Планирование урока Reported speech

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Lesson plan

Пәні: Лингвистика

Мерзімі: 13.02.16

Сыныбы: 7ә

Тақырыбы: Reported speech

Сабақтың мақсаты: төл сөздің төлеу сөзге айналуын қайталау

Cабақтың міндеттері

Білімділік : Сөйлемде төл және төлеу сөзінің қолдану ережелерімен таныстырып, практикалық жұмыс орындау;

Дамытушылық: оқушылардың жаттығуларды орындау барысында сөйлеу, оқу, жазу қабілеттерін дамыту. Сөздік қорын байыту;

Тәрбиелік: өз бетімен еңбектенуге тәрбиелеу.

Сабақтың түрі: қайталау сабағы

Сабақтың әдісі: ақпарат беру,репродуктивті

Көрнекілік: суреттер, слайдтар, үлестірмелі карточкалар, бағалау парағы, постер

Пән аралық байланыс: қазақ тілі, орыс тілі


  1. Organization moment (Ұйымдастыру кезеңі)

  • Greeting

  • Date / absentees

  1. Checking the home task (Үй тапсырмасын тексеру)


  1. Practice

  1. Speaking activity

The following people live in a city that was hit by an earthquake yesterday. Read what they said, then report their words:

2. I was cutting the grass

when it happened. suddenly, several car alarms went off.

Then I felt the ground shake under me. I was so terrified, I couldn't move.

1. Everything started

shaking and falling to the ground. I was so scared I grabbed my cat and hid under the kitchen table.

3. I was still in bed when the earthquake hit. All I could do was cover my head with a pillow and wait for it to end. It was such a terrifying experience.

  1. Translate from direct speech into indirect speech with modal verbs.

Планирование урока Reported speech

  1. Fill in the blanks.

  • He came yesterday."

She said that he had come……………

  • "My parents will arrive today."

He said that his parents would arrive……………

  • "I will contact you tomorrow."

He said he would contact me………………

  • "I was there the day before yesterday."

She said she was there………………

  1. Individual work (writing). Level tasks: Rewrite offers from direct to indirect speech

Task #1

  1. "I'm starting a new job next week,' she said.

  2. 'I got my exam results last week,' he told them

  3. 'I can't afford to buy this dress,' said Sally.

  4. 'I would buy a car if I had enough money,' he said to her.

  5. Frank said, 'That's the house where I was born.'

Task #2

  1. 'That was a wonderful party,' said Jill.

  2. 'Oranges grow in hot countries,' the teacher says.

  3. 'A lot of people visit museums,' he said.

  4. 'This is a very famous statue,' the tour guide told us.

  5. 'I don't like that jacket,' said Bob.


She said (that) she was starting a new job the following week.

  • He told them (that) he had got his exam results the week before.

  • Sally said (that) she couldn't afford to buy that dress.

  • He said to her (that) he would buy a car if he had enough money.

  • Frank said (that) it was the house where he was born.

  • Jill said that it was a wonderful party.

  • The teacher says that oranges grow in hot countries.

  • He said that a lot of people visited museums.

  • The tour guide told us that it was a very famous statue.

  • Bob said that he didn't like that jacket

Task # 3. Complete the sentences. Use reported speech.

1. "Stop making so much noise," the teacher told the students.

The teacher told the students .

2. "Don't turn on the television," Tim's mother said.

Tim's mother told him .

3. "Let's meet at the café after work," Anne suggested.

Anne suggested that .

5.Group work:

I gr. Fill in the blanks the following dialogues to change into indirect speech of narration.

Anel : Do you learn your lesson?

Sultan : I learn my lesson properly.

Anel : what have you learnt today?

Sultan : I have learnt the science lesson.

Anel asked Sultan (a) _______________ .

Sultan replied her (b) __________________.

Anel asked again him (c) ______________.

Sultan told her that (d) ________________ .

II gr. Fill in the blanks the following dialogues to change into indirect speech of narration.

Mother : look, I will say this to father.

Son : What is wrong?

Mother : You have not done your Hometask.

Son : I have kept it to show father.

Mother warned son (a) ________________________________ .

Son asked mother (b) _________________________________ .

Mother told him that (c) _________________________________ .

Son replied her (d) ___________________________________ .

III gr. Fill in the blanks the following dialogues to change into indirect speech of narration.

Aizhan : Why are you picking out of window?

Miras : let come to see the matter.

Aizhan : What is there?

Miras : Tell me, I am just trying to understand.

Aizhan asked Miras (a) ---------------------- of window.

Miras suggested her that (b) ---------------------- the matter. Further Aizhan asked him (c) ---------------------

Miras commanded him to tell him and told that (d) ----------------------------------- to understand.

