Урок-соревнование по творчеству Шекспира «Лучший знаток Шекспира»

Урок-соревнование «Лучший знаток Шекспира» проводится с использованием информационных технологий. Урок разработан для учащихся 9-11 классов общеобразовательных школ, изучающих английский язык со 2 класса.     В конспекте урока дается подробное описание всех заданий с использованием страноведческого материала на тему «Известные люди», правила проведения соревнования, а также ключи ко всем заданиям.Учащиеся работают в группах. Материал также может быть использован для проведения внеклассного мероп...
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Урок по творчеству Шекспира " Лучший знаток Шекспира."



Познакомить учащихся с творчеством Шекспира;

развивать творческие способности ;

формировать социокультурную компетенцию учащихся;

расширять их лингвострановедческое образование;

повышать интерес к чтению, как английских , так и русских классиков.


Воспитывать у учащихся чувство прекрасного, любовь к английской литературе,

уважение к культуре страны изучаемого языка.


Ноутбук, проектор, презентация слайдов в Power Point,

План урока.

I.Оргмомент. Вступительное слово учителя.

Today we are going to speak about one of the greatest English poets William Shakespeare. It is impossible to speak about the English literature without speaking about this author. He was the man who had he largest and most comprehensive soul. People all over the world can't help admiring his great talent.

William Shakespeare…The brilliant poet, the marvelous dramatist, the greatest of the poet. He was not of an age, but for all time.

II. Просмотр презентации о жизни Шекспира.

Now let's watch the presentation and know about William Shakespeare' life.

III. Сообщения учащихся о жизни и творчестве Шекспира.

It's time to listen to you. What do you know about this great poet?

Pupil 1: The name of William Shakespeare is known all over the world. The last half of the 16th and the beginning of the 17th centuries are known as the Golden Age of English Renaissance and sometimes are called " The Age of Shakespeare."

Pupil 2: People often call Shakespeare " Our National Bard", " The Immortal Poet of Nature." We really know few facts of his life and many of them are doubtful. But some facts are known to us and are proved by documents.

Pupil 3: The first fact of Shakespeare's biography is that he was born on April 23,1564 in Stratford-on-Avon. His father was a dealer in corn, meat, wool. His mother was a daughter of a rich farmer in the village of Wilmcote.

Pupil 4: We also know that being 18 years old, William married Anne Hathaway, who was 9 years lder than himself. They had a daughter Susanna and twins - son Hamnet an daughter Judith.

Pupil 5: It's known that in 1567 he went to London to find a job, where he began writing plays staged at the Globe Theatre. By 1592 he had been an important member of a well-known acting company.

Pupil 6: It is known that only in 1616 at the height of his fame Shakespeare returned to Stratford where on April 23, 1616 he died. He was buried in a fine old church in Stratford.

IV. Работа в группах.

You'll work in groups to find out who knows Shakespeare better.

I.Here some famous quotes from Shakespeare. Can you match the two halves to make the quote?

1. All the world's stage

2. Love is blind

3. Neither a borrower

4. To be, or not to be

5.Things without remedy

6. The course of true love

7. O Romeo, Romeo !

8. A horse! A horse !

  1. that is the question

  2. never did run smooth

  3. wherefore art thou Romeo ?

  4. and all the men and women are merely players

  5. me kingdom for a horse

  6. and lovers cannot see

  7. nor a lender be

  8. should be without regard; what's done is done

II. Match the names of the characters with the plays they are in.

1. Tybalt A. Taming of the Shrew

2. Desdemona B. Macbeth

3 Petruchio C. Hamlet

4. Malcolm D. Pomeo and Juliet

5. Brutus E. Othello

6. Ophelia F. Merchant of Venice

7. Bassanio G. Julius Caesar

8. Iago

9. Mark Anthony

10. Katharine

III. Choose the correct word in the text and underline it.

Of all the famous English writers, probably the good known/ best known is William Shakespeare.

His work looked at common human themes / topics, such as betrayal, murder, lust, power, ambition and love. These themes are as much a part of human character /nature today as they were all those years ago and are the themes we see in popular/ modern soup operas and Hollywood films. Even though his theatre, The Globe, crashed/ burned down in 1613 it was opened / rebuilt in London in 1997 and you can still see his plays performed there today.

