Пресс-конференция, посвященная 70-ю Великой Победы (7-11 классы)

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Класс 7 класс
Тип Другие методич. материалы
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Сценарий пресс-конференции , посвященной 70-летию победы в Великой Отечественной Войне, может быть проведен в среднем (с 7 -11 классы) и старшем звеньях школы.

Организацию такой пресс-конференции нужно начинать заранее. Она включает подготовку мультимедиа презентации, бейджиков для участников, табличек на стол президиума. Детям следует раздать тексты выступления, дать задание подготовить слайд-шоу для той газеты, которую они представляют.

Необходимо подготовить кабинет, превратив его в конференц-зал, подобрать инструментальную музыку для фона, например, мною были использованы «День победы», «Тучи в голубом», «Журавли», «Синий платочек».


  • интерактивный комплекс (доска, компьютер, колонки),

  • таблички на стол президиума,

  • бейджики с фамилиями учащихся и названием издания, которое они представляют, 2 листа формата А1,

  • заготовки статей и иллюстрации,

  • ножницы (4 шт.), клей-карандаш (4 шт.),

  • краски, фломастеры, маркеры, цветные карандаши.

План мероприятия

  1. Приветствие гостей и участников пресс-конференции

  2. Вступительное слово организатора

  3. Презентация редакторами своих газет

  4. Пресс-конференция

  5. Вёрстка макетов газет

  6. Подведение итогов

Ход мероприятия

1) Приветствие гостей и участников пресс-конференции

Good morning! Today we have a press-conference devoted to the 70-th anniversary of the victory in the Second World War! And now, please, welcome the participants of our press-conference! Our guests today are:

The editor-in-chief of "The Daily Express" - Peter Hill,

The editor-in-chief of "The Daily Mirror" - Mary Howarth,

The editor-in-chief of "Pravda" - Valentina Nikiforova,

The editor-in-chief of "News of the World" - Rebecca Wade.

Also, please, welcome the representatives of the magazines "People", "OK!", "The Daily Mail" and "New York Times".

2) Вступительное слово организатора

The enemy attacked Soviet Union unexpectedly. This unreadiness to war led to great victims and the huge price of the won victory. And the Soviet press was that tool which convinced and mobilized people for a feat, on self-sacrifice, on overcoming of extreme difficulties. The best journalistic and literary forces have been put on service to this ideological problem. They talently, hotly and sincerely wrote about feats and heroism of soldiers, about the difficulties and courage of people, about their stability and love to the Native land. Journalists often risked their lives, especially press photographers and cameramen to carry out the task of edition, sometimes they died.

What and how did newspapers write during the war? Were there any differences between the information which was given in foreign editions and the Soviet press? Today we'll study this question. Let's begin with presentations of editors-in-chief of their editions.

3) Презентация редакторами своих газет

Главные гости конференции презентуют свои издания, демонстрируют заготовленные мультимедийные презентации.

- Hello! My name is Peter Hill and I'm the editor-in-chief of the newspaper "The Daily Express". I'd like to present you my newspaper.

The Daily Express is a conservative, British tabloid newspaper. It was founded in 1900. The Daily Express was one of the first papers to carry gossip, sports, and women's features, and the first newspaper in Britain to have a crossword. It was also the first newspaper to carry news instead of adverts on the front page. The Russian communist revolutionary Leon Trotsky wrote dispatches for the paper following his expulsion from the Soviet Union in 1929. The Daily Express became popular with staying in touch with the interests of the reading public.

- Hello! My name is Mary Howarth and I'm the editor-in-chief of the newspaper "The Daily Mirror". I'd like to present you my newspaper.

The Daily Mirror is a British tabloid newspaper founded in 1903. Twice in its history, from 1985 to 1987, and from 1997 to 2002, the title on its first page was changed to read simply The Mirror. In the late 1930s the Mirror transformed itself from a gently declining, respectable, conservative, middle-class newspaper into a sensationalist left-wing paper for the working class that soon proved a runaway business success. The Mirror was the first UK paper to adopt the appearance of the New York tabloids, and was noted for its consistent campaign opposing the appeasement of Adolf Hitler. By 1939, it was selling 1.4 million copies a day.

- Hello! My name is Valentina Nikiforova and I'm the editor-in-chief of the newspaper "Pravda". I'd like to present you my newspaper.

Pravda was a leading newspaper of the Soviet Union and an official organ of the Central Committee of the Communist Party between 1912 and 1991. The original Pravda was founded by Leon Trotsky as a Russian social democratic newspaper aimed at Russian workers. The paper was published abroad and was smuggled into Russia. The first issue was published in Austria on October 3, 1908. The Pravda newspaper was started in 1912 in St. Petersburg. The offices of the newspaper were transferred to Moscow on March 3, 1918 when the Soviet capital was moved there. Pravda became an official publication, or "organ", of the Soviet Communist Party. Pravda became the conduit for announcing official policy and policy changes and would remain so until 1991. After the paper was closed down in 1991 by decree of Boris Yeltsin, many of the staff founded a new paper with the same name, which is now a tabloid-style Russian news source.

- Hello! My name is Rebecca Wade and I'm the editor-in-chief of "The News of the World". I'd like to present you my newspaper.

The News of the World is a British tabloid newspaper published every Sunday. It is published by News Group Newspapers of News International, itself a subsidiary of Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation, and can be considered the Sunday sister paper of The Sun. The newspaper concentrates on celebrity-based scoops and populist news. With sales averaging 3 million copies per week in February 2010, the News of the World is the largest selling English-language newspaper in the world.

