Ашык сабак Schools in Great Britain (8 класс)

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 8 класс
Тип Конспекты
Формат docx
Изображения Нет
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Батыс Қазақстан облысы, Бөкей ордасы ауданы, Муратсай ауылы, А.Құсайынов атындағы жалпы орта білім беретін мектеп-балабақшасының І санатты ағылшын тілінің мұғалімі Елекенова Мақпал Ханимұратқызы

The theme: School in Great Britain. Form: 8

The aims of lesson:

Educational: to enlargethe pupils' knowledge education. To practice talking on the theme, working in pairs and translating the sentences.

Development: To develop thinking, understanding habits, memory, oral speech, reading, writing.

Upbringing: To teach the pupils to tell their ideas orally.

The visual aids: computer projector, textbook.

The methods: presentation, group and individual work, questions and answer, proverbs, riddles.

The type: mixed lesson.

Thе connection with other subjects: Kazakh, Russian.

The procedure of the lesson.

І. Organization moment. Greeting.

II. Phonetic drill.

-We' ll take a new phonetic drill. Look at the board and listen to very attentively.

The school has doors that open wide

And friendly teachers wait inside

Hurry, hurry, let's go in

For soon the lessons will begin.

-Repeat after me all together.

III. Checking-up the homtask.

Answer the questions.

1.How many floors has your school got?

2.What subjects you like best?

3.Which floor is your classroom located on?

4. Has your school got computer rooms?

5.What foreign language do you study at school?

IV.Presentation of the new material

New words

Infant school- (infәntsku:l)-даярлық топ

Junior school -(dзu:njә sku:l)-бастауыш мектеп(7-11 жас )

Nursery school-(nә:sәrisku:l)-балабақша

Primary school-(primәrisku:l)-бастауыш мектеп

Secondary school-(sekәndәrisku:l)-орта мектеп

Private school-(praivitsku:l)-жекеменшік мектеп

Public school-(pΛblik`sku:l)-жекеменшік орта білімді интернат

State school-(steitsku:l)-мемлекеттік мектеп

V. The English education system(slide 8)

VI. Slide 9,10,11,12,13,14




1.Be polite

2.Say hello when you see a teacher

3.Come to school on time

4Stand up when a teacher comes into the class

5.Wear your school uniform

6.Don't eat or drink in the classroom

7..Don't run in the corridors

8.Don't bring mobile phones to class

9.Don't talk to people in lessons

VIII. Listening to the text.

IX. Working in groups

1. group-complete the sentences

2. group- correct the sentences.

3.group-Say in English

Complete the sentences

Compulsory education in England begins at the age of five when children go to ____________ school.
___________ education lasts for six years.
When the children are seven they go to ________ school which they attend until eleven.
Then they go to __________ school.
There are some _________ schools in England.
A boy's _________consists of a special suit, a school cup, a tie and a blazer.

Correct the sentences.

In Great Britain compulsory education begins at the age of seven.
Primary education lasts for three years.
When the children are eight they go to junior school.

Boys and girls study at junior school for six years.
English pupils haven't school uniform.
As usual their uniform is blue.

Say in English.

Ұлы Британияда міндетті білім бес жастан басталады.

Сompulsory education begins at the age of five.

Балалар жеті жасқа келгенде, олар бастауыш мектепке барады.

When the children are seven they go to junior school.

Қыздар мен ұлдар бастауыш мектепте төрт жыл оқиды.

Boys and girls study at junior school for four years.

Одан кейін олар орта білімді мектепке барады.

Then they go to secondary school.

Ағылшын оқушыларында мектеп формасы бар.

English pupils have school uniform.

Олардың формалары қара.

Тheir uniform is dark.

X. Let's talk about English schools.
Answers the questions (work in pairs).
1. When do children start going to school in greatBritain?
2. When does compulsory education begin?
3. How long does primary education last?
4. When do children go to junior school?
5. What do pupils study at secondary school?

XI. Guess the riddles.

1.The teacher writes on me with chalk, my face is black, I can not talk(a blackboard)

2.I don't know the ABC

But I like to write

As you can see.(a pen)

XII. Conclusion: to review the theme answering questions.

XIII. Homework.

XIV. Marks.

XV. Evaluation. Thankyou, you were very active, attentive and bright. I enjoyed your work at the lesson today. The lesson is over.

А.Құсайынов атындағы жалпы орта білім беретін мектеп-балабақшасы

Schools in Great Britain

(Ұлыбританиядағы мектептер)


Ағылшын тілі пәнінің мұғалімі:М.Х.Елекенова

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