Shakespeare's influence / power on the English language can still be felt today. We talk about " fair play," meaning honest conduct / behaviour but this phrase was first used by Shakespeare. He coined the sentence / phrase " you can have too much of a good thing". And it was Shakespeare who came up with the expression to disappear" into thin air" which we still use / supply today when we lose something.

Shakespeare's work has been translated into every mayor / major language in the world. And perhaps we'll still be as influenced / fascinated by his work 450 years from now as we've been for almost the last 450.

IV. Match the word with the definition.

1. playwright A. a play for the theatre ,usually a serious one

2. bard B. the ability to form pictures or ideas in your mind

3. poet C. a writer of plays; dramatist

4. comedy D. a poem of 14 lines expressive of a single idea

5. tragedy E. a person who composed or recited poems with music

6. sonnet F. a play that is intended to make people laugh

7. imagination G. someone who writes poems

8. drama H. a serious play that ends sadly, especially with the death of the

main character

V. Complete the sentences with one word only.

1.In Titus Andronicus, Aaron is punished __________ being buried alive.

2.At the end of Othello, Iago is sentenced _________death.

3.In The Merchant of Venice, Shylock is charged _________attempted murder.

4.In Hamlet, the Prince of Denmark accuses his uncle ________killing his father.

5.In The Taming of the shrew, Katharine is punished ________being strong minded.

6.Macbeth and his wife are guilty _______treason.

7.In Shakespeare's times, treason was punished __________ hanging.

VI. Write these words in the right order to make some famous quotations.

  1. be, is be, or not the To question to that

  2. music food be the of If love, on! Play

  3. once can but die A man

  4. the of Denmark is state Something rottenun

  5. Cowards die many times before their deaths

  6. Know we what not are, know be we but may We

  7. Come Nothing of will nothing

  8. A kingdom My horse! Horse! A horse! A for

VII. Разгадывание кроссворда. Shakespeare's quotations.

1). "To be or not to be: that is the question."

Быть или не быть : вот в чем вопрос.

2) " All the world's stage, and all the men and women merely players."

Весь мир театр. В нем женщины, мужчины - все актеры.

3) " Have more than you show. Speak less than you know."

Имей больше, чем показываешь. Говори меньше. Чем знаешь.

4) " How shaper than a serpent's tooth it is to have a thankless child."

Острей зубов змеиных неблагодарность детища.

5 " If music be a play of love, play on !"

О ,музыка, ты пища для любви! Играй те же.

6) " Neither a borrower nor a lender be."

В долг не давай и взаймы не бери.

7) " Life is not all cakes and ale."

Жизнь прожить - не поле перейти.

8)" Much ado about nothing."

Много шума из ничего.

9)" Brevity is the soul of wit."

Краткость - сестра таланта.

10)" Sweets to the sweet."

Прекрасное - прекрасней.

11)" All is well that ends well."

Все хорошо, что хорошо кончается.

VIII. Подведение итогов.

Teacher: Dear friends! Thank you for the lesson. You have learnt a lot of things about Shakespeare's family, his native town, his place and his sonnets. You have seen the presentation. I think it was very interesting . Shakespeare was a great poet.

He was " for all time "

The winner of our game is group № 3. I hope that Shakespeare's phrases will make your speech richer and more interesting. The lesson is over. Good -bye.


IV. Работа в группах.

  1. 1 D; 2 F; 3G; 4 A; 5 H; 6 B; 7 C; 8 E.

  1. 1 D; 2 E; 3 A; 4 B; 5 G; 6 C; 7 F; 8 E; 9 G; 10 A.

  2. Best known; themes; nature; modern; burned; rebuilt; influence; behaviour; phrase; use; major; fascinated.

  3. 1 C: 2 E: 3 G: 4 F: 5 H: 6 D: 7 B: 8 A.

  4. 1 by; 2 to:;3 with; 4 of; 5 for; 6 of; 7 by.

  5. 1. To be or not to be? That is the quesyion.

2. If music be the food of love, play on!

3. A man can die but once.

4. Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.

5. Cowards die many times before their deaths.

6. We know what we are , but know not we may be.

7. Nothing will come of nothing.

8. A horse! A horse! My kingdom for a horse!


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