контролю рецептивных умений (чтению) и продуктивных (грамматике и лексике и письму). В работу включены задания с в...
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Класс -
Тип Конспекты
Формат docx
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Итоговая контрольная работа по английскому языку. 4 класс

  1. Complete these sentences with one word.

  1. "Are you hungry?" " Yes, we …"

  2. This is Angus and his sister, Sandra. … …. From Scotland.

  3. "Is … family large? Maria?" " Yes, five brothers and me"

  4. "I'm a famous actress" "No, you …. . You're a student"

  1. Think about punctuation. Correct the sentences.

  1. I dont like apples.

  2. He hasnt got blue eyes.

  3. Bills brother is quite short.

  4. Susans got long hair.

  5. My mother doesnt eat meat.

  6. Its half past three.

  1. Write true answers to the questions.

  1. Where were you at nine o'clock last Sunday morning?

  2. What did you do after lunch?

  3. What are you doing now?

  4. What do you usually do in the evening?

  5. What are you going to do this evening?

  1. Match the questions to the answers.

  1. Are you laughing? A. Yes, I have

  2. Do you collect stamps? b. No, they don't

  3. Have you got any pets? C. No, I am not

  4. Are they practicing now? d. Yes, he is

  5. Do they speak English? E. Yes, I do

  6. Is he playing basketball at school? F. Yes, they are

  1. 1. Read Judy's postcards quickly. Did Judy visit these places? Put a tick or a cross.

Buckingham Palace

Tower of London

Madame Tussaud's

Science Museum

Natural History Museum

  1. Friday, 2nd June

I'm in London. We came by train

this evening. It's my first stay in a Miss Maria Kostopoulo

hotel and my first visit to 46 Korinthou

London. I'm so excited. Tomorrow Athens

we're going to see the Tower of Greece

London and after that we want to

go on a boat on the River

Thames. In the afternoon we're

going to visit Madame Tussaud's.

Best wishes,


  1. Saturday, 3rd June

London is great. We went to the Tower of London this morning.

Then we had an hour on the river and we ate sandwiches

for lunch. After that I wanted to go to Madame Tussaud's but

Ken wanted to see the dinosaurs in the Natural Museum, so

we went there.

It was amazing! Dad says we're going to Madame Tussaud's

tomorrow . l love London!

Best wishes,


  1. Sunday 4th June

I'm sitting in the train. It's 10 o'clock in the evening and we're

going to arrive at Kendal in an hour. We went to Madame Tussaud'

this morning and I saw the Beatles and Shakespeare! After that

we had a picnic in a beautiful park. Then we took a taxi and we went to

see Buckingham Palace. We didn't see the Queen, but we saw

the funny soldiers outside. I can't wait to go to London again!

Best wishes,


2. Read the postcards again and answer these questions.

  1. How did Judy and her family travel to London?

  2. Why was Judy excited?

  3. When did they visit Madame Tussaud's?

  4. What did they do on Saturday morning?

  5. Where did they have lunch on Saturday?

  6. Why did Ken want to go to the Natural Museum?

  7. Where was Judy at ten o'clock on Sunday night?

3. Complete the plan of Judy's weekend in London.




Friday 2nd June


travelled by train to London









travelled by train back to Kendal

4. Write three paragraphs to describe Judy's trip. Use the plan to help you and read Judy's postcards again for more information.

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