Школьный тур олимпиады по английскому языку

Раздел Иностранные языки
Класс 5 класс
Тип Тесты
Формат doc
Изображения Нет
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Школьный тур олимпиады по английскому языку. (5 класс)

Максимальное количество баллов-76 б

Level I (I уровень)- 1 балл

Level II( II уровень)-2 балла

Level III(III уровень) -3 балла

I.Reading. Read the text and answer the questions. (Чтение. Прочитай текст и выполни задание после текста)


  1. Christmas is the biggest holiday of the year. British people celebrate it on the 25th of December. Christmas is a home and family celebration in Britain. Those who live away try to get back home.

  2. Before Christmas everybody buys Christmas presents for friends and relatives. People try to give children the presents they want. Children count the weeks, then the days to Christmas.

  3. On Christmas Eve, families and friends gather for celebration. Housewives are busy preparing food, and children are sent to bed. They are told if they don't go to sleep, Father Christmas will not bring them any presents. Then, when they are asleep, the parents come into their bedrooms and leave the presents near their beds, or under the Christmas tree, or in a stocking hanging up somewhere in the room.

  4. The parties that British children like to celebrate most of all are Christmas and birthday parties.




Level 1

Прочитай текст (1-4) и найди соответствие с заголовками (A-D).(4б)

  1. Любимые праздники

  1. Самый большой праздник

  1. Правила для ребят

  1. Подарки для каждого

Level 2

Прочитайте текст. Выберите правильный вариант ответа (a - True, b - False, с -doesn't say). (10б)

  1. There is no big celebration on Christmas holiday.

a - True b - False с - doesn't say

  1. Children always wait for Christmas and Christmas presents.

a - True b - False с - doesn't say

  1. On Christmas Eve, families decorate the Christmas tree.

a - True b - False с - doesn't say

  1. Children can find their Christmas present in their rooms.

a - True b - False с - doesn't say

  1. Children like Christmas party most of all.

a - True b - False с - doesn't say

Level 3

Сопоставь праздник с датой. (9б)

  1. The 1st of January Halloween

  2. The 31st October Christmas day

  3. The 25th of December New year

  1. Лексика.

Level 1

  1. Вычеркни лишнее слово (4б)

  1. Mother , father, rabbit, uncle, brother

  2. Big, small, slim, plump, lazy, friend

  3. Flute,family, dombyra, violin, guitar

  4. Red, brown, blue, green, bike

Level 2

Дополни предложение . (8 б)

  1. My mother's sister is my_________

  1. Uncle b) brother c) sister d) aunt e) grandfather

  1. My father's niece is my____

  1. Cousin b) mother c) sister d) grandfather e) uncle

  1. My mother's son is my ____-

  1. Father b) brother c) sister d) cousin e) aunt

  1. My father's mother is my ______

  1. Grandfather b) sister c) mother d)grandmother e) brother

Level 3

Заполни анкету(15б)

  1. What is your name?___________________________________

  2. What is your surname?________________________________

  3. How old are you?_____________________________________

  4. Where are you from?__________________________________

  5. Which class are you in?________________________________

Грамматика .

I. Level 1.Выбери пропущенный в предложении глагол, обведи нужную букву в кружок.(2 б)

1.Art lessons … interesting.

  1. Is b) are c) to be

2.My mother …tacher.

  1. Is b) are c) have

II. Level 2. Выбери правильный вариант ответа (4 б)

1.What is your sister like ?

  1. She likes sport B) she is pupil c) she can read

2.How old are you ?

  1. I am student b) I am from Kazakhstan c) I am 12 years old

III. Level 3 Образуй множественное число существительных.(9 б)

a ball - a city - a foot-


I. Расставь реплики в нужном порядке, чтобы получился диалог. (1 б)

1). Where are you from? 2). Hi! 3). I am from Britain. 4). Hello!

a) 3,4,2,1. b) 2,3,4,1. c) 4,2,1,3.

II. Подбери ответную реплику.(4 б)

1).Can you speak English?

a) Here you are. b) Yes, I can speak c) Thank you.

2). Do you have a pet?

a) Yes, very good. b) yes, I have got dog c) No idea!

III. Допиши реплики, чтобы получился диалог.(6 б)

- Hello!

- …-

Where are you from?

- …

- Do you speak English?

Лист ответа


1 уровень





2 Уровень







  1. New year

  2. Halloween

  3. -Christmas day


1 уровень

  1. Rabbit

  2. Friend

  3. Family

  4. Bike

2 уровень

  1. D

  2. A

  3. B

  4. D


1 уровень











1 уровень




3 уровень

-Hi(hello, good morning)

-I am from Kazakhstan

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