Контрольная работа по английскому языку (УМК «Английский в фокусе Spotlight) 5 класс

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 5 класс
Тип Тесты
Формат docx
Изображения Нет
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Данная работа предназначена для учащихся 5 класса (УМК «Английский в фокусе Spotlight)

Авторы: О.Афанасьева, Дж. Дули, И.Михеева, Б.Оби, В.Эванс.

Контрольная работа включает задания 2-х вариантов.

Контроль проводится в конце 3 четверти.

Цель: контроль знаний по изученному лексическому и грамматическому материалу, контроль навыков поискового чтения на основе лексико-грамматических знаний.

Задания 1-3 - базовый уровень

Задание 4-задание повышенной сложности.

Задание 5- дополнительное.

Контрольная работа для 5 класса (3 четверть). VARIANT I

NAME_________________________________________ DATE_______________

1. Выберите подходящее слово по смыслу.

  1. Ann is a baby. She's big/ small.

  2. I have/has got a skateboard.

  3. My sister's got long/big hair.

  4. Jane's room is tall/ big.

  5. We have/has got a skateboard.

2. Выбрать подходящее слово по смыслу.

  1. My dad can/can't fly a plane. He's a pilot.

  2. I can/can't speak French. I only speak English.

  3. Sam can/can't play football. He plays every day.

3. Составьте предложения.

  1. sofa / is / There / a /red

  2. She/has / rooms / got / five.

  3. like / cats / fish / milk / and.

4.Прочитайте текст и закончите предложения.


Hi, thanks for your email. Nice to know you're well. I want to tell you about my family. My mum's name is Kate and she is a teacher. My dad, Mike, is an actor and his films are great.

I have one brother. His name's Paul and he's cool. My best friend, Ellen, likes him.

I have got a grandma and a grandpa. I love them. They make me laugh (смеяться) with their funny stories.

Tell me about your family in your next email.



1.Cahty's mother is a ………………………… .

2.…………………is cool .

3.Mike is a ………………… .

4. Ellen likes………………. .

5.Соедините вопрос с правильным ответом.

  1. How old are you? A. He's Australian.

  2. What colour is your bike? B. She's from Canada.

  3. Where is Sue from? C. A book and a pen.

  4. What is Tim's nationality? D. My best friend is Ann.

  5. What has Jane got in her school bag? E. I'm fourteen.

  6. Who is your best friend? F. It's red.

Контрольная работа для 5 класса (3 четверть). VARIANT II

NAME_________________________________________ DATE_______________

1. Выберите подходящее слово по смыслу.

  1. Pete and Mike have/ has got new bikes.

  2. She has a kind/tall face.

  3. Mike is a good student. He's very noisy /clever.

  4. Amy has got 100 stamp/ stamps.

  5. They has/ have got pencils.

2. Выбрать подходящее слово по смыслу.

  1. My mother can/can't swim very fast. She's a doctor

  2. I can/can't speak French. It is my favourite language.

  3. Tom can/can't play the piano. He plays every day.

3. Составьте предложения.

  1. pens /are / There / five/green.

  2. I /have / dogs / got / three/and/ cats/two.

  3. like / My / meat / doesn't/brother.

4.Прочитайте текст и закончите предложения.


Hi, thanks for your email. Nice to know you're well. I want to tell you about my family. My mum's name is Sara and she is a doctor. My dad, Tom, is an actor and his films are great.

I have two brothers. Their names are Kevin and David. David is cool. Kevin is clever and funny.

I have got a grandma and a grandpa. I love them. They make me laugh (смеяться) with their funny stories.

Tell me about your family in your next email.



1.Cahty's mother is a ………………………………….…………… .

2.……………………………..………is cool .

3.Kevin is a …………………………………………… .

4. I have got ………………………………………………………………..………. .

5.Соедините вопрос с правильным ответом.

  1. How old are you? A. He's Australian.

  2. What colour is your bike? B. She's from Canada.

  3. Where is Sue from? C. A book and a pen.

  4. What is Tim's nationality? D. My best friend is Ann.

  5. What has Jane got in her school bag? E. I'm fourteen.

  6. Who is your best friend? F. It's red.

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