4) Пресс-конференция

- "OK!" Magazine, Blazenova Victoriya. The question to the editor-in-chief of "The Daily Express". What did your newspaper print during the WW2? Thank you!

- The Daily Express carried a high news content together with analysis by a stable of regular writers supplemented by special field reporters and outside contributors. The regular writers included Anthony Cotterell, Sefton Delmer, William Barkley. Leon Trotsky published an exclusive article explaining that "Stalin is afraid of Hitler" (18 September 1939). Lord Beaverbrook, the owner of the newspaper also wrote a number of articles such as: "They Also Serve" (17 February 1940); "Prospects of Victory" (13 January 1940) "The way the war is going" (4 March 1940); "Paying for the war" (5 March 1940); "What is the Damage?" (6 May 1940); Man, the Front Line of Science (18 June 1940); and on Production (29 January 1942).

- "OK!" magazine, Dulkina Yulia. The question to the editor-in-chief of "The Daily Express". Was there something special in your newspaper? Thank you!

- Serialised stories were also a strong feature and were of the highest size. Agatha Christie's Poirot was a regular visitor to the pages of the Daily Express as were short stories and serials by writers such as Lord Dunsany, Dorothy Parker. The Air Ministry's account of "The Battle of Britain" was also extremely popular, appearing from 31 March 1941. Other notable elements of the Daily Express were William Hickey's gossip column, book reviews by Jonah Barrington and film reviews by Guy Morgan and Paul Holt.

- "People" Magazine, Berkausova Anna. The question to the editor-in-chief of "The Daily Mirror". What did your newspaper print during the WW2? Thank you!

- More than any other paper The Daily Mirror also showed that it had its finger on the pulse of popular culture by creating the images and ideas which whipped up patriotic sentiments. In October 1939 it offered a front page to be cut out and pasted on to a dartboard, with Hitler as the target. On 4 September 1939 and following, is issued "Wanted" posters for Hitler and Ribbentrop, picturing them as gangsters. The Daily Mirror promoted a smile campaign and its pictures of the Queen amidst the Blitz (September 1940) helped to turn the Queen's brave and compassionate actions into a powerful royalist myth. In 1941 The Daily Mirror pushed the "Victory V" campaign which rapidly spread from Churchill to the people, the army, and resisters in occupied Europe.

- "New York Times", Shkileva Anastasia. The question to the editor-in-chief of "The Daily Mirror". What was special in your newspaper? Thank you!

- Of all the newspapers The Daily Mirror was undeniably the most modern in its tabloid format, its strong use of photos, its strong use of headlines, and its general organisation and content.

- "The Daily Mail", Semenjuk Dmitriy. The question to the editor-in-chief of "Pravda". Were there any differences between your newspaper and the foreign ones? Thank you!

- During the Great Patriotic War «Pravda» was the passionate propagandist and the organizer of national struggle against fascist aggressors. Through this newspaper Central Committee turned to people and army, putting before them the problems connected with war. The newspaper printed slogans of party, published performances of the party leaders, the Soviet government and the Soviet military leaders. On pages of «Pravda» acted the oldest figures of a party and also outstanding figures of international communistic and working-class movement. «Pravda» printed materials by Sovetinformburo about the international and internal events, sketches about heroism of soldiers and the guerrilla, labour feats of workers and collective farmers, about patriotic acts of the Soviet people.

  • "New York Times", Kondakov Artem. The question to the editor-in-chief of "News of the World". What did your newspaper print during the WW2? Thank you!

- The News of the World could easily lay claim to the title of Britain's dominant newspaper during the war. Packed with news - as well as with popular serial, sports and entertainment features - the people like what they saw and an estimated pre-war circulation of 3.75 million surged to an incredible 7.9 millions by 1948.

There were articles: "War on three continents"; "What does Japan intend?" (21 July 1939); "Balme for Pearl Harbour"; "Meaning of Soviet Political Changes"; "American Post-War Responsibilities" (2 April 1944); and "How shall we Build the New Britain?"

Like most papers, the last issue of the year offered a retrospective analysis of the year and hopes for future. The paper decided that 1945 was "Britain's greatest and best" year even if Churchill had been deposed, an event greeted with a re-drawing of the famous "Dropping the Pilot" cartoon (29 July 1945).

5) Вёрстка макетов газет

Well, excellent work! Thank you!

Now it's time to use everything we knew! We'll make models of newspapers! The 1st group (our guests and the representatives of "News of the world") will make the model of English newspaper. The 2nd group (the representatives of "OK!", "People" and "New York Times") will make a model of Russian newspaper.

(Учащиеся изготавливают макеты газет на листах А1, используя заранее заготовленные статьи и иллюстрации, красочно все оформляют)

  1. Подведение итогов

Well, it's time to make a conclusion!

You worked very hard today! Now we know a lot about the popular newspapers during the WW2. We know the difference between all of them. We also made wonderful models of newspapers which will decorate our class-room. Thank you for coming! I hope to see you in 5 years at the anniversary of 70-years of Victory! Good bye!

Список литературы:

  1. Popular newspapers during World war II [Электронный ресурс] - Режим доступа adam-matthew-publications.co.uk/, свободный. - Загл. с экрана. - Яз. англ

  2. WWW II publications [Электронный ресурс] - Режим доступа blitzandpeaces.co.uk/, свободный. - Загл. с экрана. - Яз. англ


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