Проверочная работа (тест) по теме Man and the Natural World (6 класс)

Проверочная работа включает в себя грамматические (условные предложения, тип 1; сравнительные степени прилагательного) упражнения, упражнения на развитие навыков монологической и диалогической речи, чтения. Может использоваться как раздаточный материал на уроке контроля или закрепления материала, а также в качестве индивидуальных карточек для учащихся.
Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 6 класс
Тип Тесты
Формат docx
Изображения Нет
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6 класс

Тема: Man and the world



1. If it______, we won't go to the park.

a) will rain

b) rains

c) will not rain

d) doesn't rain

2. You won't pass the exam,______ you work hard.

a) if

b) when

c) unless

d) as soon as

3.When we_____ ready, I'll call you.

a) shall be

b) are

4. You will pay back, as soon as you_____ a new job.

a) find

b) will find

5. I will see you when you______ in Moscow next time.

a) are

b) will be

6. What will you do, when you______ out the truth?

a) will find out

b) have find out

c) find out


1. If you (to be) free, I (to come) to see you.

2. If I (to see) her, I (to be) glad.

3. If you (to be) busy, I (to leave) you alone.

4. If I (to live) in Moscow, I (to visit) the Tretyakov Gallery every year.

5. If she (to know) English, she (to try) to enter the university.

6. If mother (to buy) a cake, we (to have) a very nice tea part

6 класс

Тема: Man and the world



1. If it______, we won't go to the park.

a) will rain

b) rains

c) will not rain

d) doesn't rain

2. You won't pass the exam,______ you work hard.

a) if

b) when

c) unless

d) as soon as

3.When we_____ ready, I'll call you.

a) shall be

b) are

4. You will pay back, as soon as you_____ a new job.

a) find

b) will find

5. I will see you when you______ in Moscow next time.

a) are

b) will be

6. What will you do, when you______ out the truth?

a) will find out

b) have find out

c) find out


1. If you (to be) free, I (to come) to see you.

2. If I (to see) her, I (to be) glad.

3. If you (to be) busy, I (to leave) you alone.

4. If I (to live) in Moscow, I (to visit) the Tretyakov Gallery every year.

5. If she (to know) English, she (to try) to enter the university.

6. If mother (to buy) a cake, we (to have) a very nice tea part

6 класс

Тема: Man and the world

Упражнение 1. Напишите сравнительную и превосходную степень для следующих прилагательных:











































Упражнение 2. Вставьте подходящее прилагательное в нужной степени.

  1. A train is ___________ than a bus.

  2. This text is the ___________ of all.

  3. I was ill last week but today I am________

  4. Park Street is _______ than Market Street.

  5. This jacket is small for me. Show me a ________ one.

  6. What is the __________ thing in life?

  7. A crocodile is _________ than a water snake.

  8. Helen is the ________ girl in our class.

6 класс

Тема: Man and the world

Упражнение 1. Напишите сравнительную и превосходную степень для следующих прилагательных:











































Упражнение 2. Вставьте подходящее прилагательное в нужной степени.

  1. A train is ___________ than a bus.

  2. This text is the ___________ of all.

  3. I was ill last week but today I am________

  4. Park Street is _______ than Market Street.

  5. This jacket is small for me. Show me a ________ one.

  6. What is the __________ thing in life?

  7. A crocodile is _________ than a water snake.

  8. Helen is the ________ girl in our class.

6 класс

Тема: Man and the world


Составьте связный текст, опираясь на следующие вопросы:

1.What do we need to do to keep our planet clean?

2.What would you do to improve the situation if you were the leader of your country?

3.What can you say about the environmental situation in our city?

4.What can we do to keep the Earth clean and healthy?

6 класс

Тема: Man and the world


Составьте связный текст, опираясь на следующие вопросы:

1.What do we need to do to keep our planet clean?

2.What would you do to improve the situation if you were the leader of your country?

3.What can you say about the environmental situation in our city?

4.What can we do to keep the Earth clean and healthy?

6 класс

Тема: Man and the world


Составьте связный текст, опираясь на следующие вопросы:

1.What do we need to do to keep our planet clean?

2.What would you do to improve the situation if you were the leader of your country?

3.What can you say about the environmental situation in our city?

4.What can we do to keep the Earth clean and healthy?

6 класс

Тема: Man and the world


Составьте связный текст, опираясь на следующие вопросы:

1.What do we need to do to keep our planet clean?

2.What would you do to improve the situation if you were the leader of your country?

3.What can you say about the environmental situation in our city?

4.What can we do to keep the Earth clean and healthy?

