Эссе, посвящённое Дню воинской славы: «Подвиг Ваш. .. конечно не измерить. .. Всё потому, что. .. Родина. .. Одна!»

Работа написана в честь 70-летия  победы в битве на Курской дуге, которая явилась переломным моментом в изгнании фашистских захватчиков с нашей территории.В эссе говорится о том, какими силами далась нам эта победа, сколько боевой техники было использовано и сколько человеческих жизней унесла эта битва. Танковое сражение под Прохоровкой - одно из самых героических танковых сражений в истории.Наша армия потеряла в этой битве 6000 танков и 86300 солдат. Мы помним и благодарим тех, кто отдал свои ж...
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Дню воинской славы Родины посвящается:

«Подвиг Ваш…конечно не измерить…

Все потому что…Родина… одна!»


Сафонова Наталья Олеговна, 9 класс

143006 Московская область

г. Одинцово, ул. Комсомольская, д. 2, кв. 31


Чернякова Татьяна Михайловна

учитель английского языка


Одинцовского муниципального района



Municipal educational institution

Secondary comprehensive school № 3


"The Day of Military Honour - 70 years since the Battle of Kursk"

Made by

Safonova Natalya,

Grade 9 A


Chernyakova T.M.



The Battle of Kursk

Battle of Kursk. It sounds tragic and proud. Soviet soldiers maintained stubborn resistance to fascist aggressors for 50 days (July, 5 - August, 23, 1943).

Following their disastrous defeat in Stalingrad during the winter of 1942-43, the German armed forces launched an offensive in the East known as Operation Citadel on July 4, 1943. The climax of Operation Citadel, the Battle of Kursk, involved as many as 6000 tanks, 4000 aircraft and 2 million fighting men and is remembered as the greatest tank battle in history. The high-water mark of the battle was the massive armor engagement in Prokhorovka, some 50 miles to the south-east of Kursk. It began on July, 12 and turned out to be the largest tank battle of World War II. In total, 1500 tanks were involved there.

Fascists met with a fitting rebuff. The German retreat was severely hindered by partisans as they destroyed many miles of rail line which ensured that train engines piled up at rail heads, making them an easy target for the Russian Air Force. In the rear women, old people and children worked really hard at factories to help the front.

Both sides suffered great losses. Wehrmacht lost 30 divisions (7 armored divisions included), more than 500000 soldiers and officers, 1500 tanks. The Soviet Union lost 863000 fighting men, 6000 tanks. After the Battle of Kursk the correlation of forces changed in favour of the Red Army, and it secured favourable environment for the Soviet strategic offensive.

The Day of Military Honour (the victory over Germany in the Battle of Kursk) is in August, 23. We commemorate and thank those who gave their lives for our happy independent future.

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