Самостоятельная работа Present Continuous ( 5 класс)

Самостоятельная работа для 5 класса учебника Биболетовой М.З. В данной самостоятельной работе присутствуют два задания. Первое: грамматитеский тест из десяти заданий на знание и употребление Present Continuous (настоящего продолженного времени), включая глоголы, которые не употребляются в этом грамматическом времени. И второе задание: грамматический тест на сравнение Present Continuous (настоящего продолженного времени) и Present Simple (настоящего простого вемени), состоящий из десяти заданий. ...
Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 5 класс
Тип Тесты
Формат docx
Изображения Нет
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№ 1 Present Continuous

Обратите внимание на глаголы, не употребляющиеся в Continuous

  1. Ron and Michael ___ at the table and doing their homework.

A. is sitting B. are siting C. are sitting

  1. My sister ___ a shower at the moment.

A. is having B. is have C. are having

  1. I ___ what you mean.

A. am not understanding B. don't understand C. am not understand

  1. He ___ to use a computer at the moment.

A. are learning B. is learn C. is learning

  1. ___ in the park right now?

A. Is she run B. Is she running C. Is she runing

  1. The students ___ a new project this semester.

A. are doing B. is doing C. doing

  1. ___ any languages at the moment?

A. Are you studing B. Are you study C. Are you studying

  1. My car is broken, so I ___ my mum's.

A. am use B. am using C. is using

  1. ___ this performance?

A. Do you like B. Do you liking C. Are you liking

  1. They ___ dinner at the moment.

A. is not having B. are not having C. are not have

№ 2 Present Simple и Present Continuous

1. "Excuse me, (you / to speak) English?

A. do you speak B. are you speaking

2. "Where's Andrew?" - "I (to know)."

A. don't know B. am not knowing

3. What (you / to laugh at )?

A. do you laugh at B. are you laughing at

4. "Where (you / to come from)?" - "Russia".

A. do you come from B. are you coming from

5. Anna is a good golf player but she (to play) very often.

A. doesn't play B. isn't playing

6. I am sorry but I (not to understand). Can you speak louder?

A. don't understand B. am not understanding

7. Listen! Someone (to sing).

A. sings B. is singing

8. You can turn the TV off. I (not to watch) it.

A. don't watch B. am not watching

9. I usually (to leave) my house at 8 p.m.

A. is leaving B. leave

10. Misha is tired. He (to want) to go home now.

A. wants B. is wanting

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