6 класс

Тема: Man and the world


Составьте связный текст, опираясь на следующие вопросы:

1.What do we need to do to keep our planet clean?

2.What would you do to improve the situation if you were the leader of your country?

3.What can you say about the environmental situation in our city?

4.What can we do to keep the Earth clean and healthy?

6 класс

Тема: Man and the world


Cоставьте диалог по тексту

The Problem of Environmental Protection

Environmental protection is the main problem facing humanity nowadays. The image of a sick planet has become firmly established in the public mind lately.

Ten years ago the word 'ecology' hardly meant anything for the majority of people, but today we can't help bearing it in our minds. It has happened because of the growing effect of the rapid industrial development of the natural world which has negative features of its own. As a matter of fact the state of environment has greatly worsened of late.

There is no doubt that soil, water and air are contaminated with toxic wastes. Over the past few years we have been constantly speaking about ozone holes, droughts, high level of radiation, about food contaminated with chemicals. Scientists in many countries are very much concerned about drastic changes in weather patterns. The worst drought, the mildest winter and the most devastating hurricanes have become typical in those parts of the world where they used to be a rare occurrence.

Weather patterns have been changing recently due to the global warming-up process and its major reason - the greenhouse effect. The greenhouse effect is created by carbon dioxide emissions, released by industrial facilities and a constantly increasing number of cars. Thus it is of vital importance that the world should start cutting down the release of gases that contribute to the greenhouse effect. What is the reason for people getting so much worried about the state of environment? The answer to this question is fairly simple. The thing is the deterioration of the environment is telling heavily on people. They are paying for this with their health. And it is obvious what all people need is a healthy environment.

To solve this burning problem it is necessary for people to combine efforts, to raise safety standards at all industrial facilities, to adequately process by-products of industry, to set up an international space laboratory to monitor the state of environment and set up an international centre for emergency environmental assistance. All these measures will help us in solving these important problems and prevent us from dangerous illnesses and diseases.


environmental protection - охрана (зашита) окружающей среды
humanity - человечество
firmly established - укорениться
hardly - вряд ли, едва ли
majority - большинство
soil - почва
toxic wastes - токсичные отходы
drought - засуха
to contaminate - заражать, инфицировать (в том числе отравляющими и радиоактивными веществами)
chemicals - химические вещества
to be concerned about - беспокоиться
drastic - радикальный, глубокий; резкий
devastating - опустошительный, разрушительный
to be rare occurrence - происходить редко
the greenhouse effect - парниковый эффект
to create - создавать
carbon dioxide - двуокись углерода
industrial facilities - промышленные предприятия
to be of vital importance - быть необычайно важным
to cut down - сокращать
the release of gases - выброс газов
to contribute to - содействовать, способствовать
fairly -довольно
deterioration -ухудшение
to tell on - сказываться на
to solve - решать
to raise safety standards - поднимать требования к технике безопасности
to adequately process by-products of industry - хорошо перерабатывать
промышленные отходы
to monitor - контролировать
an international centre for emergency environment assistance - международный центр по оказанию срочной экологической помощи
to prevent - защищать, предохранять

6 класс

Тема: Man and the world



The poisoning of the world's land, air and water is one of the most important problems of our civilization. The seas are in danger. Many companies dump chemical and nuclear waste into water. The Mediterranean is already nearly dead; the North Sea is following. The Aral Sea is on the brink of extinction. Half of the lakes in the world are polluted. If nothing is done about it, one day nothing will be able to live in the seas.

Air pollution is also a very serious problem. Because many factories release sulfates into the air. When the sulfates mix with the clouds, acid rains fall and harm all living creatures. In Cairo just to breathe the air is like smoking two packs of cigarettes a day. Mexico City and 600 cities of Russia have dirty air. This causes different diseases. Because of different kinds of pollution every ten minutes one kind of animal, plant or insect dies out forever.

People begin to realize that environmental problems are our problem. These are a lot of international green organizations that take care of the environment and "Green Peace" is one of the most active. Many governments are waking up and making strict laws against pollution. Scientists are trying to make factories and plants cleaner. In many countries there are big plans to clean up the water. And every person must do his best to help our planet survive.

Complete the sentences using the right word:

1. Environmental protection is an ________________________problem.

a) easy;

b) important;

c) pleasant;

2. Factories pour a lot of______________into air and water:

a) a shortage;

b) waste;

c) pollution;

3. What caused the ________________of wildlife:

a) destruction;

b) poison;

c) population;

4. Many rivers and lakes are_____________________:

a) poisoned;

b) filled;

c) used;

5. Many scientists try_____________________ecology problems:

a) to solve;

b) to know;

c) to protect;

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