    Планирование урока Reported speech

    1. Reflection. (БББ) Slide

    I know

    I have learnt

    I want to know

    1. Conclusion

    Do you like the lesson? What do you like? What don't you like in the lesson?

    1. Evaluating

    According to evaluation list



    Speaking Activity

    Practice work




    "5 points"- all answers are correct

    "4 points" - 1 or 2 mistakes

    "3 points"- 3 or more mistakes


    20-18 -'5' 13-10 -'3'

    17-14 -'4' 10-0 - '2'

    1. Home task

    P 122, ex 4, 5, 6



    Speaking Activity

    Practice work




    "5 points"- all answers are correct

    "4 points" - 1 or 2 mistakes

    "3 points"- 3 or more mistakes


    25-20 -'5' 14-10 -'3'

    19-15 -'4' 10-0 - '2'



    Speaking Activity

    Practice work




    "5 points"- all answers are correct

    "4 points" - 1 or 2 mistakes

    "3 points"- 3 or more mistakes


    25-20 -'5' 14-10 -'3'

    19-15 -'4' 10-0 - '2'



    Speaking Activity

    Practice work




    "5 points"- all answers are correct

    "4 points" - 1 or 2 mistakes

    "3 points"- 3 or more mistakes


    25-20 -'5' 14-10 -'3'

    19-15 -'4' 10-0 - '2'



    Speaking Activity

    Practice work




    "5 points"- all answers are correct

    "4 points" - 1 or 2 mistakes

    "3 points"- 3 or more mistakes


    25-20 -'5' 14-10 -'3'

    19-15 -'4' 10-0 - '2'

    I know

    I have learnt

    I want to know

    I know

    I have learnt

    I want to know

    I know

    I have learnt

    I want to know

    I gr. Fill in the blanks the following dialogues to change into indirect speech of narration.

    Anel : Do you learn your lesson?

    Sultan : I learn my lesson properly.

    Anel : what have you learnt today?

    Sultan : I have learnt the science lesson.

    Anel asked Sultan (a) _______________ .

    Sultan replied her (b) __________________.

    Anel asked again him (c) ______________.

    Sultan told her that (d) ________________ .

    II gr. Fill in the blanks the following dialogues to change into indirect speech of narration.

    Mother : look, I will say this to father.

    Son : What is wrong?

    Mother : You have not done your Hometask.

    Son : I have kept it to show father.

    Mother warned son (a) ________________________________ .

    Son asked mother (b) _________________________________ .

    Mother told him that (c) _________________________________ .

    Son replied her (d) ___________________________________ .

    III gr. Fill in the blanks the following dialogues to change into indirect speech of narration.

    Aizhan : Why are you picking out of window?

    Miras : let come to see the matter.

    Aizhan : What is there?

    Miras : Tell me, I am just trying to understand.

    Aizhan asked Miras (a) ---------------------- of window.

    Miras suggested her that (b) ---------------------- the matter.

    Further Aizhan asked him (c) ---------------------

    Miras commanded him to tell him and told that (d) ----------------------------------- to understand.

    Task #1 Rewrite offers from direct to indirect speech

    "I'm starting a new job next week,' she said.

    'I got my exam results last week,' he told them

    'I can't afford to buy this dress,' said Sally.

    'I would buy a car if I had enough money,' he said to her.

    Frank said, 'That's the house where I was born.'

    Task #2 Rewrite offers from direct to indirect speech

    'That was a wonderful party,' said Jill.

    'Oranges grow in hot countries,' the teacher says.

    'A lot of people visit museums,' he said.

    'This is a very famous statue,' the tour guide told us.

    'I don't like that jacket,' said Bob.

    Task # 3. Complete the sentences. Use reported speech.

    1. "Stop making so much noise," the teacher told the students.

    The teacher told the students .

    2. "Don't turn on the television," Tim's mother said.

    Tim's mother told him .

    3. "Let's meet at the café after work," Anne suggested.

    Anne suggested that .

    Task #1 Rewrite offers from direct to indirect speech

    "I'm starting a new job next week,' she said.

    'I got my exam results last week,' he told them

    'I can't afford to buy this dress,' said Sally.

    'I would buy a car if I had enough money,' he said to her.

    Frank said, 'That's the house where I was born.'

    Task #2 Rewrite offers from direct to indirect speech

    'That was a wonderful party,' said Jill.

    'Oranges grow in hot countries,' the teacher says.

    'A lot of people visit museums,' he said.

    'This is a very famous statue,' the tour guide told us.

    'I don't like that jacket,' said Bob.

    Task # 3. Complete the sentences. Use reported speech.

    1. "Stop making so much noise," the teacher told the students.

    The teacher told the students .

    2. "Don't turn on the television," Tim's mother said.

    Tim's mother told him .

    3. "Let's meet at the café after work," Anne suggested.

    Anne suggested that .

    Планирование урока Reported speech

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