Итоговое оценивание (тест) по английскому языку для 11 класса

данная разработка тестирования включает в себя текст, работу с текстом.вопросы по тексту. высказывание своего мнения и отношения к тексту.Грамданная разработка тестирования включает в себя текст, работу с текстом.вопросы по тексту. высказывание своего мнения и отношения к тексту.Грамматическая часть содержит задания на различные грамматические темы, изученные за весь период обучения.творческая часть подразумевает определенную тему сочинения.ученики должны написать сочинение по стандартному плану...
Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 11 класс
Тип Тесты
Формат doc
Изображения Нет
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Семестровый тест по английскому языку

в 11 классе (реальный профиль) за I cеместр 2010-2011 уч. года.

Student's name _________________________ Date __________________

Teacher's name _________________________


  1. Read the text and do the post-text activities.

The Curse of the Mummy.

Egyptian Pharaohs believed that when they died they would pass into Paradise. The journey would be long and tiring and so useful items such as money, gold jewelry, weapons, food and clothes would be necessary. These were assembled around the king's coffin.

Because the body itself would also be needed, great care was taken to preserve it using oils. It was then wrapped in bandages. This process -- called Mummification - was supervised throughout by a high priest who would weave magical spell around the mummified king.

The mummy's curse was born more than 3,000 years ago, when, to deter grave-robbers, the Pharaohs let it be known that anyone who broke into a tomb was doomed to a terrible fate.

The tomb of Tutankhamen, an Egyptian Pharaoh who died very young, was opened on 17 February 1923 by Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon. They ignored the warning on the grave, which promised death to all who touched it. Two months later lord Carnarvon died from a mosquito bite that was in exactly the same spot as the blemish on the face of Tutankhamen. Within 15 years all except two of the 21 men involved in discovering the tomb had died.

In 1972 it was Britain's turn to display Tutankhamen's beautiful golden death mask. The Cairo curator in charge of the dispatch was Dr.Gamal Mehrez who scoffed at talk of the mummy's curse. "I don't believe in the curse for one moment," he said. Dr. Mehrez spent all day supervising the packing up of Tutankhamen's treasures. That same evening he suffered a massive heart attack and died. He was 52.

One of the most mysterious events linked to the Pharaohs' curse happened in 1912 as a huge ocean liner packed with passengers crossed the Atlantic. Among its cargo hold was a mummy, which was kept in a room behind the bridge. The ship, the Titanic, hit an iceberg and sank with the loss of 1,513 lives.

  1. Answer the questions.

1. What did Egyptian Pharaohs believe? (2p)


2. Why would such items as money, jewelry, weapons, food and clothes be necessary? (2p)


3. How was the process of preserving the body called? (2p)


4. When was the mummy's curse born? (2p)


6. Do you believe in mysteries? Do you think that mysteries are only people's imagination? (7p.)


4.Grammar: choose the best variant.

1. You can't come out now. It ____________ (rain). (2p.)

2. Yesterday when I came home, Ann ____________________ (wait) for me. 2p.)

3. All my friends are interested _____ books.(1p.)

4. Money __________ (to be) the main thing in his life.(1p.)

5. Helen said to her little brother: "Come back home, please".(2p.)


6. Jane said: "We went to the theatre yesterday."(2p.)


7. John said to his friend: " When will you visit this museum?"(2p.)


8. I wish I ______________ (take) life more seriously.(2p.)

9. If only I ______________ (have) more pocket money.(2p.)

10. A mouse ________________ (not live) by crumbs alone.(2p.)

11. I didn't do my homework, but I wish I _________________ ( do).(2p.)

12. She is not at school, but I wish she _______________ (be).(2p.)

13. If it doesn't rain we _________________ (go) on a trip in the afternoon.(2p.)

14. If we managed to get to the top, we ______________ (get) a good view.(2p.)

15. We ______________ (play) football, if the weather had been nice yesterday.(2p.)

16. I am looking forward to _______________ (hear) from you soon. (2p.)

3. Comment on:" In harmony with nature."


Total: 75p.

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