Урок по английскому языку для 5 класса по теме Home, sweet home!

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 5 класс
Тип Конспекты
Формат docx
Изображения Есть
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"Home, sweet home!" (1 слайд)



  • навчити учнів розповідати про свою оселю, кімнату, використовуючи вивчену лексику ;

  • формувати навички діалогічного та монологічного мовлення учнів в межах вивченої теми.

  • закріпити знання учнів про граматичні основи - there is\ there are


  • розвивати навички учнів з читання та перекладу тексту;

  • розвивати пам'ять , увагу, мислення та вміння учнів в межах вивченої теми.


  • формувати в учнів дбайливе відношення до дому.

Обладнання: роздаткові картки, проектор

Тип уроку: комбінований

Хід уроку:

- Good afternoon, my dear friends. I'm glad to see you. Sit down, please.

- Good afternoon, my teacher. We are glad to see you, too.

- How are you today?

- We are fine, thank you.

- What is the date today?

- Today the 25 th of November

Presenting the topic, structure and objectives of the lesson

- Today we are going to speak about houses.(2 слайд)We should generalize lexical and grammatical material that is devoted to this theme. We'll do several exercises, read and translate texts.

But first of all, I will give you a piece of paper where you can see definitions; you must read it and guess what it is. When you get to know the word, raise your hand and say it.

  1. Stove - it is a kitchen equipment with the help of which we can cook food (3 слайд)

  2. Fridge - it stands in the kitchen, we keep our food cold here (4 слайд)

  3. Sofa - a long and comfortable piece of furniture on which a person can sit or lie down (5 слайд)

  4. Fireplace - the place in the living room where we can make a fire (6 слайд)

  5. Wardrobe - a room where clothes are kept (7 слайд)

  6. Mirror - we look into it when we brush our hair (8 слайд)

  7. Bed - a piece of furniture that people sleep on (9 слайд)

  8. Bath - a washing of all or part of the body (10 слайд)

  9. Dishwasher - a machine that is used to wash dishes (11 слайд)

  10. Television - an electronic system with the help of which we can watch cartoons, films and serials (12 слайд)

Speech drills

  • Okey. Now look at the slides. (13 слайд)Put the words in the list into appropriate space.We can do it all together. One pupil reads and translates these words and we have to repeat these words.After that you must write these words into the correct order. Every row has its own room.

For example: (14 слайд)


  • toilet

  • washbasin

  • shower

  • towels

First row you must write about LIVING-ROOM (15 слайд)

Second row - about BEDROOM (16 слайд)

Third row - about KITCHEN. (17 слайд)

The first three works I will check.

Armchairs, fridge, toilet, washbasin, chairs, sofa, sink, cooker, dressing -table, dishwasher, shower, towels, pillows, cushions, fireplace, wardrobe, bedside cabinet

  • Okey. Let's check. (слайди 15-17)

swimming - pool






deskУрок по английскому языку для 5 класса по теме Home, sweet home!

Speech drills

- Good. Now I'd like to ask you some questions. Listen attentively. (18 слайд)

- Do you like your home?

- Yes, I do. I like my home.

- How many rooms are there in your house?

- There are two rooms in my house.

- Is there your own room?

- Yes, I there is. I have got my own room.

- What furniture is there in your room?

- There is a desk, a bed, a bookshelf and a carpet on the floor.

Grammar practice

Excellent. Let's repeat the rules about construction there is\there are. (19 слайд)

We use construction there is before a singular noun. For example: There is a bed in the bedroom. There is a carpet on the floor.

We use construction there are before a plural noun. For example: There are pictures on the wall. There are armchairs next to the fireplace.

  • Now please open your course book on the page 20 and do exercise 10. (слайд 20)

But first of all, please read the names of the objects and translate them. Then describe this picture using the construction there is\there are

  • Good. Now please stand up and repeat after me: (слайд 21)

Hands up,

Hands down!
Hands on hips,

Sit down!

Stand up!

Stand still!
Bent to the left!

Bent to the right!
1, 2, 3 - hop!

1, 2, 3 - stop!

Grammar practice

Super. Let's continue.

Look at the slides and do this exercise now. (слайд 22)The task for you is fill in the gap THERE IS\ THERE ARE. Than you have to do negative and interrogative sentences. Write down these sentences in your copy book.

Заповни пропуски зворотами There are/There is.

  1. _______ a letter on your desk.

  2. _______ no fridge in the moon.

  3. _______ two sofas in the living-room.

  4. _______ a dining-room in the kitchen.

  5. _______ three mirrors in the bathroom.

  6. _______ a bookcase in the study.

There is; 2) There is; 3) There are; 4) There is; 5) There are; 6) There is.

Reading practice

-Great. Thanks a lot. Now we are going to repeat the prepositions of place. Look at the slide please and translate them. (23 слайд)

Do please ex. 11 page 21 in your course book. You must read and translate the short text and underline the correct prepositions. (слайд 24)

Lesson's summary :

So, children, we've worked hard today. Thank you very much for this. What did you like best of all?

Please open your day book and write down your homework on the next lesson. Page 21 writing task. (25 слайд)

Your marks are….. The lesson is over. Good bye!

Thank you for your attention! (26 слайд)

Extra task

Урок по английскому языку для 5 класса по теме Home, sweet home!

Now we can describe the picture using the construction there is\there are. Look in the slide. This is Sally's living room. I will ask you the questions and you must answer them (Ex.12 page 21 course book). (27 слайд)

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