Colin is going to travel

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 6 класс
Тип Конспекты
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Lesson Plan

Date: 31.01.2014

Form: 6ә

Time: 15:35 - 16:20

Theme: Collin is going to travel


  • To explain and teach Future Simple

  • To help students talk about the future;

  • To develop students' communication skills.

Linguistic and language materials:

  • The structure "to be going to"

  • Future Simple

Aids: cards with different tasks, posters of the structure "to be going to" and Future Simple, audio recorder, blackboard.

Lesson Procedure

The procedure of the lesson

Teacher's activity

Pupils' activity


Aims of the tasks

  1. Teacher's introductory work

Organization moment


Good morning, boys and girls! Nice to see you!

How are you?

Tell me please what is the weather like today?

Talking on the pupil on duty:

Who is on duty today?

Who's absent or late today?

What date is it today? And what day is it today?

Good morning teacher!

We are OK. And you?

Today is warm and sunny!

I am on duty today.

All are present.

Today is the 31st of January. Today is Friday.


To learn greeting and to show warm relationship to each other and to ask their feelings.

  1. Pre-activity


Let's sing the song. With this song we can check if we are for the lesson.

Here we go! are you ready?

yes, I am wait a minute

ok can I borrow a pen?

yes, you can here you are

thank you you're welcome

is that a monkey?

I don't know be careful!


This song can help to make pupils interested in lesson.

  1. Checking homework:

Now I will check your homework.

What was your home task? Has everybody done the homework?

Ok. We will check. Please read one by one.


Checking is important to know in what children don't understand. It is necessary to explain them their mistakes.

  1. Presentation:

We use 'to be going to' when we have decided to do something (an intention or plan).

The grammatical structure for going to looks like this.

Subject + verb to be + going to + infinitive

We use the future simple tense when there is no plan or decision to do something before we speak. We make the decision spontaneously at the time of speaking.


We often use the future simple tense to make a prediction about the future. Again, there is no firm plan. We are saying what we think will happen. Here are some examples. It will rain tomorrow.

New words : play football, help my mother, read, do crosswords, go shopping, play computer games, watch TV, listen to music, tidy my room.

I am going to sleep, cook, travel.


To explain and learn the structure Future Simple in their speech. To develop thinking skills

describing future plans.

  1. Practice activity:

Exercise2, 3 True (T) or false (F)? T F

Exercise 5 read the words . Make a plan if you are going to stay at home during your holiday.

Pupils work with cards, in order to find how they can use the structure to be going to. Decide what is happening in each sentence, e.g. an unplanned decision,

plans, offers, promises, predictions / opinions.

Then complete the gaps with going to or will + verb. Use contractions.

1. We're going to have dinner at that new Italian restaurant. (plans)

2. I'll make you a cup of tea. (offer) 3. A: Who do you think will win the World Cup? B: I don't know, but England won't win it.

A: I think Germany will win it again. (predictions/ opinions)

4. I won't forget (promise)

5. A: Which bus are you going to catch? (plan)


To develop speaking skills.

To check their understanding.

To teach pupils express their future plans.

  1. Production:

Exercise 7 Listen to two friends' talk and choose the right answer.

Exercise 7c Choose the right answer and check it.

Complete the conversation with the verbs and 'to be going to'.

Laura: What are you doing with that camera?

Boom: I'm going to take (I / take) it to work. (1) __________ (I / lend) it to Phil. (2) _________ (he / take) a few photos with it.

It is one of the way of checking understanding.

  1. Summing up:

So the lesson comes to its end. What have you learned



  1. Home task:

Exercise 12


  1. Evaluation.

  2. Conclusion .

Thank you for your attendance. Please, clean the blackboard. The lesson is over you may be free. Good bye!


  1. Additional tasks.

Easy riddles

1. What is as big as an elephant, but weighs nothing at all?

2. What starts with a 'P', ends with an 'E' and has thousands of letters?

3. What has two hands, a round face, always runs, but stays in place?

4. I am hot.

I live in the sky.

I am bright.

Don't look straight at me.

I disappear in the night.

5. I am circular.

I go up and down.

You can throw me.

You can catch me.

Be careful with me near windows.

6. I run but never walk, I murmur but never talk,I go but never stop. What am I?

7. What is black when it is clean and white when it is dirty?

  1. The shadow of an elephant.

  2. Post office

  3. A clock!

  4. Sun

  5. Ball

  6. River

  7. Blackboard

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