Контрольная работа №2 в 7 классе по УМК Афанасьевой О. В. , Михеевой И. В

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 7 класс
Тип Тесты
Формат docx
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Контрольная работа №2 в 7 классе (Афанасьева, Михеева)

  1. Поставьте глагол в форму Present Perfect, Past Perfect или Future Perfect.

to arrive

  1. Our taxi … by 9 o'clock yesterday morning.

  2. Let's go. The guests already … .

  3. They … by the time the meeting starts.

to be

  1. I am tired of waiting. Where you … ?

  2. By the time I'm 30 I … a famous scientist.

  3. He didn't remember where he … before the accident.

to paint

  1. We … the house by next Tuesday.

  2. She … more than 10 pictures already.

  3. I wondered if they … the room.

II. Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в форме Present Perfect, Past Perfect или Future Perfect.

  1. Sam … (lose) his keys. So he can't open the door.

  2. When I woke up in the morning, the rain already … (stop).

  3. I hope I … (finish) my test by midnight.

  4. The film turned out to be much longer than we … (expect).

  5. My sister just … (leave) for the bank.

  6. The girls were good friends. They … (know) each other for 5 years.

  7. Mother … (lay) the table before we come.

  8. I never … (try) Japanese food.

  9. Ted was so happy because his dream … (come) true.

  10. We … (be) to Paris many times.

III. Выберите в скобках подходящее слово или словосочетание. Переведите предложения.

  1. She will have finished her resume … (on Monday/by Monday/last Monday).

  2. The aircraft hasn't landed … (yet/just/already).

  3. We have lived in New York … (since/from/for) three years.

  4. … (After/Already/Ago) they had eaten the cake, they cleared the table.

  5. They will have decorated the Christmas tree … (by the time/before/by then).

  6. My uncle has … (already/yet/ago) repaired his car.

  7. I haven't met them … (from/since/for) their wedding.

  8. … (By the time/Already/Just) the sun set, the farmers had already stopped working.

  9. Have you … (just/ever/yet) been married, Kelly?

  10. … (When/How much/How long) has he known her?

IV. Выберите правильный вариант

1.What is … longest river in the world?

а) a b) the c) -

2. Nick's brother is … writer.

a) a b) the c) -

3. It is 5 o'clock in … morning.

a) the b) a c) -

4. Moscow is … capital of Russia.

a) a b) the c) -

5. Marilyn Monroe was … actress.

a) an b) the c) -

6. Jane is … tallest girl in our class.

a) a b) the c) -

7. Where is … Everest situated?

a) a b) the c) -

8. Would you like … cup of coffee?

a) a b) the c) -

9. … moon goes round … sun.

a) a b) the c) -

10. … tigers are wild animals

a) A b) The c) -

11. ... Volga is ... longest river in ... Russia.

a) -, the, the, b) the, the, - c) the, - , -

12. I'd like to go to excursion to ... Crimea.

a) - b) a c) the

13. … Willams is a hospitable family

a) a b) the c) -

14. The highest mountains are ….. Alps.

a) the b) - c) a

15. Many ships come to ... London along ... river Thames.

a) - , the b) - , - c) the, the

16. You can see beautiful pictures in … Tretyakof Gallery.

a) a b) the c) -

17. ... UK is an island state.

a) a b) the c)

18. ... Australia is ... world's largest island and its smallest continent.

a) the, the b) - , the c) -, -

19. ... California is one of ... most attractive places in ... USA.

a) the, the, the b) - , - , the c) - , the, the

20. ... Canada is situated in ... North America.

a) - , - b) - , the c) the, the

21. The capital of ... United States of America is ... Washington D.C.

a) the, - b) the, the c) - , -

22. The three main parts of ... GB are ... Scotland, ... England and ... Wales.

a) the, the, the, the b) the, - , - , - c) - , - , - , -

23. __Asia and ____ Africa are continents.

a) the, the b) a, a c) --. -

24. Can you show me the way to …. Kunstkammer?

a) a b) the c) -

25. The Civil War was fought between ____ North and ___ South.

a) a, a b) --. -- c) the, the

  1. Раскройте скобки:

  1. The rivers in America are much (big) than those in England.

  2. Moscow is (large) city in Russia.

  3. It's (bad) mistake he has ever made.

  4. This man is (tall) than that one.

  5. The Volga is (short) than the Mississippi.

  6. Which building is (high) in Moscow?

  7. Chinese is (difficult) than English.

  8. This garden is (beautiful) in our town.

  9. My sister speaks English (bad) than me.

  10. This good-looking girl is (good) student in our group.

    1. Напишите сравнительную и превосходную степени прилагательных.

Hot bad clean far heavy

Expensive little good long clever



  1. had arrived (Наше такси приехало к 9 часам вчера утром.)

  2. The guests have already arrived. (Пойдем. Гости уже прибыли.)

  3. will have arrived (Они придут к тому времени, когда начнется собрание.)

  4. Where have you been? (Я устал ждать. Где ты был?)

  5. will have been (К тому времени, когда мне будет 30, я буду знаменитым ученым.)

  6. had been (Он не помнил, где был до несчастного случая.)

  7. will have painted (Мы покрасим дом к следующему вторнику.)

  8. has painted (Она уже нарисовала более 10 картин.)

  9. had painted (Мне было интересно, покрасили ли они комнату.)


  1. has lost (Сэм потерял ключи. Поэтому он не может открыть дверь.)

  2. had already stopped (Когда я проснулся утром, дождь уже закончился.)

  3. will have finished (Надеюсь закончить контрольную к полуночи.)

  4. had expected (Оказалось, что фильм шел намного дольше, чем мы ожидали.)

  5. has just left (Моя сестра только что ушла в банк.)

  6. had known (Девушки были хорошими подругами. Они знали друг друга 5 лет.)

  7. will have laid (Мама накроет на стол до того, как мы придем.)

  8. have never tried (Я никогда не пробовал японскую еду.)

  9. had come (Тэд был так счастлив, потому что его мечта исполнилась.)

  10. have been (Мы были в Париже много раз.)


  1. by Monday (Она закончит свое резюме к понедельнику.)

  2. yet (Самолет еще не приземлился.)

  3. for (Мы живем в Нью-Йорке три года.)

  4. After (После того, как они съели торт, они убрали со стола.)

  5. by then (Они украсят елку к тому времени.)

  6. already (Моя дядя уже починил машину.)

  7. since (Я не встречал их после свадьбы.)

  8. By the time (К тому времени как солнце село, фермеры уже закончили работу.)

  9. ever (Ты была когда-нибудь замужем, Келли?)

  10. How long (Как долго он знает ее?)

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