Контрольная работа по английскому языку по теме Артикльв 7 классе

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 7 класс
Тип Другие методич. материалы
Формат zip
Изображения Нет
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Средняя общеобразовательная школа №16 города Кимры Тверской области.

Контрольная работа по английскому языку в

7 классе по УМК Биболетовой М. З., Трубанева Н.Н.


учитель английского языка

Можаева Татьяна Ивановна

Кимры 2016

I variant

Task I. Translate into English.

1. Португалия 4. путешествовать по воздуху 7. кленовый лист 10. Грузия

2. родной язык 5. население 8. Столица 11.Швеция

3.страна 6. китайский (язык) 9. Венгрия 12. Испания

Task 2. Put in the article "the" where it is necessary.

1. ……New York is in ………USA.

2. I usually spend a lot of time in …. Netherlands every summer.

3. ……Russian Federation will always be the best place in the world.

4. …… is famous for kangaroos.

5. Who knows ……. . . . capital of ….Italy?

Task 3. Answer the question:

1. Which language do people speak in Germany? -

2. Which language do people speak in Georgia? -

3. Which language do people speak in Armenia? -

4. Which language do people speak in Russia? -

Task 4. Put in who or which.

1. You can't sit on a chair ……. . is broken.

2. Give me a photo ……. . I bought yesterday.

3. This is a boy……. I met in the theatre yesterday.

4. Don't eat the mushrooms……… are harmful!

Task 5. Translate the sentences into English in Passive Voice.

1. Эта тетрадь была куплена моим другом на прошлом неделе.

2. Мои родители были приглашены на вечеринку.

3. Письма будут отправляться два раза в неделю.

4. На немецком языке говорят много людей.

Task 6. Answer the following question in 3 - 4 sentences.

Why do you study English ?

II variant

Task I. Translate into English.

1.Польша 4. путешествовать на cамолете 7. Италия 10. Армения

2. иностранный язык 5. Страна 8. столица 11. Швеция

3. национальность 6. Японский (язык) 9. Венгрия 12. город

Task 2. Put in the article "the" where it is necessary.

1. My friend comes from ……. . UK or Great Britain.

2. …… capital of ……. Australia is …….Canberra.

3. ……. India is not the largest country in the world

4. Welcome to ……. . . Africa for summer.

5. …. Italy is smaller than …Russia.

Task 3. Answer the question:

1. Which language do people speak in Greece? -

2. Which language do people speak in Canada? -

3. Which language do people speak in Italy? -

4. Which language do people speak in Spain? -

Task 4. Put in who or which.

1. This is the car……. . I'd really like to buy.

2. The girl……… I saw yesterday was very tactful.

3. Can you give me the phone number ……. . I gave you recently?

4. These are the children ……… won the competitions.

Task 5. Translate the sentences into English in Passive Voice.

1. Это здание было построено 15 лет назад.

2. Катю сегодня спросят на уроке математики.

3.Чай был куплен моей бабушкой.

4.Немецкий язык не изучают во всех школах.

Task 6. Answer the following question in 3 - 4 sentences.

What languages would you like to learn and why?


1 вариант.

Task 1.

  1. Portugal

  2. A native language

  3. A country

  4. To travel by plane

  5. Population

  6. The Chinese language

  7. A maple tree

  8. A capital

  9. Hungary

  10. Georgia

  11. Sweden

  12. Spain

Task 2.

1. - , the

2. the

3. the


5. the, --

Task 3.

  1. German

  2. Georgian

  3. Armenian

  4. Russian

Task 4.

  1. Which

  2. Which

  3. Who

  4. Which

Task 5.

1. This exercise-book was bought by my friend last week.

2. My parents were invited to the party.

3. The letters will be sent two times a week.

4. The German is spoken by many people.

2 вариант.

1. Task 1.

  1. Poland

  2. A foreign language

  3. Nationality

  4. To travel by plane

  5. A country

  6. Japanese

  7. Italy

  8. A capital

  9. Hungary

  10. Armenia

  11. Sweden

  12. A city, a town

2. Task 2.

1. The

2. The, -,-.

3. -

4. -

5. -, - .

3. Task 3.


2. English

3. Italian


4. Task 4.

1. which

2. who

3. which

4. who

5. Task 5.

1. This building was built 15 years ago.

2. Kate will be asked in Maths today.

3. Tea was bought by my grandmother.

4. The German is not learnt in all schools.

Список использованной литературы

1. Ю.Б.Голицынский, Н.А.Голицынская, Английский язык. Грамматика. Сборник упражнений. М.: КАРО, 2005.

2. Virginia Evans- Jenny Dooley, Enterprise 2 EU, Express Publishing, 2007.

3. R.Murphy. Essential English Grammar in Use: a Self-study Reference and Practice Book for Intermediate Students of English. R.Murphy, 2002

4. Лондон (темы, упражнения, диалоги). М.А. Гацкевич. Издательство «Каро», С.-Петербург, 2007г.

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